Title: 8N0906018AE dtc;EVAP;SAI delete Post by: Mollerdiagnostik on June 06, 2019, 01:19:59 AM Hello to all.
Trying to work out simple stuff like DTC removal/forced readiness for my 1.8T (8N0906018AE, ME7.5, 1.8T 2250HP). I have fitted the audi TT APX engine to Vw bora 4 motion and i will use the car off road only( on the track). I have removed EVAP Purge Valve (N80);Secondary Air Pump Relay (J299);Secondary Air Injection Solenoid Valve (N112). I have the original bin if that helps, and also wit the help of the friend i have managed to delete the faults. But according to forum rules i can not post modified files. My main problem is that after the fault codes removal from the sw i have not completed the Readiness and the lambda control is in open loop: NUmber of DTCs store:0--Mil status OFF Misfire monitoring:not installed Fuel System: Not installed Comprehensive components: Passed catalyst monitoring: Failed or incomplete Heated catalyst monitoring: not installed Evaporative system monitoring: Not installed Secondary air system monitoring: Failed or incomplete A/C system refrigerant monitoring: not installed oxygen sensor monitoring: Passed Oxygen sensor heater monitoring: Passed Exhaust gas re-circulation: Not installed My problem is that lambda control is not working. I have a fault under obd: fuel system status: open loop due to system faults detected. Although my lambda is working. I can see changes in lambda sensor voltage if i press accelerator. I am a afraid i could damage the engine if the lambda control is not working ? Or not ? Can anyone please help me ? Or point out what i have done wrong in the sw ? Title: Re: 8N0906018AE dtc;EVAP;SAI delete Post by: _nameless on June 06, 2019, 04:02:22 AM Read the s4 wiki. Find the bits you need to modify and change them. Find a map pack for your file to load into Winols or tunerpro to define the locations in your map. After you modded your file update the checksums and flash it to the ecu. Not that hard
Title: Re: 8N0906018AE dtc;EVAP;SAI delete Post by: nyet on June 06, 2019, 08:49:55 AM My main problem is that after the fault codes removal from the sw What maps did you change? Be specific. Title: Re: 8N0906018AE dtc;EVAP;SAI delete Post by: Aardschok on June 06, 2019, 11:37:37 AM APX has no post-cat sensor, I'm not sure it does cat monitoring? I've long since converted and can't remember