
Technical => Flashing and Chipping => Topic started by: rob.mwpropane on January 19, 2012, 04:15:14 AM

Title: Help with "cmd" or command line for ME7_95040 EEPROM Programmer---Post for Noobs
Post by: rob.mwpropane on January 19, 2012, 04:15:14 AM
Let's say you didn't pay attention in computer, or maybe girls were more important in real life.  ;D At any rate, you have no idea how to use "cmd line" anything on your pc. Some of you may know it very well,... good for you. This post is not for you, its for all the slackers out there. I was not very versed in cmd or command line anything, so instead of asking silly questions I decided it better to learn. I found this VERY HELPFUL!!

Just thought I might try to help those at there keyboard scratching there heads. Again, this may not be you, but I know there's some out there!

Thank you ArgDub for an awesome program!