Title: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on August 24, 2021, 11:30:06 AM Good Day
I have been lurking around this forum for some time now and have learnt a lot. I just want to say thank your for the knowledge gained . Background Information I am working on a 2001 Audi A8 with a 4.2L V8 running on a ME7.1.1 ECU (4D0907560AQ) I no longer have access to the original ECU. This is a euro spec and came with no Evap System. The cluster was faulty and both cluster and ecu were changed. New ECU is (4D0907560AF). I successfully read the eeprom and did a immo delete. By doing this NefmotoEcuFlasher was able to read the flash(see attachemnt for flash bin).I have been trying to do check the bin file using me7check tool but i am having issues with command prompt just blinking and shutting off This has transcended to all command prompt utilities i download and try to run (windows is a pain). I do have access to Winols and Tunerpro. but i do not have any definition files for 4D0907560AF. The car currently runs but i have the following fault 1 Fault Found: 17881 - EVAP Leak Detection Pump: Open Circuit P1473 - 35-00 - - The Plan I would like to remove the DTC and diagnosis/circuit checks for the EVAP system. My understanding The following maps needs to set to unsupported of off to remove any DTC and faults associated with the EVAP system. CDTES - Eurobyte - LDP Diagnosis CDLDP - Eurobyte - EVAP diagnosis CLATEVE - EVAP plug CLALDPE - LDP plug Circuit diagnostics disabling. ESKONF-(power output configuration) refers to a group of 7 bytes in the 1.8t, and 13 bytes in the 2.7 flash (iam not sure what applies to the 4.2l v8). In short, these bytes tell the ECU which physical electrical outputs are attached in that particular file. Typically, it's located right above KFKHFM. When removing a component ESKONF is often required to disable circuit diagnosis. Without properly configuring the relevant bit pairs you will get DTCs (Malfunction in circuit, internal resistance too high, etc) due to the missing hardware. Leaving dead hardware attached may prevent these, but isn't necessary when properly coded out. I am unsure if i need to disable DTC also using this method http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=567.0 I need guidance trying to identify the addresses needed to set bits and disable DTC. Please guide me in the right direction so i can get evap fault disabled . Thank you Gary Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: _nameless on August 24, 2021, 08:58:39 PM Good Day Eskonf start at 0x010BA2I have been lurking around this forum for some time now and have learnt a lot. I just want to say thank your for the knowledge gained . Background Information I am working on a 2001 Audi A8 with a 4.2L V8 running on a ME7.1.1 ECU (4D0907560AQ) I no longer have access to the original ECU. This is a euro spec and came with no Evap System. The cluster was faulty and both cluster and ecu were changed. New ECU is (4D0907560AF). I successfully read the eeprom and did a immo delete. By doing this NefmotoEcuFlasher was able to read the flash(see attachemnt for flash bin).I have been trying to do check the bin file using me7check tool but i am having issues with command prompt just blinking and shutting off This has transcended to all command prompt utilities i download and try to run (windows is a pain). I do have access to Winols and Tunerpro. but i do not have any definition files for 4D0907560AF. The car currently runs but i have the following fault 1 Fault Found: 17881 - EVAP Leak Detection Pump: Open Circuit P1473 - 35-00 - - The Plan I would like to remove the DTC and diagnosis/circuit checks for the EVAP system. My understanding The following maps needs to set to unsupported of off to remove any DTC and faults associated with the EVAP system. CDTES - Eurobyte - LDP Diagnosis CDLDP - Eurobyte - EVAP diagnosis CLATEVE - EVAP plug CLALDPE - LDP plug Circuit diagnostics disabling. ESKONF-(power output configuration) refers to a group of 7 bytes in the 1.8t, and 13 bytes in the 2.7 flash (iam not sure what applies to the 4.2l v8). In short, these bytes tell the ECU which physical electrical outputs are attached in that particular file. Typically, it's located right above KFKHFM. When removing a component ESKONF is often required to disable circuit diagnosis. Without properly configuring the relevant bit pairs you will get DTCs (Malfunction in circuit, internal resistance too high, etc) due to the missing hardware. Leaving dead hardware attached may prevent these, but isn't necessary when properly coded out. I am unsure if i need to disable DTC also using this method http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=567.0 I need guidance trying to identify the addresses needed to set bits and disable DTC. Please guide me in the right direction so i can get evap fault disabled . Thank you Gary Prokon starts at 18199 Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on August 25, 2021, 04:32:55 AM Eskonf start at 0x010BA2 ThanksProkon starts at 18199 I will edit file and try and post results here. For my knowledge is there any method I can use to find these addresses my self ? Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on August 29, 2021, 10:58:57 AM Eskonf start at 0x010BA2 Prokon starts at 18199 Good day I have gotten some time today to have a look at the addresses above i have Found the ESKONF as below 00 30 B3 FC 00 03 C3 FF AA FA FA FF CC i have done some searching to identify what each bit pair. I have found several tables explaining this but i am not sure if they are correct , i need some help identifying the pairs , attached below are some of what i have found for ME7.1.1 Byte 0[evap] [] [] [] Byte 1: [] [] [] [] Byte 2: [] [] [] [] Byte 3: [] [] [] [sai] Byte 4: [] [sai] [] [] Byte 5: [rear 02] [] [] [] Byte 6: [] [] [rear O2] [] Byte 7: [] [] [] [] Byte 8: [] [] [] [] Byte 10: [] [] [] [] Byte 11: [] [] [] [] Byte 12: [] [] [] [exh. flap] Please guide me accordingly once i have finished with the ESKNOF i will move on to the PROKON. Thank you Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on August 29, 2021, 11:13:59 AM Good day I have gotten some time today to have a look at the addresses above i have Found the ESKONF as below 00 30 B3 FC 00 03 C3 FF AA FA FA FF CC as per s4 wiki u understand each bit pair has to be configures as below 11 = SKIP, as in that component is not installed. 10 = SPECIAL TREATMENT. For all intents and purposes, we're going to ignore this. 00 = INSTALLED i have also found these ESKONF tales on the wiki but i don't no think they apply to the ME7.1.1, From all the table i have found of ME7.1.1 ECU's i have notices they use 13Bit pairs and not 6Bit pairs . ME7.1 bit pairs Byte 0: EV6 EV3 EV4 EV1 Byte 1: XX NWS1 LULK TEV Byte 2: XX EKP AKF XX Byte 3: XX XX XX SLP Byte 4: EV5 SLV XX NWS2 Byte 5: HSH2 ULT EV2 LDR Byte 6: XX BKV HSH XX Byte 7: XX XX XX XX Byte 8: ZUE ZUE ZUE ZUE Byte 9: ZUE ZUE ZUE ZUE Byte 10: XX XX XX XX Byte 11: XX XX XX XX ME7.5 bit pairs Byte 0: ZUE4 ZUE3 ZUE2 ZUE1 Byte 1: NC NC NC NC Byte 2: EV4 EV3 EV2 EV1 Byte 3: LSHHK EFLA SU/LDR TEV Byte 4: BKV NC AAV MIL Byte 5: NC NC EKP SLP Byte 6: ULT EAGR SLV NWS Meaning of each abbreviation XX: unknown/unused ZUE: Ignition coil NC: Not configured EV: Fuel injectors HSH/LSHHK: Rear O2 sensor heater MIL: Malfunction indicator lamp, OBD EFLA: Error lamp (non OBD compliant?) SU/LDR: N75 boost control solenoid TEV: N80 evap purge regulator valve AKF: V114 evap flap motor? LDP: Leak detection pump EAGR: EGR valve power amplifier BKV: Brake booster pump AAV: Shut off valve (Absperrventil vorhanden) EKP: J17 Fuel pump relay SLP: J299 SAI pump relay SLV: N112 SAI solenoid valve NWS: N205/N208 Camshaft timing control/VVT ULT/LDUVS: N249 diverter valve (Schubumluftventil) LULK: N335 airbox flap (RS4) i have done some searching to identify what each bit pair. I have found several tables explaining this but i am not sure if they are correct , i need some help identifying the pairs , attached below are some of what i have found for ME7.1.1 Byte 0[evap] [] [] [] Byte 1: [] [] [] [] Byte 2: [] [] [] [] Byte 3: [] [] [] [sai] Byte 4: [] [sai] [] [] Byte 5: [rear 02] [] [] [] Byte 6: [] [] [rear O2] [] Byte 7: [] [] [] [] Byte 8: [] [] [] [] Byte 10: [] [] [] [] Byte 11: [] [] [] [] Byte 12: [] [] [] [exh. flap] Please guide me accordingly once i have finished with the ESKNOF i will move on to the PROKON. Thank you Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: bamofo on September 02, 2021, 08:17:23 AM EVAP is First Byte Group Second set...
Typical ESKONF example for ME7.1.1 Byte 0 -- [Injector1] -- [EVAP] -- [Left Engine Mount] -- [Injector 8] so you need to change 00 to 30. If you need to turn other things off let m eknow. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 02, 2021, 05:49:54 PM EVAP is First Byte Group Second set... Thanks for taking to time to respond . I am trying to learn as I go along . Do have to turn off all of theses evap related functions. TEV , AKF and LDP. Also I have a layout of the me7 1.1 eskonf bits attached . Not to sure Seems to be close enough to the V8 configuration minus the injectors .Typical ESKONF example for ME7.1.1 Byte 0 -- [Injector1] -- [EVAP] -- [Left Engine Mount] -- [Injector 8] so you need to change 00 to 30. If you need to turn other things off let m eknow. I need some advice on prokon bits I am aware I have to zero CDTES - Eurobyte - LDP Diagnosis CDLDP - Eurobyte - EVAP diagnosis CLATEVE - EVAP plug CLALDPE - LDP plug But I Am not Sure where these bits are . Thank you again for your help First byte third group (left engine mount ) I love it ;) Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: _nameless on September 02, 2021, 08:56:16 PM Thanks for taking to time to respond . I am trying to learn as I go along . Do have to turn off all of theses evap related functions. TEV , AKF and LDP. Also I have a layout of the me7 1.1 eskonf bits attached . Not to sure Seems to be close enough to the V8 configuration minus the injectors . "CD" is the bit switch for the function. So, switching CDTES and CDLDP to 0 will disable ldp testing and evap testing. "CLA" Maps disable the p code, this doesnt disable the flagged error , just hides the codes. Before ESKONF (end staging table) I/O configuration was found and documented the way some did deletes was hiding the codes. Theright way is to properly configure bit switches (prokon) and end staging (eskonf) to prevent any codes from setting and not hiding codes with CLA I need some advice on prokon bits I am aware I have to zero CDTES - Eurobyte - LDP Diagnosis CDLDP - Eurobyte - EVAP diagnosis CLATEVE - EVAP plug CLALDPE - LDP plug But I Am not Sure where these bits are . Thank you again for your help First byte third group (left engine mount ) I love it ;) Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 04, 2021, 08:38:04 AM "CD" is the bit switch for the function. So, switching CDTES and CDLDP to 0 will disable ldp testing and evap testing. "CLA" Maps disable the p code, this doesnt disable the flagged error , just hides the codes. Before ESKONF (end staging table) I/O configuration was found and documented the way some did deletes was hiding the codes. Theright way is to properly configure bit switches (prokon) and end staging (eskonf) to prevent any codes from setting and not hiding codes with CLA Thank you Marty and bamofo for taking the time to respond I am very thankful for the knowledge and advice . I have been doing a lot of reading and and pretty much understand what needs to be done. What I do not understand is how do I identify the addresses for bits below CDTES CDLDP I have tried to read the FR to figure out how to find these bits and how they are arranged from the start address for prokon bits given to me by Marty but I am still unsure.Below I have a link to the prokon section of the FR translated to English for reference https://mega.nz/file/I6pWVb7L#_yVumjpX3Nx_JI4eODbR2twNi11tgnJVzOwCfXQO11w (https://mega.nz/file/I6pWVb7L#_yVumjpX3Nx_JI4eODbR2twNi11tgnJVzOwCfXQO11w) Can someone please help me understand the arrangement of the prokon bits . Thank you Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 05, 2021, 04:36:22 PM Hey guy here is a quick update on my findings. please feel free to chime in with corrections or advice.
so today i had a look at the a 4D0 907 560 CE bin and its respective XDF file found on this forum. I then compared this bin to my 4D0 907 560 AF bin and the addresses Marty sent me for ESKONF and Prokon. PROKON In the CE bin and matching dfx i found the addresses of CDTES and CDLDP was located at the following respective addresses 181B2 and 181A7. i looked at these addresses in the AF bin and they look similar even the surrounding bits look similar. then proceeded to compare the start address for Prokon given to me by Marty . (18199) on both files and they look very similar. I think it is safe to say the prokon addresses are the same for both files . please see my attached screen shot of the comparison of CE vs AF Prokon. ESKONF i compared the ESKONF address for the CE file to the address Marty gave for the AF file . Both start address are different but the maps look similar . Please see attached screenshot of CE vs AF ESKONF. I have attached the CE bin and dfx for reference also I think i might have found all the addresses i need to turn off my evap system and respective DTC. CDTES - 181B2 CDLDP- 181A7 ESKONF -10BA2- 10BAE i await your feedback thank you in advance gary. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: bamofo on September 07, 2021, 11:27:43 AM Just make the changes and flash it. Worst thing that could happen is you dont have the codes anymore lol.
Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: _nameless on September 07, 2021, 12:17:18 PM Hey guy here is a quick update on my findings. please feel free to chime in with corrections or advice. so today i had a look at the a 4D0 907 560 CE bin and its respective XDF file found on this forum. I then compared this bin to my 4D0 907 560 AF bin and the addresses Marty sent me for ESKONF and Prokon. PROKON In the CE bin and matching dfx i found the addresses of CDTES and CDLDP was located at the following respective addresses 181B2 and 181A7. i looked at these addresses in the AF bin and they look similar even the surrounding bits look similar. then proceeded to compare the start address for Prokon given to me by Marty . (18199) on both files and they look very similar. I think it is safe to say the prokon addresses are the same for both files . please see my attached screen shot of the comparison of CE vs AF Prokon. ESKONF i compared the ESKONF address for the CE file to the address Marty gave for the AF file . Both start address are different but the maps look similar . Please see attached screenshot of CE vs AF ESKONF. I have attached the CE bin and dfx for reference also I think i might have found all the addresses i need to turn off my evap system and respective DTC. CDTES - 181B2 CDLDP- 181A7 ESKONF -101BA2- 101BAE i await your feedback thank you in advance gary. Without exact damos for your file you really only have a few options when it comes to finding small single bit maps. Educated guess / trial and error as you have already done, or disassembly. Youre on the right track with your approach, and honestly I must say Im impressed with the progress youve made. As said above flash it and try, you wont hurnt anything by trying this. If its not the correct bit return it to its stock value and try again. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: bamofo on September 07, 2021, 01:24:22 PM Without exact damos for your file you really only have a few options when it comes to finding small single bit maps. Educated guess / trial and error as you have already done, or disassembly. Youre on the right track with your approach, and honestly I must say Im impressed with the progress youve made. As said above flash it and try, you wont hurnt anything by trying this. If its not the correct bit return it to its stock value and try again. I gave him the locations and what they are... should be good.. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Geomeo on September 07, 2021, 06:01:17 PM Just make the changes and flash it. Worst thing that could happen is you dont have the codes anymore lol. Lol!!Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 08, 2021, 01:39:57 PM hey guys
i edited the file will flash it soon . i tried to use all tools on the forum to check bin and fix check sum but command prompt issues made me revert to Winols. For some strange reason every utility based program i download from nefmoto and try to run command prompt flashes and closes. i tried many online solutions to fix this but no luck. I have changed the following CDTES - 181B2 from 02 to 00 CDLDP- 181A7 from 01 to 00 ESKONF -10BA2- 10BAE from 00 30 B3 FC 00 03 C3 FF AA FA FA FF CC To 30 30 B3 FC 00 03 C3 FF AA FA FA FF CC Checksum corrected with winols as i cant get the me7sum and me7Check to work. attached is my evap delete bin. Can some one just check the file for me using ME7Check and post a screenshot of the results thank you Gary Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 09, 2021, 02:01:25 AM Hey just got a friend to check the file on their pc with me7check . All looks good, attached is a screen shot of the results . I will flash the ecu and do some testing and update the thread .
Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 09, 2021, 09:05:12 AM Good day
I flashed the file today with NefmotoECUflasher all went well no issues . I will test in car soon and give some feedback. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 09, 2021, 11:20:11 AM Snaps of the flashing process.
Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: _nameless on September 09, 2021, 03:31:53 PM Snaps of the flashing process. doesn't look like you got the right address, as sai should show complete Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Geomeo on September 09, 2021, 03:56:26 PM Have you read this thread?...
http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=7370.0title= It might help you. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 09, 2021, 05:50:23 PM doesn't look like you got the right address, as sai should show complete I have read that the readiness status should say passed if the system was disabled and you do a power cycle or dtc clear. The ecu will be tested tomorrow on the car to see what happens. Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 10, 2021, 04:31:32 AM Update
Tested on car this morning . Immo off worked ,Car started but evap fault still present . Will recheck bin to ensure I did change the correct bits . And try again . Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: Groopan on September 10, 2021, 05:40:31 PM Guys I need some advice .
The car came without evap hardware . Does this mean I need to zero the following for the dtc to not show up . I am getting evap ldp open circuit . ? CLATEVE - EVAP plug CLALDPE - LDP plug If so how do I find these address Title: Re: EVAP Delete on 4.2L v8 4D0907560AF Post by: bamofo on September 13, 2021, 08:32:20 AM Guys I need some advice . The car came without evap hardware . Does this mean I need to zero the following for the dtc to not show up . I am getting evap ldp open circuit . ? CLATEVE - EVAP plug CLALDPE - LDP plug If so how do I find these address No you do not need to turn these off. PM me ill help or you can go back into ESKONF and find the right bit. SAI will not instantly pass either with the way we explained it still needs to run its tests but it always passes. |