Title: Rear O2 delete - VCDS 16520 and 16540 Which codewoard/s? Post by: amd is the best on February 20, 2020, 10:34:57 AM Hello all,
I am struggling to code out the complete removal of rear O2's on my 2001 A4 2.8 (3B0907551BQ 354164 v0001). I am using uuhsk_2 for wideband input for what that's worth. The struggle is two fold, I don't have an official definition for my binary. I do have two that are close however Prokonal bits don't line up. And on top of that, I don't know I'm getting all the right info for which codewords to set, even if I had the binary defined properly. So, with that said, what codeword or codewords are responsible for VCDS 16520 and 16540? ESKONF has been modified properly for HSH and LSHHK. CWKONLS - 17 CLRHK - 5 Ori file attached. Oxygen sensor never passes and oddly enough, evap doesn't pass either but it did before removing the rear O2's. Thanks in advance! Nick |