Title: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: tobz on April 24, 2012, 11:55:40 AM Just curious... anyone ever take the time to measure current draw from the ECU when programming? I'm building a bench harness for myself and want to make sure I don't cheap out on the AC/DC power supply... but I don't want to get a 10A one if it only needs 500mA. :)
TIA. :) Title: Re: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: nyet on April 24, 2012, 12:02:19 PM Its very negligible (probably < 300mA, but i haven't checked) . just make sure the power is super clean.
Title: Re: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: tobz on April 24, 2012, 12:08:50 PM Its very negligible (probably < 300mA, but i haven't checked) . just make sure the power is super clean. Maybe I'll just build a small two transistor SMPS or something then. :D Title: Re: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: thom337 on April 27, 2012, 03:14:38 PM Mine is usually around 230 mA.
Title: Re: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: julex on April 28, 2012, 08:01:39 AM best is to buy a little cheap-o motorcycle or automotive battery. This will ensure the power is super clean. Power supplies tend to output see-saw and square crap.
Title: Re: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: Gonzo on April 28, 2012, 09:06:22 AM Power doesn't need to be as clean as you think...
Title: Re: Current draw for a ME7.5 while programming? Post by: julex on April 30, 2012, 07:42:09 AM Power doesn't need to be as clean as you think... Better safe than sorry. |