
Technical => Flashing and Chipping => Topic started by: smeege on September 21, 2011, 10:53:29 PM

Title: Can't read 01 H-box
Post by: smeege on September 21, 2011, 10:53:29 PM
A good friend of mine just bought an 01 S4 with an H-box, through my work. Fri night we tried to read and flash his ECU, I connected fine, tried to read first, and failed right away. I validated the memory layout was OK, and tried a second time with the same result. I see a part of the log saying checksum failed, read access denied.

The car came from the auction with several upgrades, including Milltek exhaust and an AWE boost gauge. When I drove the car, it spiked 10psi a few times, but usually was 8 psi.

I'm attaching the log, is this what it looks like when a tune blocks a read? I've used my cable and this computer to read quite a few S4s and some A6s, and it's always worked fine.

I read rob.mwpropane's post about chipped ECUs, I don't think this a voltage issue. It might be a little while before I can actually pull his ECU and see what's inside, so I'm looking for any alternatives to try in the meantime. Is it safe to assume trying to write to this ECU is a bad idea?

btw, there's a section in the middle of the log where I forgot to have him turn the key back on after disconnecting from one of the read attempts.

Title: Re: Can't read 01 H-box
Post by: infinkc on September 22, 2011, 01:21:39 PM
seems like the file you loaded was not checksummed or had a bad write, you will have to load the bin in boot mode with Galleto.

Title: Re: Can't read 01 H-box
Post by: smeege on September 22, 2011, 06:20:35 PM
Thanks for the response, but I never loaded a bin, I tried to read the ECU to back it up first, when that failed, I stopped there. My friend's S4 is running on that ECU right now. I have the mtx tuner-pro plugin, and double check files with ECUfix before flashing them, so I'm fairly confident of my edited files before I flash them. Why would a checksum block a read attempt though?

My friend's S4 acts just like an AWE tune that I found on these forums somewhere, Jude's basic stage 1 tune was much better. If it's tuned, why doesn't it build more than 10 psi? Is it supposed to be used with a MBC?

I'm sorry about all the questions, I'm still in a learning process.

Title: Re: Can't read 01 H-box
Post by: nyet on September 22, 2011, 06:24:16 PM
Don't bother messing with other tuners' tunes.

Start from scratch. If you can't read out that ECU properly, don't put any more effort into it. Put it aside and get a spare ECU you CAN flash properly.

Also, don't bother guessing about boost problems. Get a proper log.

Title: Re: Can't read 01 H-box
Post by: Tony@NefMoto on January 09, 2012, 04:50:40 PM
You may want to retry reading the ECU with a newer version of the NefMoto software. The errors being listed do not appear to be caused by the tuner blocking reading. It seems like there was a bug in the NefMoto software with how it dealt with some of the responses the ECU sent. Version is the current version of the NefMoto software and will hopefully give you better results.

Title: Re: Can't read 01 H-box
Post by: smeege on January 12, 2012, 09:04:23 PM
Thanks Tony, that was the problem. The version would write, but not read for me. I updated the software and all is working again. I figured it out a while back, and forgot to update this.