
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: luketdi on October 04, 2017, 03:03:19 AM

Title: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: luketdi on October 04, 2017, 03:03:19 AM
Hello all,
i've one doubt on one function of this solution...
Normaly map switch work with LDRXN map load limitation, and i can set % limit for each maps.
If i do for example map1 LDRXN max load 170% and map2 max load 190%, i've different timing request because map1 read timing from 170%table and map2 read from 190% and is correct.
The problem is when i tune the % axis in timing map for high pressure limitation load, for example:
Map1 LDRXN max load 220%
Map2 LDRXN max load 250%
in this case even if i set correct % load in map timing axis for 220% and 250%, when i log the car in both maps i read only timing in table 250% if the pressure is minimal or over 250%, instead if the pressure boost is low that 250% she reads table 220%. 
this is apparently correct, the problem is in LDRXN maps... example:
Map1 set LDRXN max load 220%   (i read same pressure of map2 with trotthle closing, and timing retardation event, because she reads timing table 250%)
Map2 set LDRXN max load 250%  work correctly and read timing from table 250%

I not understand why if i leave load %axis stock map switching work fine but i can only have one map similar stock and one map tuned, if tune % load axis to do two map like (map1 stage2 100ron and map2 stage2 100ron+ wmi) i can't do it...

if you have time and want to help me, i'll post the file of example.


Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: gman86 on October 05, 2017, 03:06:34 AM
Post the ORI so the code can be disassembled

Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: luketdi on October 05, 2017, 09:27:50 AM
Ori and basic mapswitch attached.

Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: gman86 on October 06, 2017, 04:04:20 AM
Ori and basic mapswitch attached.

The map switch code is basic. LDRXN wont cap boost at 220% any different than 250%. Your PID will drive duty manually to get more than 1.5bar boost and your load will be uncontrolled as the PID will be numbed to allow for N75 duty

Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: luketdi on October 06, 2017, 09:47:43 AM
yes, attached tune file that i would try.

this car has k04 mod,  WG forge blue spring and WMI.

I've set 3 maps:
1 antitheft
2 100ron
3 100ron+wmi

what do you think?

Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: alizczewy on October 22, 2017, 12:58:06 AM
How you switch map on the car, is there a specific thread about MED9 winols map switch on the forum?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: IamwhoIam on April 02, 2018, 01:44:47 AM

Title: Re: Med9.1 winols mapswitch solution
Post by: vwaudiguy on April 02, 2018, 09:20:17 AM

This forum is primarily English. The least you could do is google translate. :)

Este foro es principalmente inglés. Lo mínimo que podrías hacer es traducir a google.