
General => Introductions => Topic started by: jacktfsi on March 30, 2020, 08:34:24 AM

Title: Hello All!
Post by: jacktfsi on March 30, 2020, 08:34:24 AM
Hi, My names Jack and i've found myself trawling through Nefmoto threads hoping to learn more about Bosch med9.

I work in the automotive industry for an OEM as a controls engineer and i enjoy trying to calibrate and disassemble ecu code on my personal projects.

I've done lots on EDC15,16 and 17 but have just started delving in to MED9 and i'm hoping to learn lots from this forum and also about IDA pro which I've started using also to help me create my map-packs with, The ultimate goal is to learn MED9.1 good enough to understand how the OEM's programmed the ecu and use there calculations to base my work on and not bodge! Learning map switching is also on my list but that's some distance away as I've only just learned the basics of IDA.

Cheers guys.