
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: masterj on December 30, 2011, 03:00:13 PM

Title: CDLSA
Post by: masterj on December 30, 2011, 03:00:13 PM
Hello!  ;D
Today I dedicated myself to analyzing PROKONAL section of funktionsrahmen. As you see I already posted a lot of different questions from this chapter. And looks like I've found another constant that I have no idea what it does. Constant in question is CDLSA. From some random DAMOS file I've pulled it's desription: "Codeword lambda probe diagnosis aging, Config byte for calibration purposes". So what this constant does? What happens when we set it to 0 or 1? Is it for precat o2 sensors or postcat? Please post anything you know about this 1x1 map