Title: dq250 ecu clonning Post by: trt2020 on February 27, 2020, 07:17:30 AM hello . i have one question .. how can i clone dsg mechatronic ? i have read/write tools but the hw numbers are not the same .
this is the original mechatronic info Control Module Part Number: 02E 300 013 B Component and/or Version: GSG DSG AG6 511 2103 Software Coding: 0000020 Work Shop Code: WSC 05311 VCID: 102F56CB0396A89E043-8045 Advanced Identification Serial number: 00001001110066 Identification: TFK-030 Revision: 51112 Date: 11.01.10 Test stand number: 8502 Manufacturer number: 0066 Flash Status Programming Attempts: 3 Successful Attempts: 3 Programming Status: 00000000 Required Conditions: 00000000 Flash Tool Code: 08256 386 01286 Flash Date: 24.14.02 Software 0001 Misc. Hardware number: 02E 927 770 AL Lot Number: F10 Type Lock: 0003 and this i want to use on my car Address 02: Auto Trans Control Module Part Number: 02E 300 050 C Component and/or Version: GSG DSG 070 1403 Software Coding: 0000020 Work Shop Code: WSC 44551 VCID: 122B5CC30E9A5A8E327-5072 Advanced Identification Serial number: 00000609180573 Identification: TFK-030 Revision: 04507000 Date: 18.09.06 Test stand number: 8501 Manufacturer number: 0573 Flash Status Programming Attempts: 3 Successful Attempts: 3 Programming Status: 00000000 Required Conditions: 00000000 Flash Tool Code: 163324 143 68721 Flash Date: 00.00.00 Software 000D Misc. Hardware number: 02E 927 770 AE Lot Number: C30 Type Lock: 0001 thanks in advance ! Title: Re: dq250 ecu clonning Post by: IamwhoIam on February 27, 2020, 08:29:22 AM There's absolutely zero chances of cloning these 2 mechatronics one onto another. entirely different hardware numbers and CPU types. Find yourself a compatible mechatronic.
Title: Re: dq250 ecu clonning Post by: cherry on February 27, 2020, 12:02:43 PM I think you "old" mechatronic is already a exchange part. It´s a F10 version which was the tricore based version to exchange powerpc hardware. So this is a very special software which was never installed from factory. Maybe you can use a newer Fxx mechatronic and write full backup from your F10 to it. E.g. with Magicmotorsport or PCMflash
Other chance is to find correct software for your C30 mechatronic which fit to your car / engine. |