
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: opticaltrigger on July 24, 2016, 02:31:38 PM

Title: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 24, 2016, 02:31:38 PM
Hi guy's,
I'm totally new to this so I hope that you can forgive the simplicity of my questions at this stage.But I have to start somewhere.

I have a 2001 Golf 1.8T with the AUM engine.
Iv'e read the FAQ's and the getting started section and Iv'e downloaded and installed TunerPro. Iv'e ordered a cable and grasped that I need a definition file for my ECU.
Thing is I have absolutely no idea where to get a reliable one from or if I need anything else for that matter.

I really need to ask if some of you guy's would be kind enough to set me in the rite direction with this.

All the very best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: vwaudiguy on July 24, 2016, 03:01:47 PM
Well? What's your goal?

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 24, 2016, 03:28:16 PM
Hi vwaudiguy,
Thanks so much for the reply.
Well,I guess my goal is to learn more about modern engine control really and to get the chance to apply it to and practice on this AUM engine which I think is an amazing bit of kit.
I have used a Megasquirt with Tunerstudio in the past on an 8v engine but this is an entirely different approach and it's one that I'm really keen to get to grips with.
But I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed at the moment which is very frustrating.

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on July 24, 2016, 03:30:46 PM
Read up on torque based engine management, and look at the "Tuning" link in my sig.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 24, 2016, 03:56:00 PM
Ok,thanks nyet.
I will check out both those items first and come back to you guy's again.

Thanks very much for the heads up.
All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on July 25, 2016, 01:02:10 AM
We should probably have a page or a series of well-written answers for people that have literally just found this forum for the first time.  At first, it's massively overwhelming and there's although there is all the information you could ever need here, it's the "Getting Started" bit that people seem to really struggle with.

I always use the comparison that the ECU is like a large Encyclopedia. When you want to find something, you look up the contents page and find what you want and go to that page.  However, with no contents page, you have no real understanding of what each page is (other than the words) so you're kind of stuck.

Your ECU currently is like that Encyclopedia in that it has no "contents page".  You need to tell a bit of software (and your brain) what is stored on each page so you know what to do.  That software, be it TunerPro or WinOLS is no more than just a viewer.  When you define what is stored on each page (maps), you can make sense of it.

With a definition file (.kp for OLS and .xdf for TunerPro) you can work with your file.  The 1.8t files are pretty well defined (if you search this site, there's a full defined CB file).  My HN file is also very defined for what you'll need for it. 

It's also good practice not to just flash random files onto your ECU because you can end up with a dead one; so you want to stick with what you've got.  So, use the NefMoto flasher to "pull" your file off your current ECU.  You'll need to choose the right ECU layout (which is in the ECU layout folder where you install the flasher) to 800bb.  You can then read the ECU and save your file.  Save it with the part number of the ECU or whatever you want.  It's a very good habit to get into now and be neat.  Store your files properly in properly named folders.  When you've got files everywhere you get confused.

With your ECU read, you can go ahead and load it into TunerPro or OLS.  What you'll see is just numbers, nothing more.  You now need a definition file - which you'll have to define yourself if you can't find one.  This is a problem, because for noobs it's very hard to understand tuning; let alone prepare a definition file.  You have to get a known file and trawl through looking for patterns to get the addresses (page numbers, remember?) to give an understanding of your file.  It's time consuming and hard for a novice.  Hopefully your file is a defined one (pray!).

You'll need to get ECUxPlot and get ME7Logger working to give you logs.  That's another thread in itself.  Once you can log successfully, change fuelling.  Your AUM is wideband out the box so can log fuelling accurately.  Get a log with increased fuelling and make sure it follows what you expect.  Now start tuning. :)

It's a really long process but once you're set up and have an understanding you can make strong progress.  Read lots, take notes and be prepared to spend a lot of time on here.

First off, get the Flasher and get a read of your ECU.  Upload it here for others (incase they need a stock read) and then look for a definition file. Either run with TunerPro or get OLS.  Get a definition file; people can help you out here with requests.

Get logging working, and start tuning. :)

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 25, 2016, 06:28:17 AM
Hi again guy's,
Thanks for that adam,it was invaluable advise.
Since last night and this morning I've done allot of reading and I downloaded the flasher as adam said.

Yes!!... Some success.This morning I managed to connect and read off the ECU.
If Iv'e done it rite there should be copy of the file here.

Many,many thanks again gents.
All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on July 25, 2016, 09:36:56 AM
This thread could be helpful:

It will show you basic steps that are needed for the stage1 tune.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 25, 2016, 12:19:01 PM
Thanks very much nubcake,
That's a great read.Really informative.
I'm not getting much sleep at the moment though.This is so addictive.
I finally feel that I'm starting to take some very small first steps here

Would it be safe to use the xdf file in that thread with my stock AUM bin file.Or is that totally wrong?

All the very best and many thanks again for all the help you guy's are giving me here.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on July 25, 2016, 12:26:12 PM
Would it be safe to use the xdf file in that thread with my stock AUM bin file.Or is that totally wrong?

"Safe" is the wrong question. The question is if it is the correct xdf file for your bin.

What is the "Part Number" of your bin?

Yes, I could tell you what it is, but you should know how to do this yourself first.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 25, 2016, 03:59:21 PM
Hi nyet, thanks for the reply again.
I really hope that I have this rite. I believe that I could have found the correct number which is 1037360128 and is titled as ECU software number.
I got by reading the ECU info from the flasher.

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on July 25, 2016, 04:11:55 PM
There are actually at least three different numbers in an ME7 file: Part number, SW version, and HW version. ME7sum and me7chk will display all three. Do any of the three match the xdf you intend to use?

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 25, 2016, 05:01:16 PM
Iv'e downloaded those two tools.But I'm going to have to ask if there is a tutorial somewhere  I could read on how to use them.
I did read that they are cmd line programs but I don't understand how to run them or use them.
What would I type into the cmd window to run it and how would I load the info into the programs to gain the information that I'm looking for.

Many thanks again nyet

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on July 25, 2016, 05:05:35 PM is linked to in several threads along with several of the guides.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: dokalanyi on July 26, 2016, 01:40:51 AM
Hi opticaltrigger,
Hope at this point you've figured out many of the things -- very overwhelming at first. Since you're at the point of XDFs with Tunerpro (don't worry about WinOLS at this point), if you're lucky, you'll find an XDF that matches your ECU perfectly.

The best way to know that it's a perfect fit, is to download the bin and xdf from the stage I tune (pinned in the tuning section), and see the numbers on each of the maps. I used LAMFA and LDRXN, when those match, chances are high it's a perfect fit.

If you can't find an xdf for your exact part no, find one as close as possible (perhaps only the last letters different), and then check the maps. At this point LAMFA/LDRXN should be slightly off (remember you now know what LAMFA should look like because you saw the bin and xdf from the community tune).

At this point you start to create your own xdf by editing those addresses little by little until the maps match up.

Also read the S4Wiki until it no longer gives you a headache. And then read the whole 1.8T community tune, several times.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on July 26, 2016, 02:17:24 AM
Although the above answer is okay, it's not good for absolute novices that can't even operate DOS "roughly lining maps up".  He has no idea what numbers he's looking at, so guessing is NOT a suitable way of doing it.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: Tshirt2k on July 26, 2016, 11:41:37 AM
Best place to start is actually look at the cover of the ECU for the number in the sticker. Under the scuttle. If it's the standard tune.
Then you can search for the ECU number on here. Sometimes you can find a more common XDF that is better defined. You may be able to cross flash it but only if it compatible. Then finding the required maps are easier.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 26, 2016, 02:55:37 PM
Hi dokalanyi,
Thanks very much for coming back to me with the great advise and help.I really,really need it.

It's very kind of you to say that I'm at the point of XDF's but the honest truth is that I only learned how to say it two days ago.
I feel so out of my depth here,truly I do.In fact at 4am this morning while trying to get me7sum and ME7Check to work so that I could at least check the numbers as nyet mentioned.I finally called it a day and went to bed totally defeated feeling that I am utterly out of my depth.

However,after getting up this morning I felt better and I'm not ready to be defeated just yet.

Many,many thanks again dokalanyi for the info and I will start reading them immediately.

All the very best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 26, 2016, 04:12:20 PM
Hi again adam and Hi Tshirt2K. Thanks to both of you for helping me out.

I have had a thought that perhaps I should mention what few things I can do.
I have ended up here because I love engines and have been bent on tuning for thirty years.Iv'e built a few nice ones over the years and eventually, some years back discovered Megasquirt and Tunerstudio and ran with that eventually becoming reasonably adept at putting together a fuel and ignition table for a boosted engine.

However,I have always wanted one of these 1.8T engines to work with simply because I find it to be mechanicaly, an amazing powerplant.
Now,at first I was all geared up to just buy an MS2Extra Ecu and wire it up.Great!
But!!,when I found this site I began reading and I began to realize the true beauty of the ME7.5 Ecu.Then it became apparent to me that you can write your own fuel and ignition tables,boost levels etc,etc.All of this functionality in such a fabulous package as the ME7.5...I love it,and have all but divorced MS because of the tiny bit I have grasped on here so far.

The problem that I'm having gents is that I come from a world of metal and not code. And I suppose that I have been somewhat spoiled by the user friendliness of TunerStudio which has easy to read scales of RPM,KPA,AFR,etc,etc on all of the tables.And to show my ignorance even further.When I downloaded TunerPro I just assumed it would be a similar format,connect up and start mapping...No!!!

But once I had managed to get my BIN file and the community stage 1 XDF together in TunerPro I see that the tables seem to be strung with the most incomprehensible numbers I've seen.I have no idea at all what they mean or relate to.One table called LDRXN has 16384 all the way through the RPM scale.Another called LAMFA AFR is full of numbers that I cannot see would relate to AFR in any way.

So that's where I'm at guy's,I do believe that I can do this but perhaps I need to come back a little here and try to learn whats going on at the base level.I would not dare to flash my ECU in my current position as I just cannot find a way to relate to the data that I see.I just do not know for example what a LAMFA or a LDRXN or a TVUB is....And I still do not know how to open those sum and check programs let alone put the data in them.
It really could be,that I just do not possess the requisite skills to even be here.In which case I would owe all of you an apology for having spent so much time on me already.

However I still feel that if I could just find the start,I can do this.

All the very best gents and many many thanks

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on July 26, 2016, 05:03:35 PM
It's gonna suck to dig through all that stuff without solid computer backround.  :-\

That being said, it's not too hard.
You are seeing incomprehensible numbers with community xdf and your binary simply because they don't line up. Try loading community xdf with community binary. Then it will all make much more sense.
Then you can try comparing completely stock file from the community thread with the tuned one to check what is changed.

All this while getting morally prepared to create an xdf for your own binary.  :P

EDIT: All those "not making any sense" map names are explained in the wiki:
TVUB - Injection time offset (compensate for injector latency)
LDRXN - maximum specified load
LAMFA - requested lambda.


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: Carsinc on July 26, 2016, 09:38:03 PM
OK look focus on one thing at a time, you need to know the ecu number, we tend to use the vw/audi part number.
One way to do this is to scan your computer and see what he ecu identifies as. Another way is to pull up the .bin
in a hex editor and search the text for things your looking for like the ECU part number may end in 032 so search
for 032, it will find the part number. Then go find a XDF that matches your file.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on July 27, 2016, 03:27:13 AM
Remember my example in the first page?  That's why the numbers don't make sense.  You're using a contents page for a different book; so none of the pages/numbers make any sense.

You need a matching contents page and book in order to understand it.  You need to have your ECU and it's matching contents page, otherwise you're stranded.  Upload your .bin and hopefully someone will give you an XDF.

If you get OLS I can match up a few maps for you quickly. :) You'll get there!

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on July 27, 2016, 10:07:53 AM
"Safe" is the wrong question. The question is if it is the correct xdf file for your bin.

What is the "Part Number" of your bin?

Yes, I could tell you what it is, but you should know how to do this yourself first.


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on July 27, 2016, 10:36:53 AM
me7check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file stock.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = 05.12
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.5/3/4013.00//24b/Dst02o/180700//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261206887'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037360128'         (SSECUSN)
   - '06A906032DR '       (VAG part number)
   - '0002'               (VAG sw number)
   - '1.8L R4/5VT     '   (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

-> No errors found. File is OK.   *********************

Press any key to continue . . .

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: Carsinc on July 27, 2016, 08:36:38 PM
I done a quick search and found a XDF and a base with the same part number,
which means it will be very close or you could use that base as the software
version would be the only difference.

Dude just tell us your ECU part number. This group of people will literally help
you with everything.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 28, 2016, 04:39:50 AM
Hi again guy's and a big,big thanks to all of you for the reply's and help.

Hi carsinc,I got The ECU part number which is 06A906032DR.
I must be honest here.I still haven't found a way to get ME7Check or me7sum to work yet but I got the number by taking Tshirt2k's tip and reading it from the sticker on the ECU.I then checked it against the info grabbed in the flasher program.I think I understand what nyet meant now when asking for the part number of the bin and and the difference between safe and correct.
I can see that you got it with me7check adam.Many thanks for that.I still haven't cracked that one yet though.I cant seem to be able to find the rite path.I tried installing it in Tunerpro under custom tools by copying and pasting the file path but no success yet.I will take a look at OLS and try to get it but I don't know anything about it yet.It would be great to see some other maps that you've matched up.
After looking at the correctly combined bin and xdf of the community stage 1 as nubcake recommended I can now see what you have been telling me about the necessity of a correctly aligned bin and xdf.

I guess I need to ask how and where would I start to search for a XDF to see if I can find one which matches my BIN. Looking forward to being able to look at the stock map I have and the stage 1 community project to draw comparisons.

Guy's.Thanks so much for your patience in helping me to try and understand this process.
All the very best


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on July 28, 2016, 04:53:10 AM

Page 2, half way down. I posted the ME7Check and a bat file.  Place these both in your tuning folder along with your bin.

So in the folder you'll have:

Run the bat file and say no to the default name and type your name instead: 06Axxx.bin

If you have spaces, remove these in the filename before running it.  You'll get an output. :) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check this file before you flash it to the car (when you get that far!).  You need to make sure there is no checksum issues; otherwise you'll have a car that won't start.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on July 28, 2016, 03:18:38 PM
That's great adam. Thanks very much.
I installed it all as you said and it all ran properly. Great,and thanks again.

Thanks to the very kind help of the forum community I've managed to get an exact match xdf for my bin which has allowed me to view the data on my own file.I know it's a small thing but It feels like a major step to me.
I'm just not sure what all the scalars and tables labels mean yet (Still reding the S4wiki).And also I'm unclear as to the units used in the tables.I can see that some obviously use rpm,but some are not listed and I'm not sure are the values in for example, mbar or kpa,or lambda or afr. That kind of thing.
There also seems to be several versions of say for example an ignition table where there is KFZW (ignition angle map) and KFZW2 (ignition angle map variant 2).Which one would be the main ignition map?

Gent's...Really,many many thanks again for all the help.Fantastic forum community.
I'm not sleeping much at the moment but I am learning on a daily basis.

All the very best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on July 28, 2016, 03:26:40 PM
BTW you aren't going to get anywhere until you actually understand engines and how they work :/

Starting from the tuning wiki isn't really the right way to learn about cars. None of it will make any sense until then.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on July 28, 2016, 04:43:55 PM
Which one would be the main ignition map?

Both. One's used for "advanced" cam position, the other for "normal". Or, "normal" and "retarded", depending on your perspective.
It's also in the wiki:

BTW you aren't going to get anywhere until you actually understand engines and how they work :/

Starting from the tuning wiki isn't really the right way to learn about cars. None of it will make any sense until then.

I think OP mentioned that he has some tuning background with standalones.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: Carsinc on July 28, 2016, 09:06:33 PM
Oh thank god now we are getting somewhere, i would not start with timing.
Now its time to read the Wiki and then read it again, and then read some other info on it,
then read the wiki again and more and more. There is many ways to skin this cat, but I
would start by changing fueling and seeing what that changes in a log.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 03, 2016, 01:13:35 AM
Still reading.................

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 03, 2016, 06:21:57 AM
Hi again guy's,
Time has come that I would like to take some data logs to see whats happening on my car and try to relate to it.
Could any of you guy's point me in the direction of an ADX file for 06A906032DR.

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 03, 2016, 11:12:54 AM
I would take that back if I could.

I'm going back to reading for a bit

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 06, 2016, 05:24:57 PM
Hi again gents,
Iv'e successfully installed ME7Logger but I cant get a readable list to select the desired logging fields from.
When I click "Edit Config" I get a notepad screen with illegible script on it so I cannot select the variables that I require for logging.

I know that I'm missing something here but I don't know what.Could any of you guy's put some light on it for me so that I can start logging?
Iv'e included some screen shots of the issue that I'm having.

All the very best guy's
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Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 06, 2016, 05:28:15 PM
And this one with the illegible script

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Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on August 06, 2016, 10:21:47 PM
VisualME7 is a bit more user-friendly

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 07, 2016, 12:02:19 PM
Hi nyet,thanks for coming back and for the heads up on the VisualME7.
What have I done wrong though?I would still like to be able to try the program and use it.


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 07, 2016, 04:03:45 PM
Ok...Got the VisualME7Logger loaded and set up but when I click the Start Log button I get cause 0x4 can't connect to ecu.
I've thrown in some more screenshots of the issue.Can some of you guy's please help me out.

All the best
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Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on August 07, 2016, 06:21:59 PM
Strongly suggest getting it working on the command line first... I know the purpose of the front end is to make it easier to use, but if you are having problems connecting, doing it via cmd line is best..

If only so people here can see the errors you are getting to help you fix it.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 08, 2016, 03:25:38 PM
Thanks again nyet,
Here's the screenshots of the whole thing split into two so everything can be seen.
Hope some of you guy's can help me get connected.

All the best
( (
( (

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on August 08, 2016, 03:32:43 PM
Try both USB FTDI direct and COM connections. If using a RossTech cable, make sure to use the VCP driver and to enable VCP and make sure the cable gets a COM port assigned to it.

Try unplugging the cluster, pulling the cluster fuse, or a dedicated kline to the ECU.

Also, will the ECU log on a bench harness?

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: Tshirt2k on August 11, 2016, 01:52:19 AM
I had lots of problems trying to use ftdi cable. Ended up trying original serial hex com cable and all worked fine.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 11, 2016, 03:48:58 PM
Hi nyet,Tshirt2k,
Ok, still not connected yet.I have 2 cables one is a really cheap £5 thing and the other is the KKL VAG-COM 409.1 K-line to usb converter.
They both do the same thing with the logger which is nothing!.However I was able to read off the ECU through ME7 Flasher though with the same cables.

I didn't unplug the ecu but I did have the battery off for some time though as I just changed the clutch two days back.
Now tonight there was some small progress in as much as I did get it to start doing something like a log but only with the ignition switch off now I'm really confused.
I've tried every combination for coms that there is with all the options the tools have to offer and I can only get anything at all in cmd mode only with the ignition off.
I don't have a bench harness and I don't have a serial hex com cable but surely lots of people get this working without them using the cables I have.

What can it be guy's?
I've put a screen shot of the ignition off thing that I did in wordpad and if all goes well the .csv should be attached.

All the very best guy's
( (

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on August 11, 2016, 05:09:34 PM
Try this:

- connection method "double slowinit" added (helps with "instrument cluster" problem)
  To use double slowinit set in the [Communication] section of the .ecu file:
    Connect      = SLOW-0x00
    DoubleDelay  = 12           ; Possible values 1 .. 100 (delay in 100ms)
  This only allows to connect while engine not yet started.

Worked for me with DoubleDelay set at 50.
Turn ignition on, connect logger, start engine.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 20, 2016, 04:03:05 PM
Hi again guy's,
Thanks for that nubcake. I've been working  allot lately so I didn't get chance to say it earlier or try it yet but I will first thing in the morning.

I have to ask though. My .ecu file doesn't have a double delay setting in the communication section.It does have the Connect  = slow-0x11 though.

So should I just change that to SLOW-0x00 and try that.?

If it means anything I have managed to get the logger connected twice with the engine running but that was after many,many attempts.It does show that something is happening though.
All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on August 21, 2016, 03:30:05 AM
Edit your file manually, yes.
Don't forget the "doubledelay" string as well.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 21, 2016, 01:16:09 PM
Hi again nubcake,
I don't see a double delay string in my file though. Iv'e included a screenshot of it.

All the best and many thanks
( (

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on August 21, 2016, 01:45:06 PM
Just add it!  :D

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 21, 2016, 01:54:38 PM
I see,simple as that then eh.
Well I guess if you don't ask then you don't get do you.!

Thanks again nubcake,I'll do it now and try it tomorrow.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 21, 2016, 02:39:01 PM
This is the modified file.Does it look like I did it rite to you?
All the best
( (

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on August 21, 2016, 04:31:33 PM
Wasn't needed to add that to the right of the semicolon, but no harm done. It's the "comment" area that is ignored by parser.
Either way, hope it works!

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 22, 2016, 03:20:13 PM
nubcake..many thanks.It works perfectly now.I tried several times and it connects every time.Great!!!
Now I can start and move on a bit hopefully.

One thing though.
I get the logger to record and read it back trough word pad but I can't seem to get it to play back trough VisualME7Logger.
What could I be missing here.How can I get the log to play back?

Anyway I've attached my first proper log,and again..Many,many thanks for all the help and patience.
All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on August 22, 2016, 04:34:47 PM

I get the logger to record and read it back trough word pad

This is what ECUxPlot is for.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on August 23, 2016, 03:22:05 PM
Hi nyet,thanks for that.
I just downloaded it, and it generated the graphical output.Great tool!

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on September 01, 2016, 04:46:47 PM
Hi guy's,
I've been bit by bit slowly starting to use the logger to try and familiarize myself with it and I'm starting to get somewhere.

I did a WOT pass up through the gears yesterday and noticed (thanks to the logger) that the actual and desired AFR's were miles apart, leading me to believe that the wide band Lambda sensor was in error.
I replaced it today with a new Bosch one from the parts factor and did another WOT pass on exactly the same stretch of road, and the difference is staggering,and plain to see in the logger results.Totally transformed the car.

As a question for future reference.At the moment I only have a handful of the fields selected for logging. But in future should I basically log every parameter that I can?
Anyway,I've attached the two logs for comparison and a couple of screen shots of the outputs.It's a really dramatic difference from one to the other.It would be great to hear any of you guy's thoughts on the logs and any sugestions on how best to proceed from here.
All the very best guy's

First Log Old Lambda Sensor.

( (

Second Log New Lambda Sensor.

( (


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on September 01, 2016, 04:58:52 PM
my current list:

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on September 01, 2016, 05:11:32 PM
Hi nyet,and many thanks for the reply.
Something tells me that what you just sent me there is gold but I don't know enough to be sure what to do with it.
Is it a list of all the parameters that you log?
What a learning curve this is.Wow!!!


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nubcake on September 09, 2016, 04:02:55 AM
Hi nyet,and many thanks for the reply.
Something tells me that what you just sent me there is gold but I don't know enough to be sure what to do with it.
Is it a list of all the parameters that you log?
What a learning curve this is.Wow!!!


If you haven't figured this out by now: this is a list of parameters to be pasted into your "log config" file. If you get some errors for parameters being "unrecognized" (and you will) - comment them out with a preceding semicolon. You can see that some are are already commented out, do it the same way.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on September 10, 2016, 02:05:05 PM
Thanks nubcake. I had grasped that it was a list of parameters but I had not grasped that was what was to be done with it.
I will do my best to work on making it so.I'm not entirely sure on the method that you've described but I will try to incorporate them and see how I get on.

For now,I have finally managed to carry out a proper log of a WOT 3rd gear pull which I've attached.
I've logged as many fields as I can get my head around and if I'm honest a few that I haven't to.

Guy's...All the very best,and again many thanks for all the help with this process.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on September 10, 2016, 02:57:44 PM
In case it wasn't obvious from the git repo I have a bunch of scripts to generate config files.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on September 11, 2016, 02:21:47 PM
Hi nyet,those scripts sound good.I'd like to know more about them please....
I'm still trawling through the log that I did and already I can see that cylinder 3 appears to be showing a slightly higher level of knock output which is interesting.All in all though I find the logger great.It really is a good tool.
I think that for noob's like me anyway,it's essential to get the logger on board before thinking about tuning anything.It gets me more familiar with all the acronyms.I'm already using it to get the car into a decent running state before thinking about any tuning.It's invaluable.

All the best guy's

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: 316LV on September 12, 2016, 03:35:25 PM
^ Yep! Its like Nye always says 'get the hardware working first, then the software'.

Glad you are making progress man! Now you will be doing runs and pouring over logs all the time. I used to do it daily when I first started. A run on the way to work then spend all the time until coffee break analyzing and making changes to my bin. Repeat process on the way home... Rinse and repeat until I got it to where I wanted it. I'm surprised I never got a speeding ticket doing at least two 3rd gear pulls to redline a day for months lol.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on September 13, 2016, 12:13:11 AM
I'm surprised I never got a speeding ticket doing at least two 3rd gear pulls to redline a day for months lol.

I was exactly the same.  Daily limiter bashing on the way to and from work.  Then in the evenings I'd go out too when it was dry. 

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: 316LV on September 13, 2016, 04:15:25 PM
I was exactly the same.  Daily limiter bashing on the way to and from work.  Then in the evenings I'd go out too when it was dry. 

Glad to hear you were just as lucky. I don't know how it is in Scotland, but where I was living we had this stupid '40 over' rule... Anything more than 40km over posted and you would get an automatic roadside license suspension and have your vehicle towed and impounded for a week minimum. I was rolling the dice every run basically... Added just a little bit of a thrill to tuning I must say!

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on September 13, 2016, 11:57:27 PM
Yeah, it's generally +30mph on top of what whatever the limit is and you loose your license.   Similarly over 100, instant loss.  It's hard to do a third pull (30 to 90) without being caught. 

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on September 17, 2016, 04:44:54 PM
Hi 316LV / adam.
Thanks again for the help and support guy's.
Have been away for a week on a 1000 mile road trip in the car and just got back to the computer today.

Yeh, the 3rd gear pulls are a worry when it comes to speeding tickets but you just have to go with it,and anyway when I mash the throttle there's to much else going on to worry about it.
The logs really are just great to go through.I did see that VisualME7 has a play back facility but I cant make it work.What am I missing guy's?
I didn't do any logs on the road trip but I did notice a fault code that keeps coming up now and then which is P0170. I looked it up and it comes out as "Fuel Trim bank 1".Have any of you guy's any ideas on what might cause this.?

All the best

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on September 17, 2016, 04:56:46 PM
I looked it up and it comes out as "Fuel Trim bank 1".Have any of you guy's any ideas on what might cause this.?

It means your fuel trim is way out of whack? Have you bothered to monitor LTFT and STFTs yet?

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: adam- on September 18, 2016, 12:27:44 PM
Fueling first before anything.  Sounds like you missed that memo.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on September 18, 2016, 02:44:09 PM
Hi Nyet / adam,
I couldn't tell you if I've bothered or not because I don't know what you mean by LTFT or STFT's. What do those acronyms mean?

And I don't believe that I missed the fueling first memo either (Quite the opposite.I agree with you) because I haven't changed anything.It's a stock ECU in a stock car that went on a road trip.

So..... Does anyone have any thoughts on what might cause that code to throw up on a stock untouched setup.It wasn't there before the road trip and now it is.
Are there any usual culprits that would or could cause this?


Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on September 18, 2016, 05:36:58 PM
this is really basic stuff, not even tuning related... which is why it is frustrating :/

intake leak (vac) if lean, boost leak if rich, bad maf, bad o2 etc.

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: 316LV on September 19, 2016, 03:09:25 PM
LTFT = Long term fuel trims
STFT = Short term fuel trims

Do a search on the above and read up. Basically these will tell you how close / far off your fueling is.

Nyet is right, a number of things mechanically can cause your issue. I've personally had that code due to a bad MAF and also for leaks. Do a pressure test and make sure you have no leaks/bad check valves first, then start looking at your MAF readings if that checks out...

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on October 21, 2016, 12:22:28 PM
Hi again all,
I did have a bad MAF and I'm fairly certain that I have a boost leak somewhere which is going to be the next investigation.

Anyway after reading the wiki on fueling it stipulates what's copied below.

 " For stage 1-2+, adjusting fueling isn't technically necessary; however, a bit of extra fuel via KFLBTS isn't such a bad idea if you are running pump gas and a bunch of extra boost. "

Can anyone lend some advise on this?
When I look up KFLBTS in TunerPro it says "Desired AFR For Component Protection"
I want to understand how the ECU works a little better before I change anything.

My question is.....If adjusting fueling isn't technically necessary but a little via KFLBTS is the done thing.And KFLBTS is for component protection purposes.
Then what triggers the ECU to use the KFLBTS map?...
Could it be when the MAP sensor sees that you have increased boost?....I don't know.
Also this approach seems to be a little different at first sight to the approach taken in the stage 1 community tune which seems to spend quite some effort focused on LAMFA adjustments.

As I said just looking for a little guidance and advise here so that I don't go down the wrong road.
Any advise on this would be great.

All the very best guy's

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: nyet on October 21, 2016, 01:15:27 PM
Then what triggers the ECU to use the KFLBTS map?..

Covered in the wiki. Read it again. I spent literally YEARS writing it so I don't have to keep answering the same questions over and over :P

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on October 21, 2016, 01:22:08 PM

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: vwaudiguy on October 21, 2016, 09:01:50 PM

Not to mention, searching this site returns 20+ threads where KFLBTS is referenced. Did you bother to look?

Title: Re: Please help. Just don't know how to start.
Post by: opticaltrigger on October 22, 2016, 07:39:09 AM
20+............ Obviously not well enough.