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 on: Today at 10:44:30 AM 
Started by LynxTuning - Last post by _nameless
The method you choose depends on your budget and needs. Here are some options for ECU flashing and logging:

FT232RL Cable
Cost: $10 - $30
Port flashing with NefMoto.
Boot mode recovery by patching the serial number to match the Galletto software requirements.
Reading and writing EEPROM (requires boot mode).
Requires a bench setup to connect to the ECU or keeping the ECU open and plugged into the car, which can be risky. Any mistakes could short out and fry the ECU.
MPPS V12/13:
Cost: $15
Compatibility: Works well with Windows XP/7, but buggy with newer versions.
Port flashing.
Boot mode flashing.
Cost: $35
Compatibility: Stable on Windows 7-11.
Port flashing.
Boot mode recovery.
Reading and writing EEPROM (useful for disabling the immobilizer).
Requires a bench setup to connect to the ECU or flashing the ECU while still plugged into the car. Any mistakes could short out and fry the ECU.
Kess and K-Tag
Cost: Around $80 for the set
Best for ME7.5:
Some protocol issues with early ME7.1.1 ECUs, but should not affect ME7.5.
Includes a breakout harness and its own power supply.
Compatible with all Windows versions.
Includes pinouts for bench flashing.
Best Option: J2534 cable like Tactrix Openport 2 or similar cable.
Supports K-Line.
Works with logging software such as Vehical for data logging.
Each tool has its advantages, so choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.

 on: Today at 10:00:10 AM 
Started by 360trev - Last post by ejg3855
Still Doesn't want to write anything

C:\Users\ericg\Desktop\me2024>ME7BootEeprom 9600 -write -SSC 1 Port6 Pin3 IMMOoffWRITE.bin

BootMode EEprom Tool for me7 Variants inspired by ArgDub , 360trev and Gremlin

-write  baudrate:  9600
 eeprom type is 95040 or 5P08C3
C16x SSC is used
Waiting for K+Can or KKL Adapter (plug in USB if not done!!)
using  COM3

 got cpu version : 0xd5
variantByteC167WithID Or ST10
sending loader

 got loader akn : 1
sending core

 got core akn : 3
test comm
 got core akn : 0xaa 0xea
set Data at:  0xff12  success: True
set Data at:  0xff0c  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe18  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe1a  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe1c  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe1e  success: True
set Data at:  0xff14  success: True
set Data at:  0xff16  success: True
set Data at:  0xff18  success: True
set Data at:  0xff1a  success: True
sending eeprom driver
set Data at:  0xf600  success: True
set Data at:  0xf604  success: True
set Data at:  0xf60c  success: True
set Data at:  0xf608  success: True

Call C_GETSTATE successfull:  True state is  0x80

 *************  start write  *************

Call C_WRITESPI at: 0x0  successfull:  True

********** write successfull!! ***********

 *************  start verify  *************

Call C_READSPI  at: 0x0  successfull:  True
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x12
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x22
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x2e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x2f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x3e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x3f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x4e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x4f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x5e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x5f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x6e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x6f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x7e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x7f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x8e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x8f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x9e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x9f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xa0
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xae
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xaf
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xb5
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xb6
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xb7
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xb9
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xbe
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xbf
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xc0
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xc5
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xc6
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xc7
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xc9
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xce
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xcf
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd0
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd1
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd2
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd3
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd4
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd5
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd6
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd8
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xd9
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xdb
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xde
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xdf
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe0
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe1
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe2
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe3
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe4
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe5
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe6
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe8
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xe9
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xeb
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xee
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xef
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xfe
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0xff
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x100
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x10e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x10f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x114
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x115
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x116
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x11f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x15e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x15f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x16e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x16f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x17e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x17f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x18e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x18f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x19e
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x19f
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1ae
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1af
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1be
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1bf
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1ce
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1cf
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1de
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1df
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1ee
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1ef
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f0
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f1
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f2
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f3
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f4
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f5
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f6
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f7
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1f9
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1fa
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1fb
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1fc
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1fd
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1fe
write data not equal verify data at pos:  0x1ff

********** verify successfull!! ***********

C:\Users\ericg\Desktop\me2024>ME7BootEeprom 9600 -read -SSC 1 Port6 Pin3 512 ReadagainafterWRITE.ori

BootMode EEprom Tool for me7 Variants inspired by ArgDub , 360trev and Gremlin

-read  baudrate:  9600
 eeprom type is 95040 or 5P08C3
 size:  0x200
C16x SSC is used
Waiting for K+Can or KKL Adapter (plug in USB if not done!!)
using  COM3

 got cpu version : 0xd5
variantByteC167WithID Or ST10
sending loader

 got loader akn : 1
sending core

 got core akn : 3
test comm
 got core akn : 0xaa 0xea
set Data at:  0xff12  success: True
set Data at:  0xff0c  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe18  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe1a  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe1c  success: True
set Data at:  0xfe1e  success: True
set Data at:  0xff14  success: True
set Data at:  0xff16  success: True
set Data at:  0xff18  success: True
set Data at:  0xff1a  success: True
sending eeprom driver
set Data at:  0xf600  success: True
set Data at:  0xf604  success: True
set Data at:  0xf60c  success: True
set Data at:  0xf608  success: True

Call C_GETSTATE successfull:  True state is  0x80

 *************  start read  *************

Call C_READSPI successfull:  True

********** read successfull!! ***********

 on: Today at 09:50:05 AM 
Started by LynxTuning - Last post by LynxTuning
Hi, I am quite new to the tuning aspect of automotive. I have a 2001 Audi TT fitted with Bosch's ME7.5 to use as a guinea pig, but interfacing with it seems to be giving me some trouble. What is a recommended route and tools used to interfacing with one of these? Should it be ODBII reflash or a bench flash? Any help or insight would be great thank you!

 on: Today at 06:08:00 AM 
Started by setzi62 - Last post by sidicer
I can't seem to find if anyone mentioned this in this thread, but I am struggling to build even the example with

I tried to build it "as is" at first, but ran into "skipping incompatible" errors, then after remembering that it might be a 32-bit library I added -m32 flag to CFLAGS, but then I get the same error when trying to start the example binary as I did when trying to start your provided pre-built binary:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Would have any input for this ?

UPDATE: `sudo ldconfig` to update libraries before running

 on: Today at 05:52:01 AM 
Started by unicorn89 - Last post by ecuprog7
you can try the open source tool and post full screen output:
ME7BootEeprom 9600 -read -SSC 1 Port4 Pin7 512 eeprom.ori
ME7BootEeprom 9600 -write -SSC 1 Port4 Pin7 modified.bin

on read you can use decimal 512 or 0x100 as size indicator

 on: Today at 05:42:40 AM 
Started by unicorn89 - Last post by unicorn89
I would try to verify connection in trying to connect without boot mode, just use vcds lite, nefmoto in obd mode or any other diagnose tool you have to hand and connect to the ecu.

It's connects fine using those methods.

 on: Today at 05:03:35 AM 
Started by unicorn89 - Last post by ecuprog7
I would try to verify connection in trying to connect without boot mode, just use vcds lite, nefmoto in obd mode or any other diagnose tool you have to hand and connect to the ecu.

 on: Today at 04:36:53 AM 
Started by unicorn89 - Last post by unicorn89
Hi, you are getting no Processor ID, can be anything from connection until ecu is not in boot mode. Are you grounding the boot pin on power on ?

Yes, I know that it's for sure tripping into bootmode.

 on: Today at 02:16:20 AM 
Started by fredrik_a - Last post by prj
I guess what I'm saying is sometimes, people just show up  and want to tinker with their own shit. Not everyone is looking to infiltrate the illuminati and steal everyone's "IP" and market it as their own. These are 20+ year old cars.  If you think anyone is going to come on the scene and start marketing a "new" product, I think I have bridge to sell you Grin

The Volvo ME7 stuff was done because it took me an extra 10 minutes when I did ME9, for which there is still no solution out here. And the reason I did it was due to some large customers asking for it.
There's also no need for me to "market" anything as you say. I just provide the definite silver bullet logging solution for a wide range of ECU's, and if you think I am posting here because I am doing so badly, that I need to earn an extra 50$, then you're just retarded.
All my stuff is on my platform, and there aren't tools to convert it to whatever some logger expects it to be in and of course I'm not going to waste time writing that.
Btw all my logging is free for the VAG ME7 guys, but the Volvo community is so toxic that they don't deserve it, and I am reminded of that quite often Smiley

Your next post will probably be "how do I do X". The 5 years still stands - you've not done anything besides getting a handout, and won't be able to get anywhere the moment the handouts stop.
Same as the guy who handed it to you - he couldn't hack his way out of a wet paper bag if he tried. He just happened to have def, that someone (even for 51 variables) spent hours making at some point.
Which the question is then - why isn't it organized and posted in a repository. Maybe so he can feel self important.

Also if you cared to look through this thread or search, then you would have found your stock file, as it's been posted before, but I guess that is too difficult for you.
The next thing you're asking for is XDF - defining the parameters for the XDF is the same job as defining parameters for the XML, especially for single values (if you don't have a super close a2l file, then it's just copy paste).

For fun
There's a distinct difference between having accomplished anything and just posting someone elses shit, taking credit and then badmouthing the person who developed all of it.
Maybe that's fun for you. I am surprised all this wasn't DMCA'd at the start to be honest, but I guess nobody cares enough about 20 year old stuff.

 on: Today at 01:40:08 AM 
Started by benzooku - Last post by benzooku
Im new to the Forum and to tuning in general.
I want to learn it, and i already picked up on some things.
If someone has posts in this forum or other helpfull Info on how to make xdf files,
i would appreciate them.

Also i have question.
Ive heard about OS's and that you can use an xdf File with the same OS.
 Is the OS described by the Bosch software version or the ecu name?
And how much do i need to change if i have an xdf wich describes the same OS?

Thanks i advance for any answers

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