Title: Please change VIN on Me7.1.1 St10 eeprom Post by: mbkr89 on June 10, 2019, 09:58:29 AM Now i have try to change the vin in this eprom file.
But the ecu always XXXXXX the vin. I think it is a problem with checksum. Please someone can help me. old VIN: ZZZ1KZ5W241952 new VIN: ZZZ1KZ6W125391 Title: Re: Please change VIN on Me7.1.1 St10 eeprom Post by: elektronik13 on June 10, 2019, 02:36:13 PM Now i have try to change the vin in this eprom file. new vin is okBut the ecu always XXXXXX the vin. I think it is a problem with checksum. Please someone can help me. old VIN: ZZZ1KZ5W241952 new VIN: ZZZ1KZ6W125391 https://mega.nz/#!c6h2WQ4S press buttons Title: Re: Please change VIN on Me7.1.1 St10 eeprom Post by: mbkr89 on June 10, 2019, 07:57:47 PM Thank You !!!