
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: remembera on May 15, 2019, 02:45:54 AM

Title: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: remembera on May 15, 2019, 02:45:54 AM
Hi all, I will run s3 husing in 1.8T maf. From that Ive read in this forum the common way is just to copy the MAF voltage values from 1 car to the other. Ive found the s3 voltage MAF map but it has 512 values, mine has only 256. Ill be very thankfull if u hint me how I could make it properly. Also the x axis of S3 map has values of voltage mine has only numbers from 1-255. Im still newbie, so please excuse me if the question is noobie. Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: nyet on May 15, 2019, 08:58:34 AM
You'll have to use excel or write a small program to delete every other entry.

Title: Re: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: eliotroyano on May 15, 2019, 12:19:29 PM
Hi all, I will run s3 husing in 1.8T maf. From that Ive read in this forum the common way is just to copy the MAF voltage values from 1 car to the other. Ive found the s3 voltage MAF map but it has 512 values, mine has only 256. Ill be very thankfull if u hint me how I could make it properly. Also the x axis of S3 map has values of voltage mine has only numbers from 1-255. Im still newbie, so please excuse me if the question is noobie. Thanks in advance.

The best bet is use an old 12V VR6 MAF with it proper MLHFM calibration. It has 256 values. You can use a newer MAF Housing but extrapolation is not totally aligned.

Title: Re: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: Tezotto01 on May 16, 2019, 04:34:29 AM
The correct way to do it is to calculate the difference between the areas of the MAF's and to convey that difference to the 256 points using excel

Title: Re: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: remembera on May 16, 2019, 03:00:34 PM
thanks a lot! Seems like the Vr6 housing is the best decision. Anyway Ive just wondering S3 housing and vr6 maf is almost the same diameter. Will it work if i stay with S3 housing but data from VR6? The sensor is AGU's sensor. Thanks in advance

Title: Re: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: nyet on May 16, 2019, 03:04:36 PM
If you can't find a perfect match, i'd match sensors *first*, then scale by area like Tezotto01 suggested.

You can't make any assumptions about MAFs that use different sensors entirely.

Title: Re: S3 housing to AGU m3.8.3 MAF
Post by: RS-MAD on May 16, 2019, 05:28:01 PM
You cant use S3 housing for AGU MAF as they are different mounting position. Use the VR6 one , or some older BMW.