
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: Robson on December 28, 2011, 11:58:36 AM

Title: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 28, 2011, 11:58:36 AM
Hi all , and thanks in advance if you can point me in the right direction at all .

i have been interested in tuning my ecu for a good while now , i have searched for as much info as possible , aquired a demo version of winols and "educated" myself a little on that too ,

I then sourced a DAMOS file for the ECU and also downloaded the map from my car (known working "stage 1" tune) to compare it too .
From this i have at least managed to find the areas of data that have been modified to increase the power output from the engine utilising no other bolt on mods ( i also have a few other maps of tune from this ecu but decided not to compare at first to save confusion)

the two basic files i have first used are found below

the list of changed maps are
1  KFKHFM  correction map for MAF
2 TLDOBN   Blocking time for boost pressure controll overboost , all maxed
3 KFMIZUFIL  Gross indicated torque for torque limit before filter
4 KFMIZUOF Gross indicated torque for torque limiting
5 KFZW  Ignition map
6 KFMIRL  Pedal request for desired torque
8 NMAXOG increased Rev limit
10 KFMIOP Optimum engine torque map
11 KFPED Pedal position - pedal know field (TC)
12 KFLBTS lambda setpoint for component protection, higher loading values lowered
13 KFLDHBN Max Boost level
14 KFDLULS overboost  protection diagnosis
15 KFVPDKLD Maximum allowable pressure ratio for DK LDRA diagnosis(boost leak, all values lowered 66%)
16NDLDRAPU  negative boost deviation alarm
17 KFMLDMN  min air mass befor fault B_minflr HFM / HLM
18 KFMLDMX max flow rate before fault
19 KFLDIMX Map Boost I controller limitation
20 KFLDRL KF for linearization boost pressure = f (TV)
21 LDDIMNN Safety amount LDR I-controller limit negative
22 LDRXN LDR altitude limitation (maximum pressure ratio)
23 TSKRLDAB Time constant for rapid lowering of LDR
24 MRFAVLN  Full load detection threshold for the relative driver requests
25 TFWPFGR Filter time constant for calculation wpfgr_w  ,, unknown really?
26 NMAXDVG  rev limit per gear before over run detect - change to new rev limit
27 ZPSMESS  UKNOWN - comes up as dummy sektion in DAMOS
28 DFSKVO  Upper tolerance limit for fill level sensor diagnostics

I have tried to convert the German description over  .Not just using the google translate as i found this to throw me off track , but buy looking at the  Funktionsrahmen also as much as i could

Im quite familiar with tuning other things like honda CRX  and another car i own running Emerald management with an engine i built but i am finding it difficult to fully understand the bosch

Basically im asking - do you think my translation is good and also am i barking up the right tree ?

Im a lot more familiar with the older honda stuff , using chrome and also tuner pro i find it quite easy to road tune with the innovate lm2 wideband controller and a home made knock detection device . I would agree that it is probably because there are far less maps on these ecu's  , on these i and my friend have managed to program launch control and also a shift ligh out of the em light

With the bosch ECU i keep seeing what looks like a loading axis on a few of the tables but cannot understand why this goes up to 150% 

I have also tried to transfer the data over from winols to tuner pro with little success , i can manage to get the axis hex address in but really start to struggle in getting the values in the tables in tunerpro to look anything like winols

if anyone could shed any light and point me in the right direction that would be really great

thanks in advance again for any help -  Dan

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: phila_dot on December 28, 2011, 06:33:05 PM
Nice first post (no sarcasm).

Now that you got the introduction out of the way, you will definely get more help by asking a few specific questions at a time.

Don't get hung up on the map descriptions. Download the Funktionsrahmen posted on this site and study the functions behavior.

WinOLS to Tunerpro is a simple transition. You just have to relate the different terminology used. If you have a specific question ask and I will help. If I find some time I will try to write something up.

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 29, 2011, 10:06:01 AM
Hi bud , thanks for a reply and some advice .
I guess i asked so many questions as there are so many to ask .

I have downloaded the funktionsrahmen from here as you said and already the descriptions and what the functions do are coming more clear .

From spending a few hours on here last night i can already tell that i have not been on the site enough at all - I even managed to sort out my main issue with tuner pro ( finding the right area to enter the factors as an expression ) although im still a little fuzzy about what the DA association does when setting up a table

my end goal i suppose is to create an xdf for tuner pro so i can tweek fueling and ignition a little after modifying the engine , i would also like to be able to rescale the MAF for using a bigger one when i reach the hard limit . As well as rescalling for bigger injectors , turbo  , basically the usual stuff .
I would also like to be able to remove the MAF all together at some point , with enough study on the subject i should be able to work it out .

In quite a few of the tables in the maps i.e KFZW  i have an axis of RPM  and then also another of % that ranges from 20.25 to 150 % . I assume this is some sort of loading value but i cant quite figure exactly how this value is determined

time for more study i believe , great site guys

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 30, 2011, 05:16:35 PM
so i think im starting to get my head around the functions of ECU and what exactly relates to what ,

my next major issue would be the checksums 
What is the best method of locating the checksums within a file ?

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 30, 2011, 05:27:54 PM
When i upload the file to my Galletto i get the information of

checksum 81cf

searching at this address in winols all the data around that area seems to be at 255 in 8 bit format
does anyone have any suggestions as to where i can read up on checksums ?

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: rob.mwpropane on December 31, 2011, 01:27:09 AM
When i upload the file to my Galletto i get the information of

checksum 81cf

searching at this address in winols all the data around that area seems to be at 255 in 8 bit format
does anyone have any suggestions as to where i can read up on checksums ?

Here you go;,747.0.html

Have you read this yet?

Also, the wiki in general is great!

When I started, I just went back to the beginning of peoples posts and started reading. Sounds like your off to a good start though.

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 31, 2011, 04:05:39 AM
brilliant mate , more reading to do then :)

that s4wiki is incredible , i  think it is one of the best pieces of info on the web .

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 31, 2011, 10:01:12 AM
so the obvious has happened - noob starts arsing around with ecu and locks himself out :) ....
car would crank and then no fire , then the fans and power steering pump started up

a good idea i had was to get hold of as many ecu's with relevant transponder and chip  so all is not lost and the car still works .

funny thing was that i downloaded the ori fine and then tried to upload a known good file ( from a fairly reliable friend of mine ) this file was taken from his car a while back and known as working so maybe there was an error in communicating ?  anyway i have just ordered a suitable DC bench supply to try and recover it at some point (more reading to do )

just hope there are enough ecu's in the world for me to eventually learn this ......... failing that i guess ill build a house out of these bricks

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 31, 2011, 10:02:29 AM
above are the two files i was using

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Rick on December 31, 2011, 10:43:51 AM
What year is ME1.5.5 from?  E suggests it's e-gas, is it torque based? 

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 31, 2011, 10:55:32 AM
both files should be from the circa 2002 era ,

as i understand its some kind of intrim / hybrid  ecu ( may be wrong)  thats betewwn older generations and the me7

again as i understand it is a torque based as there a good few maps relating to requested torque ,KFMIRL is one that springs to mind

if thats what your relating to anyway ,

What would the "E" meaning e gas mean in relation to the general layout of the ecu data ,
Thanks for a reply Rick

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Rick on December 31, 2011, 11:02:14 AM
E just means electronic throttle.  Bosch numbering is weird.  Do you have a specific FR for ME1.5?

I'm guessing it is some kind of ME7 "lite" ECU.

Maps you mention are similar to what you would change on ME7.  The ignition map you mention, the percentage is load.  Everything is done by turning requested torque into a load.  Rough conversion is that 100% load = 1.3 bar absolute, 0.3 bar boost.  170% load = 1 bar of boost.


Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on December 31, 2011, 11:40:06 AM
Thanks Rick ,, very interesting on the load  , is that a ball park rule of thumb you use on those figures . I have not been able to understand why the axis on some maps with "%" value have gone over 100%   . as a rough guide 100%load = 1.3 bar absolute with .3bar of that being boost ?

it is deffo elec throttle , i know as it was a nightmare boring it out and getting it back together again with the brushes sitting on the carbon TPS tracks properly

it seems very similar to the ME7 series , in fact the newer car (astra VXR ) uses a ME7 (7.5 i think )

Im not bad with the mechanics of a car , i build gas/steam turbines for a living right down to the machining of the shafts and the blades . Anything mechanical/machining i can pretty much  do , eletronics and ECU coding lets me down

even more so would be the checksums , i dont even know where to start to be honest im a lot out of my depth .
i dont believe there is any sort of checksum plugin to use with tuner pro for my ecu (unless its the same as ME7) if there was i would buy it .
I have mailed the guys at ECUfix as that looks like a decent piece of software , again unsure if the ME1.5.5 is supported but if it is i will probably buy it .

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 05:34:58 AM
so after doing some digging around last night i have not really been able to find anything clear on putting this ECU into boot mode
From looking at the unit , its glued together quite heavily . Despite this if i turn the unt over and look at the glued on black plastic cover , there is a tiny pin hole in the cover . It seems to have a little metal contact behind this hole , as it is glued together im somewhat betting this is how to get it into boot mode . Im going to try and reload the file on first just on the bench and see if it will go on , failing that boot mode it is

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 06:52:56 AM
a picture of what the ME1.5.5 unit looks like
( (

and here is a shot of the small hole in the back that im presuming is to access boot mode if i really need to , at the moment i think the unit has some issues as the connection may have been unstable so weather or not ill have to use boot mode is unclear
( (

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 01:45:49 PM
so after spending all day online researching into checksums i think my mind is burnt out .

From chatting with a friend who is also interested in this ecu he seems to think there could be up to 32 checksums in the file , could this be true ?
I have also read in a few places that the galletto will correct the checksums upon uploading (i find this somewhat hard to believe )

for now now im stuck , i really hope i don't end of being beaten by this

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: phila_dot on January 01, 2012, 02:13:51 PM
Maybe disable checksum protection in the EEPROM?

There is a good amount of info on this subject on this site. Have you seen Andy Whittaker's site as well?

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 03:12:14 PM
i have been reading stuff on here all day and keep flicking back and forth to winols ,to see if i can relate to anything

Andy Whittaker's site is another that i have been reading all day (fantastic information on there), i think the general idea of the checksums is starting to go in however im really struggling to find them in the hex .
i would be fine with a disabled checksum if i knew how to do that , ill keep searching but i honestly feel beaten already on such a complex subject

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 03:39:51 PM
ok so i have just noticed that the Winols Evc website lists the checksum plugin  for this ecu (ols238) as having 2 checksum points - i feel like there may be some hope yet

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: B234R on January 01, 2012, 04:01:49 PM
Sorry, but the checksum points from EVC refer to their payment plan for the plugins, not the amount of checksums in a file.
You can buy checksum points (like credits) and spend them on plugins as you like.
2 CS points equals ca. 300 Euro, if I remember correctly.

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 04:48:13 PM
ah ok sorry , my bad . thanks for clearing that up for me at least

i would love to be able to buy a full version from them with relevant plugins - would make things a lot more easy . untill im a company i guess ill remain in the dark untill i learn this stuff

thanks again for clearing the above up though mate

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: B234R on January 01, 2012, 04:58:03 PM
Well, the price for WinOLS and plugins etc. is clearly aimed at professional users.

If you want to just tune your own car, get the demo and try to learn with that.
Powerful features like connecting two dump windows/compare function are also available in the demo, so you just need to figure out a way so safe your files. Some people copy and paste changes into a hexviewer. Another way would be to use the demo just for finding/comparing maps and do the rest in Tunerpro or similiar software. Depends on your taste and what you find convenient to work with.

ME1.5.5 can be read and flashed with most major OBD-2 tools. (And even with cheap copies of them. Although I don't use clones and have no exp. with them)
Most tools will do the checksums automatically during the write process or offer a checksum correction function, so I think you're better off with a decent tool before buying WinOLS+plugins.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 05:30:51 PM
I would agree that winols full + plugins is deffo aimed at the pro's . Incredibly expensive for the hobbyist but a very powerful worth while tool for the pro .
I have had the demo version for a few months , slowly going through my files comparing them as you say . Also pulling changed portions out and renaming them to something i am more familiar with .
I am now at the stage where i can copy paste items back and fourth to get said items saved as .bin files .

could you recommend a decent OBD-2 flash tool that would do the correction and be relatively safe to use ( i have a clone at the moment but dont trust it ) ??

B234R- does this suggest you are a SAAB man ?
thanks once again you are most helpful

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 01, 2012, 07:12:59 PM
so the ultima checksum calc seems to work pretty well on all the files i have ,
seemingly the galletto clone i have does change the checksums to be correct although i still dont trust .
i messed with a file a little , loaded it onto yet another spare ecu , then downloaded it with the sum corrected ,
i then ran the same file through ulitma and it corrected 3 checksums .
i then compared the two files in the hex editor and both came back bang on the same . the car started fine and all seems well

my next challenge is to try and recover my first bricked ecu (prob poor connection or voltage) and then i may actually be able to get this thread on track .

so far the pointers i have had on here have been a massive help - feel free to correct me if im off / getting over confident with anything as i still consider myself a noob

10hrs solid logged in , bedtime i think

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 02, 2012, 03:06:57 PM
managed to get my bench flash setup made this afternoon , a little junkyard style but seems to work to some extent

the galletto software will read the ECU data ok but will not read the file or load the standard .bin back on
after 82 seconds it times out and gives me this in the status bar
seed key errore SK 1: -5

not looking promising , can anyone shed any light on this error?

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 04, 2012, 04:41:24 AM
looking at th wiring on thi thing it looks like the immo transponder is located on the k line inbetween the ecu and obd port.
im taking that means the right transponder and chip has to b present even  on the bench flash setup , again im likely to be wrong on this again as im just making an educated guess.

i really cannot find any info on putting the me 1.5.5 into boot mode and as the ecu is of hybrid type i dont think grounding any of the chip legs would be possible( they ar tiny)
ill try not to be put off by this too much . more ecu's heading  my way now , will they be bricked as well who knows ........

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: Robson on January 22, 2012, 01:07:00 PM

my first attempt at an xdf - pretty time consuming noting all the changes between files , some of the descriptions may be badly translated so please excuse

shame i do not have a checksum plugin for tuner pro other wise it would be happy days !

Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: pieje on February 26, 2013, 06:08:34 AM
Hello Danoob,

Could you repost that z20let xdf file?
It seems to be removed from your link.


Title: Re: Tuning the ME1.5.5 , opel z20let version ecu
Post by: KikoMKD on December 06, 2016, 02:35:33 AM
Anybody that know a link for download the funktionsrahmen