Title: Requested boost drop, rlsol isn't Post by: BlackT on November 15, 2019, 07:31:58 AM I have some problem with my file where my req boost drop down, than go back again. What can cause this? req load doesen't drop down...
1.8T K04, MAF Title: Re: Requested boost drop, rlsol isn't Post by: nyet on November 15, 2019, 08:44:56 AM I have some problem with my file where my req boost drop down, than go back again. What can cause this? req load doesen't drop down... 1.8T K04, MAF You'll have to log the rest of the load->boost path, including NWS. Title: Re: Requested boost drop, rlsol isn't Post by: BlackT on November 15, 2019, 02:07:58 PM If you mean about this, i dont have any ROM adress of these :-\
plsol = (rlsol + rfagr) / fupsrl / fpbrkds / vpsspls Anybodx have a file with this adress so I can use as reference? |