
Technical => Cluster and Immobilizer => Topic started by: Pasteurised on April 19, 2017, 03:53:18 AM

Title: Does EEPROM data change slightly each time its Read/Written?
Post by: Pasteurised on April 19, 2017, 03:53:18 AM
Hey guys Does EEPROM data change slightly each time its Read/Written?

Ive noticed that when i write to the EEPROM, then read it straight after the BINs are identical, but if i write the EEPROM, then flash the ROM, then read the EEPROM the bins are slightly different.

Is this normal?

Title: Re: Does EEPROM data change slightly each time its Read/Written?
Post by: aef on April 19, 2017, 03:57:50 AM
Depends on ecu

nefmoto flasher will leave is footprint in eeprom if i remember correctly

on med9 and other me(d) and edc you have a flash counter which is stored in eeprom and so on and so on

Title: Re: Does EEPROM data change slightly each time its Read/Written?
Post by: Pasteurised on April 19, 2017, 04:04:26 AM
Its an ME7.5 and im Flashing with MPPS.

So probably normal then.