Title: VW Golf 1.8T ME7.5 diag. limits for 17705 fault Post by: Dems on November 23, 2020, 02:08:38 PM Hi everyone!
I have problem with VW Golf4, everytime when cold engine appears 17705 fault, but air system is ok. I try to find out diag limits, but without Damos it's not easy. Thinks i found, but not sure. Can someone confirm? LKVDKNMN @ 0x19A33 1x1 and FVPDKLDUS @ 0x1F11E 5x1 Thanks in advance! Title: Re: VW Golf 1.8T ME7.5 diag. limits for 17705 fault Post by: _nameless on November 23, 2020, 02:15:29 PM hope this helps
Title: Re: VW Golf 1.8T ME7.5 diag. limits for 17705 fault Post by: Dems on November 23, 2020, 02:25:09 PM Thank you very much, very useful! ;)