Title: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: BlackT on August 23, 2019, 01:41:33 PM My friend have TT mk1 512 kb ECU. With instaled cruise control. Problem is that cruise control go off after 2-3 minutes of driving. He try to change brake, clutch and
Cruise control switch. Everthing new and nothing changed, checked wire loom. What values can I log via me7logger to try identify problem? Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: fknbrkn on August 23, 2019, 03:02:04 PM FGRABED 1.10 Abschaltbedingungen Fahrgeschwindigkeitsregler
Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: BlackT on August 24, 2019, 02:55:02 AM Thank you ;)
Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: BlackT on September 30, 2019, 01:47:45 PM I checked car yestreday. Problem is the car in original have 5sp gearbox, and he put in a 6sp.
Ecu doesen't allow me to recode it to 6 sp. Soo, will be enought to add 6 gear in NVQUOT Or I need to put eeprom file and flash from 6 sp ECU Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: prj on October 01, 2019, 12:58:39 AM Yes of course it will be enough.
But not "add 6th gear". You need to recalibrate it to be correct for your gearbox! Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: nyet on October 01, 2019, 12:42:15 PM Yes of course it will be enough. But not "add 6th gear". You need to recalibrate it to be correct for your gearbox! He can't re-calibrate for the 6th gear if the 5sp file doesn't support the 6th gear map, unless im mistaken. Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: dal on October 01, 2019, 05:03:32 PM He can't re-calibrate for the 6th gear if the 5sp file doesn't support the 6th gear map, unless im mistaken. All (or 99%, because I'm dont have the absolute sure) 1.8T files have min and max quotients for 6th gear. So its a matter of calibrate them on the current file. Title: Re: Cruise control turn of every 2-3 minutes audi TT 1.8T Post by: BlackT on October 01, 2019, 10:45:04 PM Yes of course I will calibrate it to new gearbox
In this file looks like for 6 gear the values are zero (first gear start at 0x1161C LoHi ) I will give it a try but it will take a time before I reply, beacuse is my friend is far away,and I see him every few moths |