Title: Fueling after FPR change Post by: Dejw0089 on May 31, 2020, 11:12:19 AM Hi.
Can anyone help me what can be wrong with fueling after change fpr from 3 to 4 bar? Lambda didn't follow requested can be affected with knock lambda regulation? I log on 95 RON but normally drive on 98. I know I have a knock but on 98 won't. Title: Re: Fueling after FPR change Post by: nyet on May 31, 2020, 11:29:16 AM God forbid you check the s4wiki
https://s4wiki.com/wiki/Fuel_injectors Title: Re: Fueling after FPR change Post by: Dejw0089 on May 31, 2020, 04:03:03 PM God forbid you check the s4wiki Why forbid? https://s4wiki.com/wiki/Fuel_injectors I modified krkte and have part LTFT after few days dive on 0,8% so i think thats good or i'm in mistake? My bosch numer for injector is 0-280-156-063 Title: Re: Fueling after FPR change Post by: K92 on June 06, 2020, 09:54:28 AM Why forbid? You need to change TVUB alsoI modified krkte and have part LTFT after few days dive on 0,8% so i think thats good or i'm in mistake? My bosch numer for injector is 0-280-156-063 Title: Re: Fueling after FPR change Post by: Dejw0089 on June 08, 2020, 06:55:46 AM You need to change TVUB also No tvub didnt need to be changed.Injectors are stock. All trims are perfectIdle -0.2 part -0.8 only problem was with wot fueling but i solve it because i think its fpr fault or stock fuel pump cant hold 4 bar on higher flow when engine is in wot and I do some test but i think i have found problem. |