Title: Finding LKVDKNMN - 06A906032MJ Post by: Maxohio on March 29, 2019, 02:52:07 PM Hello,
I'm having some problems when having a cold start. Vagcom is showing me the following error: 17705 LKVDKNMN the possible solution to solve this problem, but could not find the adres in XDF file, does someone know the adress? Title: Re: Finding LKVDKNMN - 06A906032MJ Post by: rogerius on March 30, 2019, 12:59:49 AM Hello, 0x19A5CI'm having some problems when having a cold start. Vagcom is showing me the following error: 17705 LKVDKNMN the possible solution to solve this problem, but could not find the adres in XDF file, does someone know the adress? Title: Re: Finding LKVDKNMN - 06A906032MJ Post by: Maxohio on March 30, 2019, 10:04:53 AM Thanks! Have changed the value to 10000, seems the problem is less, but still applies sometimes.
Any other suggestions? |