
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: Steven97i1 on June 11, 2021, 03:04:49 AM

Title: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 11, 2021, 03:04:49 AM
Hey guys little question, i have an 06a906032s (1.8t APP) in my a3 8l.
i Wanted pop and bang on Air condition because i dont have (yet) cruise controll.

i changed DNWEK to 6000 and KFZWOP KFZWMN aswell as KFZW to like - 20 in the lowest Load row from 3000 up to 6000
Car wont pop ever, either with A/C on or off.
its just shaking as it gets To much fuel.
Please help. When i set DNWEK to 140 or so an play with it as usual it Bangs a little bit.

ORI XDF and CSV are attached in zip.

PS: could somebody look at LAMFA and tell me if its the right map? cause it has 1.9 as Lambda in bin ^^

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: stuydub on June 11, 2021, 05:09:52 AM
where is the file

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: kubawd on June 11, 2021, 12:08:46 PM
Let me guess, it shakes when you gently accelerate and enter the rpm range where you put pops?

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 11, 2021, 07:01:45 PM
Yeao Cinda IT should pop at 3000 at IT shakes at 2600 or So. On my 032hs IT wasnt the case

Title: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 12, 2021, 02:27:49 AM
Hey guys little question, i have an 06a906032s (1.8t APP) in my a3 8l.
i Wanted pop and bang on Air condition because i dont have (yet) cruise controll.

i changed DNWEK to 6000 and KFZWOP KFZWMN aswell as KFZW to like - 20 in the lowest Load row from 3000 up to 6000
Car wont pop ever, either with A/C on or off.
its just shaking as it gets To much fuel.
Please help. When i set DNWEK to 140 or so an play with it as usual it Bangs a little bit.

ORI XDF and CSV are attached in zip.

PS: could somebody look at LAMFA and tell me if its the right map? cause it has 1.9 as Lambda in bin ^^

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 12, 2021, 02:38:48 AM
Closed, accidently made a new one ^^

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Sandstorm3k on June 12, 2021, 05:40:54 AM
APP has weird LAMFA it's not used stock 1.9 is correct i believe

If it's shaking like crazy you've probably gotten the axises wrong and have now changed timing under driving load.

It's not shaking from fuel, you're running stupid low timing that's what's happening.

Use only KFZWMN, KFZWOP. DNWEK tot 6000 or so, this gets added to KFNWEGM so it's not cutting fuel at all. Better to use KFTVSA imo

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 12, 2021, 07:16:10 AM
Thanks my boy! tried it with DNWEk but it Only startet Accerlerating to 2500 rpm where it should bang.

what timing would you prefer?

i think i got DNWEK to 6000
KFZWMN like -25
KFZWOP like -40 or viceversa

When i use KFTVSA it Pops all the time, but i dont what that ^^ i only whant it to pop on AC or (in german) its called esp (electronic stability control)
cause im driving long ways on the Highway with little bit more then 4000 RPM most of the time and i dont like it when it Pops all the time you know ^^

is it possible on ESP button or AC with accerlating the Engine to 2.5krpm


Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Sandstorm3k on June 12, 2021, 09:20:57 AM
Everything is possible, but AC condition is very easy.

KFZWMN to maybe -30
KFZWOP ~0 or minus small value
DNWEK 6000
KFTVSA should set to 0 in order to not have pops while letting off the gass, though I'm not sure what negative effects this may or may not have.

Now just retard the timing in the appropriate cells so from 2520 upwards.

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 13, 2021, 04:59:14 AM
how much whould you retard the timing?
i had an 032HS in my car a long time and it was popping so good...
Tried to just enter the same ammounts from the HS but nothing happens ^^

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 15, 2021, 04:05:18 PM
So first off thanks it kinda worked. But the car is stutterin like hell when i let off the gas and go back on it.

Nett question : with my Software i have a p1556 dtc its a stage 1. With the 032hs it didnt does that.
What did i miss that the p1556 and limb Mode Comes on?
Everytime at like 5k rpm and 0.7 0.8 bar boost.
When i try to drive below 0.5 it doesnt come om


Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: stuydub on June 16, 2021, 02:11:07 AM
Negative Deviation many things can cause this but if the HS is fine then re work your file as thats were the problem will be

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 16, 2021, 05:02:40 AM
Thanks, qnd whqt could the stuttering be?

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Sandstorm3k on June 16, 2021, 06:37:19 AM
Thanks, qnd whqt could the stuttering be?
Retarded timing where you shouldn't have

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 16, 2021, 12:29:38 PM
Only lowest load row

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: robek85 on June 17, 2021, 10:25:29 PM

look at two lowest rows. Think about interpolation. What is lowest load when driving? Or when you go thru gears?

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on June 18, 2021, 12:28:37 PM

Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: nyet on June 20, 2021, 11:17:04 AM


Title: Re: me7.5 Pop and Bang on Air condition / Please look at Lamfa?
Post by: Steven97i1 on July 06, 2021, 02:00:46 PM
got it to pop with Interpolartion.
Only problem it should pop at 3500RPM and only pops on 5k to redline