Title: Delete OD2 in 4B0907551Q_0002 Post by: shelev on August 22, 2019, 12:07:04 AM Please help me find maps in this firmware:
1.CDKAT 2.CWDLSAHK 3.CDHSH 4.CDHSHE 5.CDLATV 6.CDLASH 7.CDLSH 8.CDLSHV 9.CWKONABG 10.CWKONLS 11.CLAHSH - Error Class: Bank 1 post cat O2 sensor heater 12.CLAHSH2 - Error Class: Bank 2 post cat O2 sensor heater 13.CLAHSHE - Error Class: Bank 1 post cat O2 sensor heater amplifier 14.CLAHSHE2 - Error Class: Bank 2 post cat O2 sensor heater amplifier 15.CLALSH - Error Class: Lambda Probe post Kat Bank 1 16.CLALSH2 - Error Class: Lambda Probe Post Kat Bank 2 When I tried to disable the lambda probes, the correction of the first oxygen sensors fell to 0 and did not react in any way File Stock Title: Re: Delete OD2 in 4B0907551Q_0002 Post by: BlackT on August 22, 2019, 02:23:08 AM CDKAT 181A0
CWDLSAHK 1865F CDHSH 1819C CDHSHE 1819D Ando so on... I sugest you to learn how to find by your own use this bin and map file to compare with yours, and use program beyond compare https://ufile.io/igpfigku And video to help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaIUpojiPMU&feature=youtu.be Title: Re: Delete OD2 in 4B0907551Q_0002 Post by: shelev on August 25, 2019, 05:06:57 AM I'll try to do as you have in the video