Title: Different descriptiond (xdf...) for 1 ecu generation, why? Post by: Butters-E1337 on October 17, 2020, 05:56:01 AM Hello all,
first, very nice forum and thx for admission. I got a pretty newbie question. I thought, when u got 1 ecu generation e.g. the ME7 the maps are always located at the same adresses. But thats not the case, even on the S4 2.7 ME7 the adresses differ totally between the different versions. Why that? I mean, it is the same engine. When u change some values for the export version or something like this, the adresses should stay the same. Or is the bin only shifted a few rows cause they added a new function? best regards Title: Re: Different descriptiond (xdf...) for 1 ecu generation, why? Post by: nyet on October 17, 2020, 08:26:05 AM Because compilers locate code, ram, and map locations, not humans