
Technical => Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: ohhello on April 05, 2012, 12:55:27 PM

Title: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: ohhello on April 05, 2012, 12:55:27 PM
Here's link to the file, thanks to Fredrik for his help so far! Need some further assistance identifying the LDRXN in this file.

What I believe I have so far:
KFPED  1433A  12x16
KFMIRL  13B5A  16x12
KFMIOP  16BA8 12x16
KFLBTS  19AE6  16x12

Looking like LDRXN is at 0x138F4  but doesn't look like typical map so not sure what's up???

All the LDRXN I've seen posted up here from Audi turbo cars looks similar to 1999-2002 Volvo LDRXN but this 2003 file is quite different.

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: Gonzo on April 07, 2012, 08:58:48 AM
I'll give it a whirl today. Should be fun defining a BIn that isn't VAG  :)

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: ohhello on April 09, 2012, 10:11:25 AM
Cool, thanks for the help!

So far this seems to be pretty sparse with regard to anyone who has knowledge on this. Of course Volvo has to go and do it different than everyone else LOL!

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: ohhello on April 10, 2012, 09:27:08 AM
Think I might have made some headway, LDRXN after 2003 in the Volvo models is no longer 16x1 but a larger map size.

Trying to confirm that now...

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: fortco4 on April 14, 2012, 11:42:28 PM
what do you guys use to read from and to write to the ECU on turbo volvo cars 1999-2002?
Has anyone tried this MPPS tool from aliexpress or whatnot?
where can i find the manual flash for an LPT engine?
how do you go about finding IMMO codes?

wow, there's a lot of info here. I'm amazed.

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: ohhello on April 17, 2012, 04:48:42 PM
So Galleto works well for most however some use MPPS works too, V12 and later I think.

I might have a BIN file for manual flash LPT but they did not make such a car stateside so it will be EU base.
Volvo doesn't use *.bin but rather *.vbf which includes the EXE file and the sigconfig file. I think standard BIN editing reading loading is still fine but you will have limited information and maps are hard to find.

Immo is on another chip on the board and not in the flash.

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: fortco4 on April 17, 2012, 10:04:34 PM
i think i will try to get the MPPS reader/flasher then.
Is there any way to read those IMMO codes and possibly write them to another ECU?
I followed some links from searches here and might have downloaded some LPT manual bin files.
do you think those would work as is on the american car?

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: fortco4 on April 17, 2012, 10:09:42 PM (

this seems to have S60 T5 files and euro T5 5 speed bin files.
so if you have LPT manual bin file it would be nice to put my hands on it.

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: ohhello on April 18, 2012, 12:04:23 PM
Immo has to be read out directly from the chip, can't be read on board at the moment. I'm sure it's possible but I don't have the info on how to do it....

As for LPT file, I'd have to build it as there isn't such a file for US cars. The EU file would likely work but might light CEL

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: anger17 on November 15, 2012, 02:12:49 PM
Here's link to the file, thanks to Fredrik for his help so far! Need some further assistance identifying the LDRXN in this file.

The link doesnt work. Could you load the file one more time?

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: ddillenger on November 15, 2012, 04:18:24 PM
Interesting link?

Title: Re: ME7.0.1 Volvo map ID, got most of em...
Post by: anger17 on November 15, 2012, 04:37:15 PM
Thanks for "the link", but I'm interested for the file) Or Damos))))