
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: ARJ0019 on March 16, 2020, 10:58:57 PM

Title: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 16, 2020, 10:58:57 PM
Thanks to the help of some of the experienced members on the forum, and many hours on google, I now have my software pretty much fully set up. I have an old version of WinOLS running on a windows xp VM, an oem mkiv r32 .bin, a complete ecu map (found a damos and .hex on here), and a csv file with the location and description of pretty much everything in the ecu file. As expected though, I have found a new problem.

I am having trouble finding ESKONF in my .bin. Unlike pretty much every other parameter and map, it is not mentioned anywhere in my .csv file. The S4 wiki says that ESKONF is located at 0x10C75, but their example does not match the values I found at that location (I expected this because the example is from a different ecu). What is the best method for finding ESKONF in my .bin? 

*Side note, is there a list of all the units used and their translation to english? Im slowly picking up on it (like Upm is actually Rpm), but I figure someone probably has a list somewhere. One unit I don't understand is 'Grad KW'. I have never seen Gradian Kilowatts used before.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: nyet on March 16, 2020, 11:23:10 PM
The best way to never get an answer is to not put the P/N of your ecu *in the topic*.

Grad = degrees in German.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: Lechuga on March 17, 2020, 02:04:18 AM
Have you tried using 'me7eskonf'? As Nyet said, if you want more help, you need to provide more details.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: IamwhoIam on March 17, 2020, 02:40:13 AM
Grad KW= Grad KurbelWelle = CrankShaft Degrees

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 07:49:51 AM
Around there looking like that at a guess;

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 07:52:05 AM
p.s. Above KFKHFM!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 17, 2020, 09:48:52 AM
The best way to never get an answer is to not put the P/N of your ecu *in the topic*.

Grad = degrees in German.

This is a me7.1.1G (022906032EG) from a 2004 mk4 R32

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 17, 2020, 09:50:39 AM
Have you tried using 'me7eskonf'? As Nyet said, if you want more help, you need to provide more details.

I have not tried that. Ill look into what it is and the possibility of using it.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 17, 2020, 09:52:22 AM
p.s. Above KFKHFM!

I had tried looking for KFKHFM, but was unable to find a location for it in my .csv directory. I'll look into the file sent above and see if i can make any connections.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 10:17:30 AM
I had tried looking for KFKHFM, but was unable to find a location for it in my .csv directory. I'll look into the file sent above and see if i can make any connections.

Just put your bin up or if it's tuned what's the ecu code? Takes seconds!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 10:26:46 AM
In fact, I missed your EG post, they're there!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 11:29:08 AM
p.s. That is the EG locations, maybe some slight offsets if there are other EG files so they are there, you don't need to look into anything, I just wanted to say that ME7.1.1. can be very much different to the S4 ME7.1. in terms of abbreviations and certain fundamentals as to how they work - if you have a good def & can't find an S4 wiki abbrv. or vice-versa, then the ecu probably doesn't have it!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 17, 2020, 11:32:18 AM
In fact, I missed your EG post, is that any good for you?

I ended up finding KFKHFM (I guess i was thinking of a similarly named table that I was not able to find last night). I looked above it and found a set of 13 bits that could possibly be ESKONF (they are all made of 00 , 10, or 11), but I'm pretty skeptical of it. It does not match any of the values Ive seen before for stock bins.

I have attached my .bin and .kp to this post. Maybe you could give it a look and see if i'm missing something obvious? I made the .kp file using the .hex and .dam files marty posted here ( I just loaded in the .hex and .dam, then I exported the .kp. Its possible that I did this wrong which is why my kp file is labled as a test. I stopped trusting my .kp when I looked at a timing map and the axis data was a bit weird (it ended at 2000 rpm and had some non consitent values in it). Im still searching for a map pack that I can guarenteed works with 022906032EG. Marty says his was for a mk4 R32, and the .hex and .dam matched well and all the maps I checked looked correct, but the .kp I got from it dosent seem to fully match my oem r32 .bin.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 11:45:28 AM
I ended up finding KFKHFM (I guess i was thinking of a similarly named table that I was not able to find last night). I looked above it and found a set of 13 bits that could possibly be ESKONF (they are all made of 00 , 10, or 11), but I'm pretty skeptical of it. It does not match any of the values Ive seen before for stock bins.

I have attached my .bin and .kp to this post. Maybe you could give it a look and see if i'm missing something obvious? I made the .kp file using the .hex and .dam files marty posted here ( I just loaded in the .hex and .dam, then I exported the .kp. Its possible that I did this wrong which is why my kp file is labled as a test.

They're exactly in the place shown 2 posts above.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 11:50:16 AM
Has someone down voted me for walking people through these things - major sulk coming on!  :'(

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 17, 2020, 11:57:32 AM
They're exactly in the place shown 2 posts above.

yep, your right. I'm just blind. I couldn't find it in hex, so I started looking in binary and found what looked to be it but I couldn't confirm it. Forgot that I could just put it back in hex and compare it to yours. Now I just need to save it as a map/parameter (winols dosen't seem to like that I want to do that, but ill figure it out). Thanks for the help.

Not sure why people are down voting you. All you have done is help.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on March 17, 2020, 12:08:11 PM
yep, your right. I'm just blind. I couldn't find it in hex, so I started looking in binary and found what looked to be it but I couldn't confirm it. Forgot that I could just put it back in hex and compare it to yours. Now I just need to save it as a map/parameter (winols dosen't seem to like that I want to do that, but ill figure it out). Thanks for the help.

Not sure why people are down voting you. All you have done is help.

Go into the "definition files" area, get the mk4 R32 ols/damos (022906032CN) - put it next to yours to pick out the functions "et voila!" - shed loads of functions on your ecu!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: ARJ0019 on March 17, 2020, 12:31:41 PM
Go into the "definition files" area, get the mk4 R32 ols/damos (022906032CN) - put it next to yours to pick out the functions "et voila!" - shed loads of functions on your ecu!

Not sure what you mean by this. Your saying I should compare my definitions to theirs? I found the file you mentioned, pulled the map pack from it just to check and used it with the 022906032EG file. The map definition from 022906032CN were very wrong for fuel on 022906032EG. Not sure why all the definitions for the mk4 r32 are different. I wish I could just find one that worked (I think the one I was using before is still my best chance). I know what I need to change in my ecu, I just need a definition so I can change the values and be confident that they are labeled right.

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on March 19, 2020, 09:57:43 AM
Not sure what you mean by this. Your saying I should compare my definitions to theirs? I found the file you mentioned, pulled the map pack from it just to check and used it with the 022906032EG file. The map definition from 022906032CN were very wrong for fuel on 022906032EG. Not sure why all the definitions for the mk4 r32 are different. I wish I could just find one that worked (I think the one I was using before is still my best chance). I know what I need to change in my ecu, I just need a definition so I can change the values and be confident that they are labeled right.

Re-visit the file I put up on post #4 and the screen shot on #10 as well as the R32 file (032CN I'm guessing) you posted on another thread for def.

In #4 file you can see the code for ESKONF on various VR6/V6/R32 files - you can see some hex values are the same (C0, FF etc) and some are different - this is just showing that the output stage configuration (i.e. what parts the car has for correlation) are a bit different in places - I added Marty's screenshot of what they represent in there to make config easier to understand.

So when I put it next to the 032CN def file to look for addresses to save time (post #10) - next to your's or the EG file which is the same as your's as there are a lot less variations on ME711, then I'm not looking for a complete code, I'm looking for tracer markers I'm used to - or hex values around the area I'm used to looking for via years of practice. 14 02 I think were highlighted in green to add as a marker, or as said - KFKHFM on the def file to make it easier to get near ESKONF on these.

So you're not looking for an exact ESKONF, you're looking for a similar string that are either identical or very similar like the pictures in those posts representing the configuration of the vehicle - configuration or what the cars have depends on the market, different parts added to different cars in the International Market, in short different set ups based on the legislation/4WD v FWD UK/Euro v US etc set ups of the cars.

As there are only a few variations of these ecu/models compared to some, it's actually easier to pick things out than others like I've shown in this instance - but you still need to look for the patterns. You'll notice all my screenshots are 8bit FF as I just stuck with that to see the patterns shown when there was a lot less def files about so that's how I pick them out if necessary - I know the rough location and rough pattern of hex values (plus about 100 different ME711 def files I made/adjusted as data became more readily available on the net).

So - use the CN def file to look for patterns, ask some if they look right if need be after you've done a bit of tracking these hex values and we'll help, or as this takes a lot of practice and time to get used to, pay someone to make you a def file for tracking these values if need be.

So, don't look directly above KFKHFM - look for the hex value patterns and that's how you manually do it with limited resources and not coming from a coding background - takes a while to get used to though!

EDIT: Here's the definition file links for ME711, for you lot looking into this because I'm kind like that and will save you fannying about trying to find them!

Enjoy the best resources on the net!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: daffe on June 07, 2020, 11:10:48 AM
thanks for links and conseils. i need to read that and compare it with waht i need. if it nedeed, i will pay your your help in this case.but let try Something. ;)

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: RBPE on June 09, 2020, 04:40:15 AM
thanks for links and conseils. i need to read that and compare it with waht i need. if it nedeed, i will pay your your help in this case.but let try Something. ;)

The 032CN def file is there so you have the whole file to play with and can make the changes you need. Also I'm not doing commercial at the moment either so I'm not accepting any work, too much to do, sorry!

Title: Re: How to find ESKONF on a me7.1.1G (022906032EG)
Post by: _nameless on June 12, 2020, 06:03:15 AM
thanks for links and conseils. i need to read that and compare it with waht i need. if it nedeed, i will pay your your help in this case.but let try Something. ;)
if you cant find it still pm me i can help