Title: Umm is my k04 done for?? Post by: atdub on May 27, 2019, 02:47:18 PM So I blocked off the tip and the hose right b4 the throttle plate and ran compressed air thru the system. That was when I noticed a leak on the inlet pipe right by the wheel. Tighten it up and everything seemed sealed(no more hissin). I than took it for a ride and noticed I still only get 10psi on the same file i would get like 15psi. What could be going on??
Title: Re: Umm is my k04 done for?? Post by: aef on May 28, 2019, 05:47:06 AM You propably fucked your turbo by pressurizing tip side.
Your logging is bad too. go WOT @ 1500rpm Title: Re: Umm is my k04 done for?? Post by: nyet on May 28, 2019, 08:39:06 AM that doesn't look good.
fwiw log is fine, you can tell something is fucked. Title: Re: Umm is my k04 done for?? Post by: atdub on May 28, 2019, 04:26:26 PM Well I only ran 7psi thru the system for like 5 seconds b4 realizing my tip was loose @ the bottom and another 5-7sec to confirm everything was tight. As for the log I kept it short 1 bc of traffic and 2 I was trying to capture some data b4 I throw p1557 and go into limp mode.
Anyway I did manage to smoke test the system and found that there is a huge crack in the hard line right under the intake mani that connects from the block, jet pump and all the around to the PVC. Im not sure how much boost that line sees but it is a sense of direction for me. |