Title: FKKVS, KFKHFM importance Post by: golfputtputt on January 02, 2018, 09:15:44 AM How influential to STFT’s are these maps to a return fuel system 1.8t? They seem to be populated with actual values instead of just 1’s.
I got my hands on the FKKVS table calculator, i just need to make it work. Title: Re: FKKVS, KFKHFM importance Post by: nyet on January 02, 2018, 02:18:25 PM FKKVS can be all ones. They are in all stock 2.7t files. All fine tuning is done in KFKHFM since it is assumed a return system is relatively linear, and the predominant fueling inaccuracies are from the MAF.
that said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. If you want to use FKKVS to fix up STFTs, there isn't anything inherently wrong with it. Title: Re: FKKVS, KFKHFM importance Post by: golfputtputt on January 02, 2018, 08:10:47 PM is it redundant to fix up both? Which one is primarily used is based on what? Results of trial and error essentially?
Title: Re: FKKVS, KFKHFM importance Post by: nyet on January 02, 2018, 10:05:25 PM is it redundant to fix up both? Which one is primarily used is based on what? Results of trial and error essentially? one is for MAF variance, other is for fueling variance. Both have the same effect, they are (basically) multiplicative. Please take a look at the FR Title: Re: FKKVS, KFKHFM importance Post by: golfputtputt on January 03, 2018, 06:51:54 AM one is for MAF variance, other is for fueling variance. Both have the same effect, they are (basically) multiplicative. Please take a look at the FR Thanks, yea i did but didn’t understand it. That document is dense and i have a lot of trouble understanding it 90% of the time. Title: Re: FKKVS, KFKHFM importance Post by: nyet on January 03, 2018, 01:09:56 PM The difference:
If you fix up MAF problems in FKKVS, or fueling problems in KFKHFM, your load/maf readings will be inaccurate, even if your fueling ends up correct. |