
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: Groopan on April 25, 2022, 05:13:09 PM

Title: Me7.1.1 repair st10 and flash chip replacment ?
Post by: Groopan on April 25, 2022, 05:13:09 PM
Good day

I am unsure of where to post this

I have been given a me7.1.1 ECU  . The flash pin 24 was accidently sent 12v instead of ground why trying to place in bootmode . I have tried to communicate with vcds , eeprom,tools etc and was not able to get the ecu to respond .

My question is can I replace the st10 and flash and get this ECU to work again? I suspect the flash and st10 might have been damaged .

If this ECU can be repaired what do I need to read and flash the st10 ? The rest I can do with tools from this forum .
Any advice will be gratefully appreciated.

Title: Re: Me7.1.1 repair st10 and flash chip replacment ?
Post by: _nameless on April 25, 2022, 09:57:10 PM
It's shot