
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: AngelPowy on January 28, 2020, 08:11:48 AM

Title: upgrade injector on ea888 gen 2
Post by: AngelPowy on January 28, 2020, 08:11:48 AM
Hi, everyone, I'm looking for setting bigger injectors on my MK6 gti golf. I was interresting to buy aa set of 4 with nostrum, but it appear that the current profile they ask can't be setup in the stock ECU. So I am looking for other Injectors. I've read that GM inejctors is slightly bigger than mine (approx 10% if I have correct information) but it's not enough for my needs. I see that for ea113(HDEV 1 style injector) they are RS3 and rs4 that fit on. And I'd like to know if new RS3 injector is HDEV 5( as ECU migrate from med9 to med17) and if it will fit to my car. Does someone have already try this?  I think that spray pattern won't be the same.

PS1: I forgot to say that G7R injector seem's to flow a bit more and fit, some claim approx 500 hp on 93

Title: Re: upgrade injector on ea888 gen 2
Post by: vwaudiguy on January 28, 2020, 12:45:10 PM
Port injection not an option?

Title: Re: upgrade injector on ea888 gen 2
Post by: AngelPowy on January 28, 2020, 12:56:02 PM
I don't have MPI injection on my engines, so need a lot of works to adapt this or standalone ECU I think