I have a tune that is getting positive deviation limp when boost is ramping very slowly (WOT at low rpm)
It has a scaled MAF file (85mm), and a very restrictive stock intake.
According to the FR, the positive deviation diag is MinError here:
So according to this, to get positive deviation, you need
1) B_ldr (PID active) true
2) B_ldob false (assuming always true for S4, since KFLDRX0 is all zeros)
3) B_ladan true (rpm over 2600-3000, depending on ambient pressure)
4) rl_w (load) > SDLDRA (84.75)
5) lde > EDLDRP (100mbar)
6) ldimxak_w>=TVLDIMX (which doesn't exist in Mbox, but TVLDMX does, which i assume means WGDC>=95%)
7) all of the above true for > TDLDRA seconds (there are two TDLDRA's in Mbox, one is .65, the other is 1.5)
I am thinking the combination of slow ramp and scaled MAF is causing this to occur in my tune. Comments?