Title: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 06, 2018, 05:04:36 AM Ok guys...
I present to you the first (beta) of useful code showing how to do all kinds of things with ME7 rom's. The aim is that you will eventually need NO OTHER tools to analyse a ME7 rom. (commercial or otherwise). Its starting to be possible to do so much that its easier to call it a swiss army knife tool for ME7's ROM's. :) I've just done a first cut of the map finder. Its very rough (but simple code!) at the moment but I will expand this to pretty much be able to identify ALL MAP's automatically AND label them. I can do this (unlike some commercial software!) because of the unique way this tool approaches it. Its very good at finding them in roms I have never even see before but derived from the same code base. Q. So how does it work? The idea is we directly search for 'masked signatures' in the rom in the machine code sub-routines which ACCESS the maps. Q. What are masked signatures? They are sinippets of rom code with all of the relocation and segment address information removed. We do this since this is essentially what changes with recompiliation and across different roms. By removing what changes we get a powerful way to identify sub-routines independent of the actual rom file version. So if the rom accesses the maps for example we can find that specific generic code and then work back from there. After matching it (ignoring all of the relocation and segments) we extract the actual segment information and then re-calcuate the physical addresses from the segments, then mask those addresses to reveal the byte offset form the start of the rom! We can then use this offset to dump the maps... Its a very powerful method because of the way we mask the code. The approach of masking all segment and relocation information out of the signatures means it works on any ME7x rom file compiled for C167x cpu and works right across a huge number of rom variants. Right now the first version of the Map finder is just showing X-Axis tables (entire set of rom tables will come shortly and then we can easily match them too!)... But ofcourse its quite simple to make this work for ALL the ROM resident tables and then we can start to identify the sub-routines with further signature bytes and automatically label all of those tables too. ...This is a far better way than 'guessing' the maps knowing they reside (as some even commercial tools do) within a certain range in the rom. This guarentee's your actually looking at real tables. Development wise the next step is to push the table start addresses into a hash table to make it easy to de-duplicate them so you don't find calls to the lookups to the same tables (happens occasionally since we are walking through the rom code and literaly picking up ALL of the accesses to the tables. Hope this makes sense. Its called ME7RomTool_Ferrari (since that's my main focus) however be assured it does work with many many variants i've been continuing to download and test it with... https://github.com/360trev/ME7RomTool_Ferrari (https://github.com/360trev/ME7RomTool_Ferrari) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 06, 2018, 05:06:38 AM Here's an example of it identifying KFAGK (Exhaust Flap changeover table)...
-[ Exhaust Valve KFAGK Table ]--------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Scanning for KFAGK Table #1 Checking sub-routine [manages exhaust valve/flap opening] Found at offset=0x4ab40 (seg:0x206 phy:0x818000 val:0x541) KFAGK table: Characteristic map for exhaust flap changeover KFAGK table: 0x00018541 (file-offset) KFAGK table: X-Axis: 6 Rows : % of Throttle Applied. KFAGK table: Y-Axis: 10 Rows : RPM before Opening occurs. 0.00% 20.25% 63.75% 69.00% 81.00% 99.75% [1]---- [2]---- [3]---- [4]---- [5]---- [6]---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 1] : 800 rpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 2] : 1000 rpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 3] : 2520 rpm 0 0 1 1 1 1 [ 4] : 2720 rpm 0 0 1 2 2 2 [ 5] : 2920 rpm 0 0 1 2 2 2 [ 6] : 3720 rpm 0 0 1 2 2 2 [ 7] : 3920 rpm 0 0 1 2 2 2 [ 8] : 5000 rpm 0 0 1 2 2 2 [ 9] : 6000 rpm 0 0 1 2 2 2 [10] : 9000 rpm Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 06, 2018, 05:08:49 AM and here's the generic map (X-Axis only for now!) finder in action on the same Ferrari 360 rom file...
-[ Generic X-Axis MAP Table Scanner! ]--------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Scanning for Map Tables #1 Checking sub-routine [map finder!] [Map #1] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x33eb0 phy:0x1805f, file-offset=0x18060 x-axis=8 14 19 26 32 3e 4b 58 64 [Map #2] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x3fc36 phy:0x18074, file-offset=0x18075 x-axis=5 40 4d 5b 68 76 [Map #3] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x441da phy:0x1810c, file-offset=0x1810d x-axis=16 14 1e 28 32 3c 46 50 5a 64 6e 78 82 8c 94 9b a3 [Map #4] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x441f2 phy:0x18137, file-offset=0x18138 x-axis=4 34 5d 85 ad [Map #5] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44434 phy:0x181bc, file-offset=0x181bd x-axis=6 00 02 14 1e 28 3c [Map #6] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44482 phy:0x180d5, file-offset=0x180d6 x-axis=8 0d 19 26 32 4b 64 7d 96 [Map #7] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x444ca phy:0x180c0, file-offset=0x180c1 x-axis=5 23 28 2d 32 37 [Map #8] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x444e2 phy:0x180a3, file-offset=0x180a4 x-axis=5 08 0d 11 18 20 [Map #9] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x4452e phy:0x181c3, file-offset=0x181c4 x-axis=8 1e 3c 5a 78 96 b4 d2 f0 [Map #10] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44546 phy:0x180de, file-offset=0x180df x-axis=8 26 32 4b 58 64 7d 8a 96 [Map #11] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44576 phy:0x1811d, file-offset=0x1811e x-axis=16 26 2c 32 38 3f 45 4b 51 58 64 6a 71 76 8a 96 a3 [Map #12] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x4458e phy:0x18161, file-offset=0x18162 x-axis=8 33 40 54 61 90 9d b8 c5 [Map #13] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x445c6 phy:0x181e2, file-offset=0x181e3 x-axis=8 00 03 06 09 0c 0f 12 15 [Map #14] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x445de phy:0x181eb, file-offset=0x181ec x-axis=8 00 03 06 09 0c 0f 12 15 [Map #15] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x446aa phy:0x180fb, file-offset=0x180fc x-axis=16 10 15 19 1f 26 2c 32 38 3f 45 4b 58 64 71 7d 96 [Map #16] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x446c2 phy:0x1813c, file-offset=0x1813d x-axis=8 0a 14 1e 32 46 50 64 78 [Map #17] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x446f6 phy:0x180b7, file-offset=0x180b8 x-axis=8 03 05 08 14 1e 32 50 64 [Map #18] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x4470e phy:0x180e7, file-offset=0x180e8 x-axis=8 14 19 32 3c 4b 64 7d 96 [Map #19] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44726 phy:0x180f0, file-offset=0x180f1 x-axis=10 0f 16 1e 25 2d 37 41 50 64 82 [Map #20] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x4473e phy:0x18080, file-offset=0x18081 x-axis=10 0a 17 29 40 54 6b 80 a4 cd ff [Map #21] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44756 phy:0x180a9, file-offset=0x180aa x-axis=6 05 0d 19 32 64 c8 [Map #22] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x4476e phy:0x18092, file-offset=0x18093 x-axis=5 59 73 80 8c a7 [Map #23] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44786 phy:0x1816f, file-offset=0x18170 x-axis=4 25 4d 68 ab [Map #24] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x4479e phy:0x1810c, file-offset=0x1810d x-axis=16 14 1e 28 32 3c 46 50 5a 64 6e 78 82 8c 94 9b a3 [Map #25] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x447b6 phy:0x18137, file-offset=0x18138 x-axis=4 34 5d 85 ad [Map #26] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x447ce phy:0x1e288, file-offset=0x1e289 x-axis=4 00 1b 00 2f [Map #27] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x447e6 phy:0x180cd, file-offset=0x180ce x-axis=7 14 1e 2d 3c 50 64 7d [Map #28] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44816 phy:0x1819a, file-offset=0x1819b x-axis=9 18 33 40 4d 61 75 90 ab c5 [Map #29] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44868 phy:0x18181, file-offset=0x18182 x-axis=6 0b 25 40 5b 90 b8 [Map #30] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44880 phy:0x18191, file-offset=0x18192 x-axis=8 0b 25 33 40 4d 5b 90 b8 [Map #31] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x448d8 phy:0x1817a, file-offset=0x1817b x-axis=6 11 25 40 5b 75 ab [Map #32] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44978 phy:0x180b0, file-offset=0x180b1 x-axis=6 02 19 32 4b 64 7d [Map #33] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x44ec6 phy:0x1e382, file-offset=0x1e383 x-axis=4 00 25 00 40 [Map #34] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x48aa2 phy:0x1eb26, file-offset=0x1eb27 x-axis=4 00 2b 00 2c ... cut ... cut ... [Map #80] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x7f510 phy:0x19d2e, file-offset=0x19d2f x-axis=10 0a 14 1e 28 32 46 5a 78 96 f0 [Map #81] X-Axis Map function found at: offset=0x81ecc phy:0x23fd6, file-offset=0x23fd7 x-axis=4 00 00 00 04 No match found Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: prj on September 06, 2018, 05:11:37 AM That's pretty cool, but I did this like 6 years ago: http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2703.0 (http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2703.0)
Just saying :p Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 06, 2018, 05:17:24 AM That's pretty cool, but I did this like 6 years ago: http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2703.0 (http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2703.0) Just saying :p Hello prj, I know sir, your a guru on here ;) ...The aim here is a bit different... I'm going to make it possible to extract and re-insert changed maps and automatically recalc sums. So its trivial to swap maps from one rom to another or make changes and repatch them in with no extra tools... I will do a gui frontend to 'control' this... Did I mention it does summing too and works with multiple variants of signatures including support for 1Mb files too? -[ DPPx Setup Analysis ]----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Scanning for Main ROM DPPx setup #1 [to extract dpp0, dpp1, dpp2, dpp3 from rom] main rom dppX byte sequence #1 found at offset=0x246. dpp0: (seg: 0x0004 phy:0x00010000) dpp1: (seg: 0x0005 phy:0x00014000) dpp2: (seg: 0x00c0 phy:0x00300000) ram start address dpp2: (seg: 0x0003 phy:0x0000c000) cpu registers Note: dpp3 is always 3, otherwise accessing CPU register area not possible -[ Main-Rom Checksum Analysis ]---------------------------------------------------------- >>> Scanning for Main ROM Checksum sub-routine #1 [to extract number of entries in table] main checksum byte sequence #1 found at offset=0xbfb82. Found #3 Regional Block Entries in table >>> Scanning for Main ROM Checksum sub-routine #2 [to extract Start/End regions] main checksum byte sequence #2 found at offset=0xbfb46. Main Region Block #1: lo:0x293b4.W hi:0x293b6.W (seg: 0xa phy:0x293b4) : 0xc000 lo:0x293b8.W hi:0x293ba.W (seg: 0xa phy:0x293b8) : 0xdfff sum=43d88af ~sum=fbc27750 : acc_sum=0 Main Region Block #2: lo:0x293bc.W hi:0x293be.W (seg: 0xa phy:0x293bc) : 0x10900 lo:0x293c0.W hi:0x293c2.W (seg: 0xa phy:0x293c0) : 0x1f7ff sum=1b08c4eb ~sum=e4f73b14 : acc_sum=43d88af Main Region Block #3: lo:0x293c4.W hi:0x293c6.W (seg: 0xa phy:0x293c4) : 0x1fc00 lo:0x293c8.W hi:0x293ca.W (seg: 0xa phy:0x293c8) : 0xcffff sum=5279cec5 ~sum=ad86313a : acc_sum=1f464d9a Final Main ROM Checksum calculation: 0x71c01c5f (after 3 rounds) Final Main ROM Checksum calculation: ~0x8e3fe3a0 >>> Scanning for Main ROM Checksum sub-routine #3 variant #A [to extract stored checksums and locations in ROM] main checksum byte sequence #3 block found at offset=0xbfbee. Stored Main ROM Block Checksum: lo:0xffff0.W hi:0xffff2.W (seg: 0x3f phy:0xffff0) : 0x71c01c5f Stored Main ROM Block ~Checksum: lo:0xffff4.W hi:0xffff6.W (seg: 0x3f phy:0xffff4) : 0x8e3fe3a0 MAIN STORED ROM CHECKSUM: 0x71c01c5f ? 0x71c01c5f : OK! ~CHECKSUM: 0x8e3fe3a0 ? 0x8e3fe3a0 : OK! -[ Multipoint Checksum Analysis ]-------------------------------------------------------- >>> Scanning for Multipoint Checksum sub-routine #1 Variant A [to extract number entries in stored checksum list in ROM] Found at offset=0xbe32a. Found #48 Multipoint Entries in table >>> Scanning for Multipoint Checksum sub-routine #2 Variant A [to extract address of stored checksum list location in ROM] Found at offset=0xbe5ac. Multipoint Block #01 of #48: lo:0x1f800.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f800) : Start: seg:0x0 phy:0x00000000 (offset: 0x00000000) lo:0x1f804.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f804) : End: seg:0x0 phy:0x000001ff (offset: 0x000001ff) lo:0x1f808.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f808) : Block Checksum: 0x00407600 : Calculated: 0x00407600 OK lo:0x1f80c.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f80c) : ~Block Checksum: 0xffbf89ff : ~Calculated: 0xffbf89ff OK Multipoint Block #02 of #48: lo:0x1f810.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f810) : Start: seg:0x0 phy:0x00000000 (offset: 0x00000000) lo:0x1f814.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f814) : End: seg:0x0 phy:0x000001ff (offset: 0x000001ff) lo:0x1f818.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f818) : Block Checksum: 0x00407600 : Calculated: 0x00407600 OK lo:0x1f81c.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f81c) : ~Block Checksum: 0xffbf89ff : ~Calculated: 0xffbf89ff OK Multipoint Block #03 of #48: lo:0x1f820.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f820) : Start: seg:0x2 phy:0x00008000 (offset: 0x00008000) lo:0x1f824.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f824) : End: seg:0x2 phy:0x0000bfff (offset: 0x0000bfff) lo:0x1f828.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f828) : Block Checksum: 0x0da78c5f : Calculated: 0x0da78c5f OK lo:0x1f82c.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f82c) : ~Block Checksum: 0xf25873a0 : ~Calculated: 0xf25873a0 OK Multipoint Block #04 of #48: lo:0x1f830.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f830) : Start: seg:0x3 phy:0x0000c000 (offset: 0x0000c000) lo:0x1f834.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f834) : End: seg:0x3 phy:0x0000dfff (offset: 0x0000dfff) lo:0x1f838.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f838) : Block Checksum: 0x043d88af : Calculated: 0x043d88af OK lo:0x1f83c.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f83c) : ~Block Checksum: 0xfbc27750 : ~Calculated: 0xfbc27750 OK Multipoint Block #05 of #48: lo:0x1f840.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f840) : Start: seg:0x4 phy:0x00010900 (offset: 0x00010900) lo:0x1f844.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f844) : End: seg:0x4 phy:0x00013fff (offset: 0x00013fff) lo:0x1f848.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f848) : Block Checksum: 0x07e64140 : Calculated: 0x07e64140 OK lo:0x1f84c.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f84c) : ~Block Checksum: 0xf819bebf : ~Calculated: 0xf819bebf OK Multipoint Block #06 of #48: lo:0x1f850.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f850) : Start: seg:0x5 phy:0x00014000 (offset: 0x00014000) lo:0x1f854.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f854) : End: seg:0x5 phy:0x00017f67 (offset: 0x00017f67) lo:0x1f858.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f858) : Block Checksum: 0x082369b2 : Calculated: 0x082369b2 OK lo:0x1f85c.L (seg: 0x7 phy:0x1f85c) : ~Block Checksum: 0xf7dc964d : ~Calculated: 0xf7dc964d OK ... cut... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 06, 2018, 05:23:20 AM That's pretty cool, but I did this like 6 years ago: http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2703.0 (http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2703.0) Just saying :p I think I'll update my signatures to support your signature format sometime soon so both programs gain benefit from all the signatures I'm finding.... some are specific to Ferrari for example... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: IamwhoIam on September 07, 2018, 05:57:58 AM wow, this looks good to me! a GUI would make it even more attractive!
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 07, 2018, 12:28:38 PM Well its not really just a map finder... slightly misleading description. Its a
1. Checksum Corrector 2. Dppx Setting Locator 3. Map Locator 4. Map Changer 5. Seed Login Patcher etc. with more and more features being added daily... Yes, absolutely a GUI will be added soon (with full cell editing and graphs) as I get swapping of the most basic maps like KPED, etc. done. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 07, 2018, 05:01:24 PM For anyone tracking this project, I've just made some updates today to automated map detection routines.
On 1mb roms now its detecting a large number maps without individual signatures. With some more work it should be able to detect 100% of all maps automatically ;) For example on the rom file "06A906032DS 0261207080 360930" it detects 115 maps... e.g.; --- cut --- cut ------------------------------------------------------------------ [Map #113] Multi Axis Map function found at: offset=0x95928 Table : Identification not yet implemented (coming soon!) X-Axis : 4 rows Y-Axis : 4 rows [ 1 ]-- [ 2 ]-- [ 3 ]-- [ 4 ]-- 2626 2626 2626 2626 [ 1 ] 2626 2626 2626 2626 [ 2 ] 2626 2626 2626 2626 [ 3 ] 2626 2626 404 755a [ 4 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [Map #114] Multi Axis Map function found at: offset=0x99762 Table : Identification not yet implemented (coming soon!) X-Axis : 8 rows Y-Axis : 5 rows [ 1 ]-- [ 2 ]-- [ 3 ]-- [ 4 ]-- [ 5 ]-- [ 6 ]-- [ 7 ]-- [ 8 ]-- 201 303 400 404 3 606 305 500 [ 1 ] 404 304 600 506 3 505 305 500 [ 2 ] 606 305 500 505 3 505 305 100 [ 3 ] 505 305 500 505 3 201 303 100 [ 4 ] 505 305 100 302 3 201 303 100 [ 5 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [Map #115] Multi Axis Map function found at: offset=0x99bf0 Table : Identification not yet implemented (coming soon!) X-Axis : 3 rows Y-Axis : 8 rows [ 1 ]-- [ 2 ]-- [ 3 ]-- 2000 2000 2000 [ 1 ] 2000 2000 2000 [ 2 ] 2900 2600 2300 [ 3 ] 2100 2000 2000 [ 4 ] 2580 2380 2280 [ 5 ] 2000 2000 2000 [ 6 ] 10c 3219 644b [ 7 ] c8af fae1 ff [ 8 ] --- cut --- cut Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: JTY on September 08, 2018, 04:57:55 AM Very good work, compiled nicely in my Linux car computer.
Tried all the functions with porche ME7.1 bin and seems to work. Only seedkey did not find anything. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 13, 2018, 01:58:47 PM If you ever wanted to know how to extract the ECU Identification information out of an ME7 rom be sure to take git clone of the latest source-code...
Latest version now supports this features. There is a lookup table in the rom which defines a list containing the strings, so many people never even know they exist.. 06 vmecuhn_type: db 6 ; entry type, 6 = asciiz 0A vmecuhn_len: db 0Ah AE 01 vmecuhn_val: dw VMECUHN ; "185392.001" 04 02 vmecuhn_seg: dw 204h ; segment 06 ssecusn_type: db 6 ; entry type, 6 = asciiz 0A ssecuhn_len: db 0Ah 98 01 ssecuhn_val: dw SSECUHN ; "0261204841" 04 02 ssecuhn_seg: dw 204h So if your looking to resolve these strings back to the map area take a look at the code as they don't seem to be referenced anywhere else except for indirectly via this table. Have fun ;) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: player on September 22, 2018, 06:01:50 AM wow. really nice work
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on September 22, 2018, 09:44:04 AM Request: drop in replacement for ME7Info that can be used directly with ME7Logger
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 23, 2018, 12:16:14 PM Request: drop in replacement for ME7Info that can be used directly with ME7Logger Actually I've just been exploring this a bit and I can definately do it. I was also thinking of extending the ME7Bosch IDA plugin now that Andrew's released the source-code on Github (did you know?) Here it is if you didn't.... https://github.com/AndyWhittaker/IDAProBoschMe7x I could literally update it to take a special output file from my ME7RomTool to automatically name all of the functions and variables... thoughts? Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on September 23, 2018, 05:21:54 PM Actually I've just been exploring this a bit and I can definately do it. If you do, can you make sure these extras and torque vars are detected, along with the others already in ME7Info? https://github.com/nyetwurk/ME7L/tree/master/ecus Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on September 24, 2018, 03:38:42 AM Thanks Nyet,
I havent done enough research on it yet but why are people referring to Absolute addresses in the external RAM range (which is a hardware configuration and NOT the same across all ME7 hardwares) ? Some of the different ME7 ecu (Volvo, Fiat, Lancia etc.) variants for example don't use the same base addressing for their external ram layout. Take for instance .. 2001.5 Audi S4 8D0907551M 0261207143(1).bin Code: Opening [b]'2001.5 Audi S4 8D0907551M 0261207143(1).bin'[/b] file It has the 0x380000 base address for ram vs VOLVO S60R_AUT 2.5L B5254T4 300HP NoCarPartNo 0261208289 30684626A.bin Code: Opening 'VOLVO S60R_AUT 2.5L B5254T4 300HP NoCarPartNo 0261208289 30684626A.bin' file In this case it actually starts at 0x300000 instead... Why therefore do we hardcode the BASE ADDRESS to $380000 ? ... when actually the value is determined by the project setup and the configuration of the DPP2 segment registers contents in the initial boot strap. If we search the ROM bootstraip itself (Which is how my ME7RomTool does it) its quite easy to work out the external ram address by then taking the segment value and multiplying it by a page size of 16Kbytes (0x4000), which funny enough is exactly how all of the 16-bit opcodes in the machine code refer to the locations, indirectly from the DPP2 register. This affords a higher compatibility than hardcoding as we do it today and would yield compatibility with 1mb roms and many other vehicle manufacturers like Fiat's, etc, then we could just save Relative offsets from the DPP2 base address rather than directly referencing the direct base address. Like I said I haven't yet checked if doing this would mean all the ram defines would align up on different memory maps. However really its far better to search for the needles to known functions and pull out all of the ram variables automatically thus having certainty that the correct addresses are used. Thoughts? Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on September 24, 2018, 08:04:30 AM No reason other that historic. But we don't have the source to ME7L to change it to accept a base and and offset for each location, so at minimum, the absolute addresses will have to be added before generating ME7L ecu files.
Alternaltely, we do have enough info to build an entire logger from scratch, but it is unlikely enough people are around to do the work. IMO that is the only thing you're up against right now... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: pc1010 on October 17, 2018, 01:04:48 PM Are there any plans to add support for 832KB file size for ST10 based ME7 variants? That would be the first software to offer that ;)
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on October 22, 2018, 01:48:09 AM Send me some links to a few ROMs (and Ideally a definitions file of some locations to get me started) I can take a look. For what vehicles are you talking about btw?
Oh and latest update now includes a first cut (80% done) C16x dissassembler built-in (as always full sources included on the github).. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: pectel on October 22, 2018, 03:23:07 PM Hiya.new here:)
trying to get this tool to work but just flashes fast and vanishes :) trying to find a function in a bmw x5 ecu Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on October 22, 2018, 06:38:06 PM Hiya.new here:) trying to get this tool to work but just flashes fast and vanishes :) trying to find a function in a bmw x5 ecu It's a command line program. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on October 23, 2018, 08:09:27 AM Hiya.new here:) trying to get this tool to work but just flashes fast and vanishes :) trying to find a function in a bmw x5 ecu As Nyet stated the core functions run from command line today during initial development. I will build it with a full featured gui at a later date. For now you need to use it from command line. I'm currently in the process of making the dissassembler fully featured so that it can also help identify variables in the dissassembly listings... (i.e. support for segments) and some completion of the last few unsupported commands. This is significant as I will parse the entire rom during initial loading in preparation for function discovery followed by variables discovery. I can then generate xdf's, damos, etc. basically whatever format I wish... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on October 23, 2018, 08:13:58 AM For instance...
me7romtool.exe -romfile LEFT_Eddie_2004_360Spider_EU.bin -seedkey -diss Code: Ferrari 360 ME7.3H4 Rom Tool. *BETA TEST* Last Built: Oct 17 2018 12:51:49 v1.6 Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: pectel on October 24, 2018, 03:52:51 PM looks like i need to nerd up a bit ;D
lot easier just mapping these ecus. need to learn fast about reverse engineering. good work guys :) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on October 24, 2018, 05:40:34 PM Forget about learning anything about reverse engineering. Start with learning how command line programs work.
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: pectel on October 25, 2018, 03:27:20 AM I`m trying :)
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on November 20, 2018, 10:09:36 AM Just to inform people.
I'm still actively working on this and I can confirm it correctly performs checksum correction on F430 rom dumps as well as Maserati 4200 (which uses ME7.3.2) and a 1Mb rom file... Another big update coming soon in which I will include a full diagnostics computer in a similar vein to the Ferrari SD2 but for free... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: niijohnnie on January 14, 2019, 12:58:39 PM Thank you 360trev for this great program. I am looking forward to being able to use it.
Currently i get a 'libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll not found. Windows 10 64bit. attached error snip. Am I doing something wrong Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on January 14, 2019, 02:03:29 PM Thank you 360trev for this great program. I am looking forward to being able to use it. Currently i get a 'libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll not found. Windows 10 64bit. attached error snip. Am I doing something wrong That DLL is a compiler dll for MinGW. You dont have it, same as me. Solution is to dl it separately https://www.dll-files.com/download/e2ac23418781f632311513944edd0a4c/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll.html?c=OXpGQkVkRVA0a1R5dUNTYzNDR0RWUT09 And put the dll file next to the exe :) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: niijohnnie on January 15, 2019, 04:37:54 AM That DLL is a compiler dll for MinGW. You dont have it, same as me. Solution is to dl it separately https://www.dll-files.com/download/e2ac23418781f632311513944edd0a4c/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll.html?c=OXpGQkVkRVA0a1R5dUNTYzNDR0RWUT09 Hahahahaa....simple huh.Thanks. I will try it.And put the dll file next to the exe :) @Blazius...Thanks man. it worked. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on January 15, 2019, 06:41:43 AM Hahahahaa....simple huh.Thanks. I will try it. @Blazius...Thanks man. it worked. You are welcome :) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: moodz on May 14, 2019, 03:00:07 PM This is awesome work! you are a genius!
Im more than happy to assists with the GUI, (external offcoarse) amazingly i just wrote a program to find maps in the 180HP vag me7.5 today ,only to find this that is just on another level. respect! Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 07:02:30 AM I will be releasing a big update soon..
I have re-designed the way my search works now to be more like the way my custom disassembler works. This allows me to automatically mask out physical addresses for given instructions, etc. and therefore compare dumped functions between ecu dumps. This in turn allows rapid discovery of variables for the purposes of logging, etc. Another big advantage is I was able to ignore the differences between a 512Kbyte compiled function and a 1Mb compiled function in that the extX (e.g. extp etc.) instructions used to get access to larger address space can be ignored in both the needles and the rom code being searched through as part of a 'fuzzy logic' based search. The net result is that even functions compiled for a 512Kbyte rom file can be discovered on a larger address space rom like a 1Mb one without having to have unique signatures for each different variation just because a few differences existed due to the way the compiler addresses memory (short vs long memory model). Also going to do the same for a few other instructions too meaning that its technically possible in the future to define signatures based on higher level requirements such as finding that a function used variables like 'nmot' and looked up some known table references. Based on this inference you can pretty much auto discover a huge number of functions without requiring tonnes of signatures... So yes, you could say this works really well! Watch this space! Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 07:07:56 AM E.g...
0x00067DD0: (+0 ) E6 FC 97 0B mov r12, #0B97h 0x00067DD4: (+4 ) E6 FD 06 02 mov r13, #0206h 0x00067DD8: (+8 ) C2 FE 74 F2 movbz r14, byte_F274 0x00067DDC: (+12 ) D7 40 E1 00 extp #00E1h, #1 0x00067DE0: (+16 ) C2 FF 71 0A movbz r15, byte_A71 0x00067DE4: (+20 ) DA 83 DC 46 calls 83h, loc_646DC ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** KFAGK @ ROM:0x818b97 RAM:0x25b3bb7 File-Offset:0x18b97 (seg=0x0206 val=0x0B97) KFAGK Long identifier: Characteristic map for exhaust flap changeover. Display identifier: Address: 0x818b97 Value: No. | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PHY| 880.00 920.00 1000.00 3320.00 3400.00 4520.00 5840.00 5920.00 6000.00 9000.00 --------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 10 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 26 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 50 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 81 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 100 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Cells: Unit: Conversion name: rel_uw_b200 Conversion formula: f(phys) = 0.0 + 1.000000 * phys Data type: UBYTE X-axis: Unit: Upm Conversion name: nmot_ub_q40 Conversion formula: f(phys) = 0.0 + 0.025000 * phys Data type: UBYTE Y-axis: Unit: % Conversion name: rel_uw_q0p75 Conversion formula: f(phys) = 0.0 + 1.333333 * phys Data type: UBYTE Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 07:12:25 AM vs ...
0x0004F0AE: (+0 ) E6 FC EE 08 mov r12, #08EEh 0x0004F0B2: (+4 ) E6 FD 06 02 mov r13, #0206h 0x0004F0B6: (+8 ) C2 FE 6C F8 movbz r14, byte_F86C 0x0004F0BA: (+12 ) C2 FF 65 8B movbz r15, byte_8B65 0x0004F0BE: (+16 ) DA 82 F4 9F calls 82h, loc_49FF4 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0x0004F0C2: (+20 ) F1 E8 movb rl7, r14 *** KFAGK @ ROM:0x8188ee RAM:0x8a290e File-Offset:0x188ee (seg=0x0206 val=0x08EE) KFAGK Long identifier: Characteristic map for exhaust flap changeover. Display identifier: Address: 0x8188ee Value: No. | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PHY| 520.00 1000.00 1520.00 2000.00 3000.00 5120.00 5320.00 5520.00 6520.00 7520.00 8000.00 9000.00 10000.00 10200.00 --------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 50 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 100 PHY| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Cells: Unit: Conversion name: rel_uw_b200 Conversion formula: f(phys) = 0.0 + 1.000000 * phys Data type: UBYTE X-axis: Unit: Upm Conversion name: nmot_ub_q40 Conversion formula: f(phys) = 0.0 + 0.025000 * phys Data type: UBYTE Y-axis: Unit: % Conversion name: rel_uw_q0p75 Conversion formula: f(phys) = 0.0 + 1.333333 * phys Data type: UBYTE Fuzzy Matches <4> Both are matched yet the code is different and the first (from a Ferrari F430) was discovered as well the one above (from a Ferrari 360) yet the 360 used a different version of the ecu on a 1Mb rom and the 360 a 512Kbyte rom. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 07:23:26 AM And tonnes of new features too like ability to auto analyze, discover and decode the pcodes, error classes, etc. and then from the table id's Do a REVERSE LOOKUP and identify the functions (from the direct lookup calls to the DTC functions!)... This is neat as you find all of the functions in one go rather than having to manually do a lot of work... :)
-[ Find Errorclass (Ferrari Diagnostic P-Codes) ]----------------- >>> Scanning for Errorclass Lookup code sequence - Variant #1... found needle at offset=0x38892 CDTAAA @ ROM:0x8135dc RAM:0x8745fc File-Offset:0x135dc (seg=0x0204 val=0x35DC) CDKAAA @ ROM:0x8133ec RAM:0x87440c File-Offset:0x133ec (seg=0x0204 val=0x33EC) Skip Offset 1984 Number of CARB Table Entries: 124 ErrorClass Table Start: ROM:0x812C2C Num Entries = 124 -----[ LH Bank 1 ]----- -----[ RH Bank 2 ]----- min max sig npl min max sig npl 0x00 [000] AAA: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Dummy Table Start [DFPM_DFPM] 0x01 [001] AAV: P1462,P1462,P1462,P1462 P0449,P0449,P0449,P0449 : Activated Carbon Filter Shut-Off Valve (Function) [DFPM_DTESK] 0x02 [002] AAVE: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0446,P0448,P0447,P0000 : Activated Carbon Filter Shut-Off Valve (Power Amplifier) [DFPM_DEKON] 0x03 [003] AGKE: P1461,P1461,P1461,P1461 P1448,P1448,P1448,P1448 : Exhaust Bypass Valves [DFPM_DEKON] 0x04 [004] AGRE: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : (Unsupported) Monitoring EGR Power Amplifier [DFPM_DUMMY_D] 0x05 [005] AGRF: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : (Unsupported) Monitoring AGR-FLOW [DFPM_DUMMY_D] 0x06 [006] BM: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0386 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0336 : Engine Revolution Sensing [DFPM_DDG] 0x07 [007] BREMS: P1569,P1569,P1569,P1569 P0571,P0571,P0571,P0571 : Brake Pedal Encoder [DFPM_GGEGAS] 0x08 [008] BWF: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P1639,P1639,P1639,P1639 : PWG Movement [DFPM_GGPED] 0x09 [009] CAS: P1631,P1631,P1631,P1631 P1626,P1626,P1626,P1626 : CAN Interface: Timeout Anti-Slip Control (ABS/ASR ECU) [DFPM_DCAS] 0x0A [010] CINS: P1675,P1675,P1675,P1675 P1674,P1674,P1674,P1674 : CAN Interface: Timeout Instrument (Dashboard ECU) [DFPM_DCINS] 0x0B [011] CKUP: P1632,P1632,P1632,P1632 P1627,P1627,P1627,P1627 : CAN Interface: Timeout Electronic Clutch (TCU ECU) [DFPM_DCKUP] 0x0C [012] DK: P0223,P0222,P0220,P0221 P0123,P0122,P0120,P0121 : DK - Throttle Body Potentiometer [DFPM_DDVE] 0x0D [013] DK1P: P1190,P1191,P1192,P1192 P1173,P1172,P1170,P1170 : DK - Throttle Body 1. Poti [DFPM_DDVE] 0x0E [014] DK2P: P1193,P1194,P1195,P1195 P1177,P1176,P1174,P1174 : DK - Throttle Body 2. Poti [DFPM_DDVE] 0x0F [015] DPL: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : (Unsupported) Continuous plus [DFPM_DUMMY_D] 0x10 [016] DSS: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : (Unsupported) Suction Pipe Pressure Sensor [DFPM_DUMMY_D] 0x11 [017] DST: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0453,P0452,P0451,P0450 : Pressure Sensor Tank [DFPM_DDST] 0x12 [018] DVEE: P1167,P1167,P1167,P1167 P1184,P1184,P1184,P1184 : DV-E Power Amplifier [DFPM_DDVE] 0x13 [019] DVEF: P1163,P1163,P1163,P1163 P1180,P1180,P1180,P1180 : DV-E Feather Check Error [DFPM_DDVE] 0x14 [020] DVEFO: P1162,P1162,P1162,P1162 P1179,P1179,P1179,P1179 : DV-E Return Spring Failure [DFPM_DDVE] 0x15 [021] DVEL: P1171,P1171,P1171,P1171 P1185,P1185,P1185,P1185 : DV-E Position Deviation [DFPM_DDVE] 0x16 [022] DVEN: P1164,P1164,P1164,P1164 P1181,P1181,P1181,P1181 : DV-E Error Checking Emergency Air Position [DFPM_DDVE] 0x17 [023] DVER: P1175,P1175,P1175,P1175 P1186,P1186,P1186,P1186 : DV-E Control Range [DFPM_DDVE] 0x18 [024] DVET: P1161,P1161,P1161,P1161 P1178,P1178,P1178,P1178 : DV-E Error Undefined [DFPM_DDVE] 0x19 [025] DVEU: P1165,P1165,P1165,P1165 P1182,P1182,P1182,P1182 : DV-E Errors in UMA Learning [DFPM_DDVE] 0x1A [026] DVEUB: P1196,P1196,P1196,P1196 P1187,P1187,P1187,P1187 : DV-E Errors in Motor Driven Throttle [DFPM_DDVE] 0x1B [027] DVEUW: P1197,P1197,P1197,P1197 P1188,P1188,P1188,P1188 : DV-E Errors Undefined [DFPM_DDVE] 0x1C [028] DVEV: P1166,P1166,P1166,P1166 P1183,P1183,P1183,P1183 : DV-E Amplifier Matching Error [DFPM_DDVE] 0x1D [029] EGFE: P1148,P1148,P1148,P1148 P1145,P1145,P1145,P1145 : Load Detection [DFPM_EGFE] 0x1E [030] EPCLE: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Driving Behavior Error Lamp (Power Amplifier) [DFPM_DEKON] 0x1F [031] ETSE: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Electric Thermostat Power Amplifier [DFPM_DEKON] 0x20 [032] EV1: P1217,P1229,P1241,P1205 P1213,P1225,P1237,P1201 : EV by Cylinder 1 [DFPM_DEKON] 0x21 [033] EV2: P1218,P1230,P1242,P1206 P1214,P1226,P1238,P1202 : EV by Cylinder 2 [DFPM_DEKON] 0x22 [034] EV3: P1219,P1231,P1243,P1207 P1215,P1227,P1239,P1203 : EV by Cylinder 3 [DFPM_DEKON] 0x23 [035] EV4: P1220,P1232,P1244,P1208 P1216,P1228,P1240,P1204 : EV by Cylinder 4 [DFPM_DEKON] 0x24 [036] FP1P: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P1146,P1147,P1147,P1149 : Throttle Pedal Poti 1 [DFPM_GGPED] 0x25 [037] FP2P: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P1150,P1151,P1151,P1153 : Throttle Pedal Poti 2 [DFPM_GGPED] 0x26 [038] FPP: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P1189,P1189,P1189,P1189 : Gas Pedal [DFPM_GGPED] 0x27 [039] FRAO: P1158,P1157,P1157,P1157 P1156,P1155,P1155,P1155 : LR-Adaption Upper Multiplicative [DFPM_DKVS] 0x28 [040] FRAU: P1154,P1152,P1152,P1152 P1160,P1159,P1159,P1159 : LR Adaption Lower Multiplicative [DFPM_DKVS] 0x29 [041] FRST: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : LR Deviation [DFPM_DKVS] 0x2A [042] GRBH: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : GRA Control Lever Error [DFPM_GGFGRH] 0x2B [043] HSH: P0000,P0000,P0000,P1113 P0000,P0000,P0000,P1144 : Lambda Probe Heater Behind Catalyst [DFPM_DHLSHK] 0x2C [044] HSHE: P1110,P1121,P1122,P0000 P1105,P1117,P1118,P0000 : Power amplifier heating probe behind cat. [DFPM_DEKON] 0x2D [045] HSV: P1107,P1119,P1120,P1114 P1102,P1115,P1116,P1103 : Lambda Probe Heating Before Catalyst [DFPM_DHLSU] 0x2E [046] HSV2: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Lambda probe heater in front of catalyst; (Bank2) [DFPM_DHLSU] 0x2F [047] HSVSA: P1198,P1198,P1198,P1198 P1135,P1135,P1135,P1135 : Lambda Probe Heating Before Catalyst [DFPM_DHLSU] 0x30 [048] HSVSA2: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Lambda Probe Heating 2 before Catalyst [DFPM_DHLSU] 0x31 [049] KAS: P1454,P1454,P1454,P1454 P1446,P1446,P1446,P1446 : Catalyst Protection Active [DFPM_SAK] 0x32 [050] KAT: P0432,P0432,P0432,P0432 P0422,P0422,P0422,P0422 : Catalyst Efficiency [DFPM_DKAT] 0x33 [051] KATT: P1449,P1449,P1449,P1449 P1445,P1445,P1445,P1445 : Catalyst Temperature [DFPM_DTKAT] 0x34 [052] KOSE: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P1456,P1457,P1455,P1455 : Air Conditioning Compressor Control Power Amplifier [DFPM_DEKON] 0x35 [053] KPE: P1505,P1504,P1506,P1503 P1502,P1501,P1541,P1500 : EKP relay power amplifier [DFPM_DEKON] 0x36 [054] KRNT: P1387,P1387,P1387,P1387 P1386,P1386,P1386,P1386 : Knock Control Null Test [DFPM_DKRNT] 0x37 [055] KROF: P1390,P1390,P1390,P1390 P1388,P1388,P1388,P1388 : Knock Control Offset [DFPM_DKRNT] 0x38 [056] KRTP: P1394,P1394,P1394,P1394 P1393,P1393,P1393,P1393 : Knock Control Test Pulses [DFPM_DKRTP] 0x39 [057] KS1: P1384,P1383,P1384,P1384 P0328,P0327,P0325,P0326 : Knock Sensor 1 [DFPM_DKRS] 0x3A [058] KS2: P1385,P1382,P1385,P1385 P0333,P0332,P0330,P0331 : Knock Sensor 2 [DFPM_DKRS] 0x3B [059] KS3: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Knock Sensor 3 [DFPM_DKRS] 0x3C [060] KS4: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : Knock Sensor 4 [DFPM_DKRS] 0x3D [061] LASH: P0159,P0159,P0159,P0159 P0139,P0139,P0139,P0139 : Lambda Probe aging behind cat. [DFPM_DLSAHK] 0x3E [062] LATP: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : (Unsupported) Lambda Probe Aging TP [DFPM_DUMMY_D] 0x3F [063] LATV: P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 P0000,P0000,P0000,P0000 : (Unsupported) Lambda Probe Aging TV [DFPM_DUMMY_D] .. cut .. cut ... cut Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on June 12, 2019, 08:38:57 AM AWESOME! good work! Any idea if autodetecting ESKONF is possible? (i.e. correlate it with the various inputs/output on the ECU?)
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on June 12, 2019, 09:02:11 AM AWESOME! good work! Any idea if autodetecting ESKONF is possible? (i.e. correlate it with the various inputs/output on the ECU?) Thats amazing. btw n156 is not in ESKONF via FR is it? I need to code it out but I dont know which pair is it :D Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 01:35:17 PM AWESOME! good work! Any idea if autodetecting ESKONF is possible? (i.e. correlate it with the various inputs/output on the ECU?) Yes ESKONF is entirely possible to detect and I already support it! ... however the meanings to decode it are specific to a vehicle model so quite how you'd interpret and visualize that is challenging to understand, config files perhaps? Here's the way it works on the Ferrari 360 version of ME7 Swiss Army Knife.. Code: -[ ESKONF Configuration of power stage (actuators) ]----------------------------- Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 01:36:43 PM .. and also does the same decoding for RHS bank too...
Code: ESKONF_R @ ADR:0x810ad4 (offset 0x10ad4) - Right Bank Configuration Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 12, 2019, 01:53:44 PM On the Ferrari 360 its really easy to detect functions (and even the GPIO bsets) from discovery of the ESKONF..
For example. Here's the segment of code regarding selection of either LHS or RHS banks... DEKON_Get_ESKONF: 9A 23 09 E0 jnb word_FD46.14, Get_ESKONF_L ; Are we running on LHS or RHS ? Get_ESKONF_R: E6 F4 E6 4F mov r4, #prokon_tbl_RHS F6 F4 F8 A0 mov dekon_v, r4 E6 F5 EB 0A mov r5, #ESKONF_R ; ESKONF_R : Undefined [DEKON] F6 F5 FA A0 mov ram_ESKONF_p, r5 DB 00 rets Get_ESKONF_L: ; ... E6 F4 64 50 mov r4, #prokon_tbl_LHS F6 F4 F8 A0 mov dekon_v, r4 E6 F5 E4 0A mov r5, #ESKONF_L ; ESKONF_L : Undefined [DEKON] F6 F5 FA A0 mov ram_ESKONF_p, r5 DB 00 rets If you decode the lookup tables you see something like this (after you correctly define the offsets); ESKONF_R - Right Bank Configuration ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hex | Bit | 76 54 32 10 ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | EV4 EV3 EV2 EV1
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | M52 Cylinder 2 injector control power output | M03 Cylinder 4 injector control power output | M35 Cylinder 3 injector control power output | M19 Cylinder 1 injector control power output ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 00 prokon_tbl_RHS: dw 2 ; ... 8A C3 dw Process_State_Cylinder2_InjectorControl ; M19 84 00 dw 84h DA C3 dw Process_State_Cylinder4_InjectorControl ; M35 84 00 dw 84h 2A C4 dw Process_State_Cylinder3_InjectorControl ; M03 84 00 dw 84h 7A C4 dw Process_State_Cylinder1_InjectorControl ; M52 84 00 dw 84h ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | LSHVK1 xxxx TEV MIL [1] 0x33 | 00 11 00 11 | M34 M21 M05 F46 +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | M34 RH rear Lambda sensor heater (duty cycle) power output | M21 Not Used | M05 Control for RH canister purge valve (duty cycle) power output | F46 Not Used ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 00 dw 2 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; F46 84 00 dw 84h 78 85 dw Process_State_CanisterPurgeValveDutyCycleOutput_Control ; M05 85 00 dw 85h 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; M21 84 00 dw 84h 6C 87 dw Process_State_O2Sensor_Heater_Output ; M34 85 00 dw 85h ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | EKP LUE1 LSHVK2 MIL [2] 0xbf | 10 11 11 11 | F30 F50 M02 F02 +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | F30 Fuel pump control digital output | F50 Not Used | M02 Not Used | F02 Not Used ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 00 dw 2 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; F02 84 00 dw 84h 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; M02 84 00 dw 84h 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; F50 84 00 dw 84h D0 87 dw Process_State_FuelPumpControl ; F30 85 00 dw 85h ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -- -- KOS LUE2 [3] 0xf3 | 11 11 00 11 | Fxx Fxx F13 F62 +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Fxx Not Used | Fxx Not Used | F13 A/C compressor control digital output | F62 Secondary air pump control digital output ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 00 dw 2 F2 85 dw Process_State_SecondaryAirPumpControl ; F62 85 00 dw 85h 9E 87 dw Process_State_AC_CompressorOutput ; F13 85 00 dw 85h 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; Fxx - Not Used 84 00 dw 84h 90 B2 dw Process_State_Unused ; Fxx - Not Used 84 00 dw 84h ----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | xxxx SU1 NWS xxxx [4] 0x00 | 00 00 00 ... cut ... cut ... cut ... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: IamwhoIam on June 12, 2019, 02:53:31 PM Nice job man! When is this big update coming?
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on June 12, 2019, 02:55:14 PM Yes ESKONF is entirely possible to detect and I already support it! ... however the meanings to decode it are specific to a vehicle model so quite how you'd interpret and visualize that is challenging to understand, config files perhaps? For unknown vehicles just outputting GPIO information would be sufficient, since all thats needed for the rest is the schematic. Beats trail and error. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on June 12, 2019, 03:00:20 PM btw. if you dont me asking, how the hell did you get ur hands on a ferrari 360 :"D
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on June 12, 2019, 03:04:19 PM also, offtopic but it bears mention: if not for this fine fellow me7sum would not exist :)
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: DT on June 12, 2019, 03:15:54 PM I will be releasing a big update soon.. Really nice!I have re-designed the way my search works now to be more like the way my custom disassembler works. This allows me to automatically mask out physical addresses for given instructions, etc. and therefore compare dumped functions between ecu dumps. This in turn allows rapid discovery of variables for the purposes of logging, etc. I think I've suggested it before but have you thought about incorporating a points system to be able to get even higher hit count in different files. Like SpamAssassins system. Positive points for a opcode match, negative points if not matching. Sometimes the routine match execept for an additional command or different source/destination register within a very similar routine. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 14, 2019, 07:35:06 AM Really nice! I think I've suggested it before but have you thought about incorporating a points system to be able to get even higher hit count in different files. Like SpamAssassins system. Positive points for a opcode match, negative points if not matching. Sometimes the routine match execept for an additional command or different source/destination register within a very similar routine. Well yes I actually already mask out the registers anyway from all matches as this is compiler generation specific and not related to pure logic of the original functional C code. I am sure a points systems could work well and I will invest some time on it, the only concern really is having enough data points in the original signatures for it to make sense. In other words the signatures need to be of given size to make it work well. The idea of looking at number of functional calls and the variables used already gives quite some decent level match, adding a weighting system could help refine it further and make it even better, agreed. I'd like to re-visit this and re-write it with an opcode API (a bit like the one used in IDA) so I could make it instruction set agnostic. That would be useful then for attacking other later architectures like PowerPC and Infineon TriCore's too. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on June 20, 2019, 06:35:24 AM And here is the reverse lookup from the DTC table that I explained was possible earlier...
0) MATCHED @ 0x0002B572 : DTC idx= 62 (0x3E) DFPM_DUMMY_D() : (Unsupported) Lambda Probe Aging TP 1) MATCHED @ 0x0002B572 : DTC idx= 63 (0x3F) DFPM_DUMMY_D() : (Unsupported) Lambda Probe Aging TV 2) MATCHED @ 0x0002B572 : DTC idx= 98 (0x62) DFPM_DUMMY_D() : (Unsupported) OBDII Empty Tank Failure 3) MATCHED @ 0x0002B572 : DTC idx=100 (0x64) DFPM_DUMMY_D() : (Unsupported) Tank Low Flow Switch Valve (Power Amplifier) 5) MATCHED @ 0x0002B572 : DTC idx=106 (0x6A) DFPM_DUMMY_D() : (Unsupported) Engine Oil Temperature 6) MATCHED @ 0x0002B572 : DTC idx=107 (0x6B) DFPM_DUMMY_D() : (Unsupported) Ambient (Air) Temperature TUM 7) MATCHED @ 0x0002C554 : DTC idx= 91 (0x5B) DFPM_DSLSLRS() : Secondary Air System 9) MATCHED @ 0x00035A72 : DTC idx=117 (0x75) DFPM_DVKUP() : Engine Off Request from F1 TCU Failure 12) MATCHED @ 0x0003809C : DTC idx= 69 (0x45) DFPM_DMDMIL() : Misfire, Sum Error (Multiple) 14) MATCHED @ 0x0003CB14 : DTC idx= 79 (0x4F) DFPM_DDG() : Speed Sensor 16) MATCHED @ 0x0003D314 : DTC idx= 80 (0x50) DFPM_DNWKW() : Assignment Camshaft to Crankshaft 17) MATCHED @ 0x0003D5D8 : DTC idx= 84 (0x54) DFPM_DPH() : Phase Sensor 18) MATCHED @ 0x00040000 : DTC idx= 61 (0x3D) DFPM_DLSAHK() : Lambda Probe aging behind cat. 19) MATCHED @ 0x000408FA : DTC idx= 48 (0x30) DFPM_DHLSU() : Lambda Probe Heating 2 before Catalyst 20) MATCHED @ 0x000408FA : DTC idx= 46 (0x2E) DFPM_DHLSU() : Lambda probe heater in front of catalyst; (Bank2) 21) MATCHED @ 0x00042C64 : DTC idx= 67 (0x43) DFPM_DLSU() : Lambda Probe before Cat 22) MATCHED @ 0x000431A4 : DTC idx=116 (0x74) DFPM_DVFZ() : Vehicle Speed 24) MATCHED @ 0x00044642 : DTC idx= 36 (0x24) DFPM_GGPED() : Throttle Pedal Poti 1 25) MATCHED @ 0x000472D2 : DTC idx= 24 (0x18) DFPM_DDVE_ERR() : DV-E Error Undefined 26) MATCHED @ 0x00047628 : DTC idx= 19 (0x13) DFPM_DDVE_FAULT() : DV-E Feather Check Error 27) MATCHED @ 0x00047628 : DTC idx= 28 (0x1C) DFPM_DDVE_FAULT() : DV-E Amplifier Matching Error 28) MATCHED @ 0x00047628 : DTC idx= 20 (0x14) DFPM_DDVE_FAULT() : DV-E Return Spring Failure 29) MATCHED @ 0x00047628 : DTC idx= 26 (0x1A) DFPM_DDVE_FAULT() : DV-E Errors in Motor Driven Throttle 30) MATCHED @ 0x00047628 : DTC idx= 23 (0x17) DFPM_DDVE_FAULT() : DV-E Control Range 33) MATCHED @ 0x0004BE5C : DTC idx= 32 (0x20) DFPM_DEKON_EV() : EV by Cylinder 1 34) MATCHED @ 0x0004BE5C : DTC idx= 33 (0x21) DFPM_DEKON_EV() : EV by Cylinder 2 35) MATCHED @ 0x0004BE5C : DTC idx= 34 (0x22) DFPM_DEKON_EV() : EV by Cylinder 3 39) MATCHED @ 0x0004C2C8 : DTC idx= 44 (0x2C) DFPM_DEKON_PWR() : Power amplifier heating probe behind cat. 40) MATCHED @ 0x0004C2C8 : DTC idx= 44 (0x2C) DFPM_DEKON_PWR() : Power amplifier heating probe behind cat. 41) MATCHED @ 0x0004C556 : DTC idx= 83 (0x53) DFPM_DEKON_CAM() : Camshaft Control Valve Power Amplifier 42) MATCHED @ 0x0004C71C : DTC idx= 94 (0x5E) DFPM_DEKON_CHG1() : End Stage Suction Tube Changeover 43) MATCHED @ 0x0004C7A8 : DTC idx= 95 (0x5F) DFPM_DEKON_CHG2() : Circuit intake manifold Bank 2 44) MATCHED @ 0x0004CA60 : DTC idx= 88 (0x58) DFPM_SGA() : Switch Control Selector 45) MATCHED @ 0x0005117E : DTC idx= 81 (0x51) DFPM_DNWS() : Camshaft Control 46) MATCHED @ 0x00051206 : DTC idx= 82 (0x52) DFPM_DNWS() : Camshaft Control Bank2 47) MATCHED @ 0x00055E50 : DTC idx= 39 (0x27) DFPM_DKVS_UPR() : LR-Adaption Upper Multiplicative 48) MATCHED @ 0x00055E50 : DTC idx= 86 (0x56) DFPM_DKVS_UPR() : LR adaptation QL additive 49) MATCHED @ 0x00055F34 : DTC idx= 40 (0x28) DFPM_DKVS_LWR() : LR Adaption Lower Multiplicative 50) MATCHED @ 0x00055F34 : DTC idx= 87 (0x57) DFPM_DKVS_LWR() : LR adaptation ti-additive 51) MATCHED @ 0x000576B2 : DTC idx= 97 (0x61) DFPM_GGTFA() : (IAT) Intake Air Temperature Sensor (Airflow Meters) 52) MATCHED @ 0x00057AA4 : DTC idx=105 (0x69) DFPM_GGTFM() : Engine Temperature TMOT 53) MATCHED @ 0x000597BC : DTC idx= 51 (0x33) DFPM_DTKAT() : Catalyst Temperature 54) MATCHED @ 0x000597BC : DTC idx= 51 (0x33) DFPM_DTKAT() : Catalyst Temperature 55) MATCHED @ 0x000597BC : DTC idx= 51 (0x33) DFPM_DTKAT() : Catalyst Temperature 56) MATCHED @ 0x00059AC4 : DTC idx= 49 (0x31) DFPM_SAK() : Catalyst Protection Active 57) MATCHED @ 0x0005B414 : DTC idx= 54 (0x36) DFPM_DKRNT() : Knock Control Null Test 58) MATCHED @ 0x0005B414 : DTC idx= 55 (0x37) DFPM_DKRNT() : Knock Control Offset 59) MATCHED @ 0x0005BD90 : DTC idx= 56 (0x38) DFPM_DKRTP() : Knock Control Test Pulses 60) MATCHED @ 0x00064F7C : DTC idx=111 (0x6F) DFPM_DUF() : Function Monitoring : Safety Fuel Cutoff 61) MATCHED @ 0x00064F7C : DTC idx=110 (0x6E) DFPM_DUF() : Function Monitoring : Moment Comparison 62) MATCHED @ 0x00064F7C : DTC idx=109 (0x6D) DFPM_DUF() : Function Monitoring : Other ME Data 63) MATCHED @ 0x00064FEA : DTC idx=111 (0x6F) DFPM_DUF_CUT() : Function Monitoring : Safety Fuel Cutoff 64) MATCHED @ 0x0006520A : DTC idx=113 (0x71) DFPM_DUR() : Computer Monitoring : ROM 65) MATCHED @ 0x0006A696 : DTC idx= 96 (0x60) DFPM_BGRBS() : Bad Path Detection Acceleration Sensor 66) MATCHED @ 0x0006BDAE : DTC idx= 17 (0x11) DFPM_DDST() : Pressure Sensor Tank 67) MATCHED @ 0x0006C134 : DTC idx=102 (0x66) DFPM_DTESK() : Tank Bleeding System Grobleck 68) MATCHED @ 0x0006C134 : DTC idx=103 (0x67) DFPM_DTESK() : Tank detoxification system Kleinstleck Its discovered all of these diagnostic function entry points from the original DTC's. It does this by deriving the ID from the table and then searching for the opcode where the ID calls the DTC function. Once it finds a hit it walks backwards until it finds the start of the function. This makes it very easy (even for DTC's you haven't yet reversed) to lookup their function from workshop manuals or the web and then find the function entry point directly. From this I could now generate a IDC script to use MakeName() on the entries. You could for example use this to automatically label very rapidly all of the DTC functions AND for functions you know their variables in a new rom you've just dumped. That's why this approach is very powerful and rapidly accelerates the reversing of a rom... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on June 23, 2019, 03:07:57 PM snip You should probably also update the github readme lol, I bet people dont even know you can instafind KRKTE , MLHFM, KFPED , LAMFA in any bin and others , instantly because the github readme is not updated :P Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: vwaudiguy on September 10, 2019, 09:05:25 PM test.bin is in the same directory as the .exe
├╛ Opening 'test.bin' file Can't open file "test.bin". Failed to load, result = -1 Nothing to free Halp? :) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: mdccode5150 on September 08, 2020, 11:18:27 PM I have been banging my head on figuring out object oriented programming without a formal education, and have concluded that I'm not that smart LOL. I have to say I admire the fact that you have stayed on it for so long.
I do have a question : Are you doing all of this because you don't have an A2L, or DAMOS file? I have one for The Ferrari 360, The Maserati, SAAB, and Porsche GT3 Hybrid ECU's and some ME7 (I think) C, H etc code. Would this be helpful? Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on April 10, 2021, 05:08:27 PM I will be releasing a big update soon.. I have re-designed the way my search works now to be more like the way my custom disassembler works. This allows me to automatically mask out physical addresses for given instructions, etc. and therefore compare dumped functions between ecu dumps. This in turn allows rapid discovery of variables for the purposes of logging, etc. Another big advantage is I was able to ignore the differences between a 512Kbyte compiled function and a 1Mb compiled function in that the extX (e.g. extp etc.) instructions used to get access to larger address space can be ignored in both the needles and the rom code being searched through as part of a 'fuzzy logic' based search. The net result is that even functions compiled for a 512Kbyte rom file can be discovered on a larger address space rom like a 1Mb one without having to have unique signatures for each different variation just because a few differences existed due to the way the compiler addresses memory (short vs long memory model). Also going to do the same for a few other instructions too meaning that its technically possible in the future to define signatures based on higher level requirements such as finding that a function used variables like 'nmot' and looked up some known table references. Based on this inference you can pretty much auto discover a huge number of functions without requiring tonnes of signatures... So yes, you could say this works really well! Watch this space! Any update on this Trev :)? Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 18, 2021, 04:11:11 PM I didn't think people cared about ME7 anymore.. Every time I seemed to post anything related to ME7 it felt like I was getting flamed!
I've done a huge amount actually just never checked anything in to the public repo's (for my ME7 C167 variant) and now i am upgrading it to work on ME9.x (PowerPC) and subsequently MED17.x (Tricore) too. So it will span across all 3 different generations. The last thing I implement was a reverse KWP2000 protocol analysis and detection feature. It works by looking for the emit code function (return codes) and just from that alone it can work out exactly all the addresses of the individual functions in any ME7 roms. E.g. Trying it on '8E0910560G 0030 - Stock.bin' rom file from nyet's server... Code: Opening 'Release\other_roms\8E0910560G 0030 - Stock.bin' file Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 18, 2021, 04:12:45 PM KWP2000 automatic detection of all the protocol functions in the rom (with full tracing enabled )
Code: entrypoint BOOT:00008C8E SID: 0x81 : kwp2000_service_startCommunication_rom() I've had to cut the output as the generated file far exceeds the size limitations of a post, but you get the idea :) If anyone's interested to kick the tires on this let me know and I'll clean it up and github it.. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 18, 2021, 04:38:55 PM Also worked out a completely rom independent 'generic' way to detect all the exact locations of the CDxxx booleans used.
For example the CDLSH configuration of secondary o2's for example... The way it works is a little complicated but its all automated in my tool. Here's a breakdown summary of how it works... We search for reference to generic lookup's in the PROKON_ini function, the machine code signature mask with all the rom/compiler specific data removed looks something like "E6FxXXXX,64FxXXXX,C2FxXXXX,68XX". The PROKON, is "Project Configuration" and its used to extract the boolean bytes out of the calibration area of rom and place them into bit positions in the 'cd_bits1_w' 16-bits variable. Here we only care to discover address of 'cd_bits1_w' variable itself to ensure we get perfect signature matches on exactly what we want. so .. e.g. Code: 0x00022ED2:seg002: (+0 ) E6 F4 FD FF mov rY, #XXXXh After discovering cd_bits1_w, now find start by looking for a reference the CDLSH bit setting. A good generic case is the Secondary Lambda function DLSH_20ms() with cd_bits1_w. So we mask (substitute **** with 328D which is different in every rom ). Hence why we looked it up in the first step... -- Code: DLSH_20ms+0 F2 F4 ** ** mov r4, cd_bits1_w ; cd_bits1_w : [PROKON DDST DHLSHK DIMC DKATLRS DKVS DLSH DLSU DMDLU DSWEC] But first substitute **** for 328D then search for; So we actually search for "f2fx328d,66fxXXXX,ea20XXXX,9aXXXXXX,e0XX,74FxXXXX" This will match something like ; Code: 0x0003F0A8:seg003: (+0 ) F2 F4 32 8D mov r4, word_8D32 where +6 = 0010h <----------- ZZZZ = 0010 (hex value). This is the bit value assigned by PROKON for the CDLSH variable. Again it varies across roms, hence why we are having to do this dance.. This is the bit hex value we now need to discover the address of... --- So knowing that cd_bits1_w is 328D ,... call it YYYY Search for the Prokon again but this time to match again to find actual address... but this time with hex value we are interested in, in this case 1000 () which was discovered in the DLSH function... Code: PROKON_IniVariablesFromControlWords+198 C2 FX XX XX movbz r4, CDLSH ; CDLSH : Codewort Sondendiagnose hinter Kat im OBDII-Mode (invers: Europa-Mode) [PROKON] Search for "C2FxXXXX,68XX,2Dxx,E6FxZZZZ,74FxYYYY" becomes.. "C2FxXXXX,68XX,2Dxx,E6Fx1000,74Fx328D" Finally we find the correct entry in PROKON reference... Code: PROKON_IniVariablesFromControlWords+198 C2 F4 12 00 movbz r4, CDLSH ; <------------- CDLSH 1200h 0x204 (calibration start segment) * 0x4000 (segment size) == 0x810000 + CDLSH == 0x810000 + 0012 == 0x810012 so rom file offset is 0x10012 <=========== final offset to CDLSH in rom file in this specific case. offset 0x10012 in the file is the boolean for CDLSH, this determines if Codeword for LSH (Secondary O2 is active or not) It may seem long but it always automatically can discover any of the CDxxx variables if you approach it like this and you never need an original DAMOS / A2L . Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 18, 2021, 04:41:31 PM And here it is running 'in action'...
Code: -[ PROKON Codewords for Diagnostics (CEL) ]------------------------------------- Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 18, 2021, 04:58:06 PM And here's the ME9 version (still WIP!) dumping the Errorclass and p-codes table from a Ferrari 458 (PowerPC) rom. I guess people will be more interested when I release my Tricore version :)
0) [search=1] All Buffer Start:00000000 Length:00200000 2048.0 KBytes (1) found reference to sig @ byte_offset=0x47CC0 00047CC0: 88 8D AD 66 lbz r4, -0x529A (r13) ; + 0 (0x0000) 00047CC4: 3D 80 00 5E lis r12, 0x005E ; + 4 (0x0004) 00047CC8: 39 8C 90 F3 subi r12, r12, 0x6F0D ; + 8 (0x0008) 00047CCC: 3D 60 00 5E lis r11, 0x005E ; + 12 (0x000C) 00047CD0: 7D 8C 22 14 add r12, r12, r4 ; + 16 (0x0010) 00047CD4: 3C 60 00 5E lis r3, 0x005E ; + 20 (0x0014) 00047CD8: 39 6B A4 38 subi r11, r11, 0x5BC8 ; + 24 (0x0018) 00047CDC: 7D 44 22 14 add r10, r4, r4 ; + 28 (0x001C) 00047CE0: 38 63 93 18 subi r3, r3, 0x6CE8 ; + 32 (0x0020) 00047CE4: 54 84 18 38 rlwinm r4, r4, 3, 0, 28 ; + 36 (0x0024) CLAAAA: seg=0x1D valu=0x90F3 file-offset=0x1D90F3 phy=0x5D90F3 --(Dumped Error Class Table [548 bytes] ) (001) 0x1D90F3:00 0x1D90F4:00 (002) 0x1D90F5:06 0x1D90F6:06 (003) 0x1D90F7:00 0x1D90F8:00 (004) 0x1D90F9:00 0x1D90FA:06 (005) 0x1D90FB:03 0x1D90FC:03 (006) 0x1D90FD:03 0x1D90FE:03 (007) 0x1D90FF:03 0x1D9100:03 (008) 0x1D9101:03 0x1D9102:03 (009) 0x1D9103:06 0x1D9104:06 .. cut .. (273) 0x1D9313:03 0x1D9314:03 (274) 0x1D9315:00 0x1D9316:00 -- CDCAAA: seg=0x1D valu=0x9318 file-offset=0x1D9318 phy=0x5D9318 --(Dumped Fault Code PID Table [4384 bytes] ) 1D9318: (001) P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 # + 0 (0x0000) 1D9320: (002) P0478 P0477 P0475 P0000 P1460 P1462 P1461 P0000 # + 8 (0x0008) 1D9328: (003) P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 # + 16 (0x0010) 1D9330: (004) P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P145D P145E P145F P0000 # + 24 (0x0018) 1D9338: (005) P0000 P0000 P0000 P102E P0000 P0000 P0000 P102F # + 32 (0x0020) 1D9340: (006) P0000 P0000 P0014 P000B P0000 P0000 P0024 P000D # + 40 (0x0028) 1D9348: (007) P1526 P1527 P1528 P0000 P1534 P1535 P1536 P0000 # + 48 (0x0030) 1D9350: (008) P0338 P0000 P0339 P0336 P0388 P0000 P0389 P0386 # + 56 (0x0038) 1D9358: (009) P0000 P0000 P0000 P0571 P0000 P0000 P0000 P1569 # + 64 (0x0040) .. cut .. 1D9B90: (272) P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 # +2168 (0x0878) 1D9B98: (273) P1607 P160C P060A P0000 P1608 P160D P160A P0000 # +2176 (0x0880) 1D9BA0: (274) P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 P0000 # +2184 (0x0888) -- (2) found reference to sig @ byte_offset=0x177A8C 00177A8C: 88 8D AD 66 lbz r4, -0x529A (r13) ; + 0 (0x0000) 00177A90: 3D 80 00 5E lis r12, 0x005E ; + 4 (0x0004) 00177A94: 39 8C 90 F3 subi r12, r12, 0x6F0D ; + 8 (0x0008) 00177A98: 3D 60 00 5E lis r11, 0x005E ; + 12 (0x000C) 00177A9C: 7D 8C 22 14 add r12, r12, r4 ; + 16 (0x0010) 00177AA0: 3C 60 00 5E lis r3, 0x005E ; + 20 (0x0014) 00177AA4: 39 6B A4 38 subi r11, r11, 0x5BC8 ; + 24 (0x0018) 00177AA8: 7D 44 22 14 add r10, r4, r4 ; + 28 (0x001C) 00177AAC: 38 63 93 18 subi r3, r3, 0x6CE8 ; + 32 (0x0020) 00177AB0: 54 84 18 38 rlwinm r4, r4, 3, 0, 28 ; + 36 (0x0024) Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: IamwhoIam on April 19, 2021, 03:34:52 AM Very nice work, Trev!
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 21, 2021, 05:01:47 AM Very nice work, Trev! I'd forgotten just how much I'd done actually. For instance, I just downloaded a random ME7 file for test purposes, in this case '06A906032HN.bin'. Ran it on it and found 'free' space for code injection purposes (fully automatically).. SSECUHN : 0261207440 : systemSupplierECUHardwareNumber SSECUSN : 1037360646 : systemSupplierECUSoftwareNumber DIF : 06A906032HN : .. BRIF : 0001 : .. OTHERID : 1.8L R4/5VT : .. >>> Scanning for McMess EPK String information [info] found KWP2000 needle @ offset:0x0002374A (val=0005,seg=0204). EPK: @ 0x10005 -> 0x10057 (39 bytes) { /1/ME7.5/5/4019.02//24b/Dst01o/210201// } { "readECUIdentification": { "SSECUHN": "0261207440", "SSECUSN ": "1037360646", "DIF": "06A906032HN ", "BRIF": "0001", "OTHERID": "1.8L R4\/5VT ", "EPK": "\/1\/ME7.5\/5\/4019.02\/\/24b\/Dst01o\/210201\/\/" } } Serialize readECUIdentification to file 'readECUIdentification.json' .. -[ Free Space Analysis ]----------------------------------- Searching for free space in firmware... 1 ) Unused bytes @ 0x008040 - 0x008318 : length 728 (0x2D8 ) bytes 2 ) Unused bytes @ 0x009A92 - 0x009DE6 : length 852 (0x354 ) bytes 3 ) Unused bytes @ 0x00CB34 - 0x00DB00 : length 4,044 (0xFCC ) bytes 4 ) Unused bytes @ 0x00DF50 - 0x00F002 : length 4,274 (0x10B2 ) bytes 5 ) Unused bytes @ 0x00F380 - 0x00FC00 : length 2,176 (0x880 ) bytes 6 ) Unused bytes @ 0x00FC2E - 0x00FFFE : length 976 (0x3D0 ) bytes 7 ) Unused bytes @ 0x0202E2 - 0x021B00 : length 6,174 (0x181E ) bytes 8 ) Unused bytes @ 0x028ABA - 0x030000 : length 30,022 (0x7546 ) bytes 9 ) Unused bytes @ 0x032EA0 - 0x033A00 : length 2,912 (0xB60 ) bytes 10 ) Unused bytes @ 0x0A5848 - 0x0FFFE0 : length 370,584 (0x5A798 ) bytes Discovered 422,742 bytes (412.0 KBytes) unused in firmware [40.3%]. Largest free chunk region : 0xA5848, length 370,584 bytes. -- Yes easy stuff but useful.. Or how about detecting VSV? >>> Scanning for ROM VerstellSystem Variables table... Num of entries: 17 VSV @ ROM:0X813282 RAM:0X6E32A2 File-Offset:0X13282 (seg=0x0204 [segadr=0x810000] val=0x3282) 1 ) vszw | 0x3808A5 | Ignition timing | 0 KW | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | ZUE 2 ) vsfrk | 0x38089E | Mixture factor | 1,0 | Byte | 0.75..1.25 | 0.001953 | ESGRU 3 ) vsvw | 0x3808A3 | Advancement angle | 0 KW | Byte | -768...762 | 6 KW | ESVW 4 ) vsns | 0x3808A1 | Nominal speed | 0 RPM | Byte | 0..2550/min | 10 RPM | LLRNS 5 ) vszwkr_0_A | 0x3808A6 | Ignition timing firing 1 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 6 ) vszwkr_1_A | 0x3808A7 | Ignition timing firing 2 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 7 ) vszwkr_2_A | 0x3808A8 | Ignition timing firing 3 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 8 ) vszwkr_3_A | 0x3808A9 | Ignition timing firing 4 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 9 ) vszwkr_4_A | 0x3808AA | Ignition timing firing 5 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 10 ) vszwkr_5_A | 0x3808AB | Ignition timing firing 6 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 11 ) vszwkr_6_A | 0x3808AC | Ignition timing firing 7 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 12 ) vszwkr_7_A | 0x3808AD | Ignition timing firing 8 | 0 | Byte |-96..95.25 KW | 0.75 KW | KRRA 13 ) vske | 0x38089F | Knock detection threshold | 0 | Byte | -8..8 | 0,0627 | KRKE 14 ) vsdmr | 0x38089C | Torque reserve | 0 % | Byte | 0..99.6% | 0.3906% | MDKOL 15 ) vsfpses | 0x38089D | Manifold air pressure | 1 | Byte | 0..2 | 0,0078 | AES 16 ) vsrlmx | 0x3808A2 | max.rl for LDR | 0% | Byte | rel sb q0p75 | LDRLMX ** Note: This is a SY_Turbo=true Application** 17 ) vsldtv | 0x3808A0 | TV LDR for appl. control | 0% | Byte | tv ub q0p64 | LDTVMA ** Note: This is a SY_Turbo=true Application** The list of things it can do is quite extensive these days... Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 21, 2021, 05:18:23 AM Or if thats a bit 'meh'... what about this feature? Automated CAN analysis.
Code: Discovered 1 CAN node transmission function: Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: 360trev on April 21, 2021, 05:38:49 AM Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Blazius on April 24, 2021, 09:32:49 AM Good job Trev, I'd say ME7 is far from dead(hell it was still manufactured in 2010), given that many B5's and etc. are still running around the roads, however it probably doesnt hold monetary value to professional tuners so yeah :)
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Tomas on April 29, 2021, 03:53:09 AM Trev, it looks very interesting! Great job! How close are you to releasing the update? I am interested to learn
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: darklet on August 30, 2022, 03:56:06 AM how far have you got adding ST10F275 flash support to this, the 832k file type found on ME7.4.5 in PSA cars and others.
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Xylynx on October 25, 2022, 02:19:07 AM Nice work Trev. Gave this a go on a VW VR5 binary and it got 1 or 2 maps, I guess the low his rate is due to the strict pattern matching you mentioned. Is there going to another update coming for this or is it "for trevs eyes only" now? :)
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: geo22 on November 09, 2022, 07:58:27 AM How can I get it working?
Clicking me7romtool.exe makes its cmd window just blink once, and that's it. Nothing happens. What could I do wrong? Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on November 09, 2022, 08:47:07 AM How can I get it working? Clicking me7romtool.exe makes its cmd window just blink once, and that's it. Nothing happens. What could I do wrong? You don't click on it. It's a command line program. You run it from the command line. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: geo22 on November 16, 2022, 01:26:42 PM Yes, sir! I've tried and it showed me the list of options which I can't manage to use
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: adam- on November 17, 2022, 01:13:13 AM Printscreen of the options and what you're stuck on.
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Geomeo on November 17, 2022, 12:27:21 PM Yes, sir! I've tried and it showed me the list of options which I can't manage to use Try typing help at the command prompt followed by the return key...This thing here. C:\Users\NOOOOOB>. This will list all the commands currently supported in by Microsoft. There are more commands not listed, but let's just not go there at the moment. The two commands that will help you the most are CD and Dir. If you type any command listed in the help menu followed by /? you will see the arguments to pass to that specific command. For example CD /? This is used for changing directory or folder and will give you options on what to do with it. Or Dir /? Dir is used to find out what is in that directory or folder. You can use Google for more information for the commands too. Typically speaking you want your command prompt to be showing the directory your program is in and any associated files that came with the program should be in the same directory. Programs and files can be done using different directories, but it's a bit more typing. And a lot more explaining. So for example C:\Users\NOOOOOB\Desktop\myfolder\Myprogram.exe associatedfile.bin Some 3rd party programs allow for /? at the end depending who built the program. And some if you just type in Myprogram without passing an argument the window will list all the arguments that can be passed into the program. Some programs have readme files that come with it. ALWAYS read those first. If you still getting nowhere Google example of running commands in the command window. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: nyet on November 17, 2022, 12:56:25 PM Printscreen of the options and what you're stuck on. Please dont print screen copy/paste text. Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: zCruuz on October 16, 2023, 01:02:13 PM will the up to date version ever be released on git?
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: jibberjive on October 23, 2023, 11:55:52 AM Also curious if there is a plan to get the updated version on github?
Title: Re: ME7 Swiss Army Knife! (Including ME7 ROM MAP Finder) Post by: Crazy18T on April 24, 2024, 06:02:08 PM I read through the entire thread and I'm just blown away! I can't believe not many seemed to be appreciating all this amazing hard work! I do hope you're still working on this. I notice you haven't been active at all on github. Hope everything is ok!