Title: ME7.2 BMW V8 Hardcoded Limits in iDA Disassembly Post by: Fabioo on June 16, 2021, 01:04:59 PM Hello, if anyone could help me find Hard caps because my ignition is getting cropped out after i exceed 800kg/h maf, at 1000kg/h (70% load) i got around -10 retarded (armd/msr/asr disabled). The car is 0.5Bar Boosted :) MAF Limits increased etc. etc.
I think its about Cylinder Air Filling (rl_w) Ida Version: 6.8.150423 (32bit) i have found 10AAh but after i change it i can't do Adaptations anymore and i still have Hard Caps. ---FIXED--- ARMD wasn't fully disabled. Title: Re: ME7.2 BMW V8 Hardcoded Limits in iDA Disassembly Post by: prj on June 17, 2021, 01:01:16 AM You are searching for something that does not exist.
Your problem is bad calibration or mechanical problems. Title: Re: ME7.2 BMW V8 Hardcoded Limits in iDA Disassembly Post by: sda2 on June 17, 2021, 02:47:47 AM Like I said, you have to check the raw maf voltage and see if that rises after 1088kg/h. If it does, its in the software, if it doesnt, its maxed out or input circuitry has other limitations.
The usual 100% load limit like in ME7.1 VR6 NA is not present in BMW code for ME7.2. (compare again 0x10AA stuff) Title: Re: ME7.2 BMW V8 Hardcoded Limits in iDA Disassembly Post by: Fabioo on June 21, 2021, 10:55:18 AM Thanks for reply guys but it wasn't MAF as i said i've had 1080KG/h which was 3.7V in MAF Table. The point was ARMD wasn't fully disabled.