Title: kfnwse adress in 1.8t bex 8E0909518AS Post by: ulek3pl on September 05, 2019, 10:03:49 AM Hello! I removed vvt from my head, and i want to code it out. I cant find kfnwse map. I compare it with other files where i have this map but it is different.
Title: Re: kfnwse adress in 1.8t bex 8E0909518AS Post by: brs on September 05, 2019, 10:32:25 AM Hello! I removed vvt from my head, and i want to code it out. I cant find kfnwse map. I compare it with other files where i have this map but it is different. Where your file ? Title: Re: kfnwse adress in 1.8t bex 8E0909518AS Post by: ulek3pl on September 05, 2019, 12:13:57 PM sorry im forget ::)
Title: Re: kfnwse adress in 1.8t bex 8E0909518AS Post by: brs on September 05, 2019, 12:23:55 PM @2C6D2
Title: Re: kfnwse adress in 1.8t bex 8E0909518AS Post by: ulek3pl on September 07, 2019, 02:57:18 AM thanks a lot ;)