
Technical => Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: d0xx on March 25, 2017, 07:28:34 AM

Title: Rolling Launch-Control (ME7.X) Tests
Post by: d0xx on March 25, 2017, 07:28:34 AM
Hello, I did some testings on the rolling-launchcontrol mod for ME7.
I made two versions and testing both versions this time.
One activates with CC-Switch and one with Pedals.

So, what i did now basically is just ignition retarding, enabled with two triggers:
X-Button pressed and Acceleration-Pedal > Threshold.

Does someone have some experience and advices with some mods like this and would share some infos or advices with me ?

This is what i made until now:


Title: Re: Rolling Launch-Control (ME7.X) Tests
Post by: jcsbanks on March 27, 2017, 08:49:07 AM
I have not done this particular mod, but have done lots of other mods to ECUs over the last 11 years including realtime mapping, faster/wider datalogging, map switching using cruise control buttons, changes to boost control, flex fuel, speed density, changing gauges to display custom data, disassembly of ignition and knock control code and loads more. Some commercial, some open. Processors: C167, SH2, Tricore. Using C and assembly. Happy to share ideas and advice in exchange for MED17 C source that I've messaged you about.

Title: Re: Rolling Launch-Control (ME7.X) Tests
Post by: littco on April 01, 2017, 02:52:44 AM
Hello, I did some testings on the rolling-launchcontrol mod for ME7.
I made two versions and testing both versions this time.
One activates with CC-Switch and one with Pedals.

So, what i did now basically is just ignition retarding, enabled with two triggers:
X-Button pressed and Acceleration-Pedal > Threshold.

Does someone have some experience and advices with some mods like this and would share some infos or advices with me ?

This is what i made until now:


I have done something similar, based on a timing retard and rev limiter. Instead of a static launch with clutch down and say speed less than 5km. you basically hold the brake to activate , then hold the accelerator down above 85% to rev limit at say 4500 rpm, the timing retards and holds boost at 1.5bar until the brake is realeased and then the rpms climb and timing goes back to normal...

Title: Re: Rolling Launch-Control (ME7.X) Tests
Post by: d0xx on April 01, 2017, 05:57:44 AM
I have done something similar, based on a timing retard and rev limiter. Instead of a static launch with clutch down and say speed less than 5km. you basically hold the brake to activate , then hold the accelerator down above 85% to rev limit at say 4500 rpm, the timing retards and holds boost at 1.5bar until the brake is realeased and then the rpms climb and timing goes back to normal...

Thx for your reply.
So, your solution is limited to a fixed RPM?
My goal is to activate at whichever speed the driver wants, at any speed the driver wants.
How did you managed it to hold "only" 1.5 bar boost? With my solution - boost will getting more and more this time.


Title: Re: Rolling Launch-Control (ME7.X) Tests
Post by: nubcake on April 01, 2017, 07:31:30 AM
How did you managed it to hold "only" 1.5 bar boost? With my solution - boost will getting more and more this time.

One of the solutions that comes to my mind - manipulate timing based on boost pressure.
Say, set it to -15 until boost reaches 1.4, then gradually reduce to stock.
Need to experiment to get "real" values obviously. Maybe also some kind of hysteresis or simple PID to avoid oscillation.