Title: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: RedT on June 06, 2022, 02:40:36 PM Hello, so my question is like this.
I have a TT with 1.8t BAM. My ecu number is 8n0906018cb. And I think I have fried the ecu after I implemented the AL/NLS script (The car cranks but doesnt start, it has the Internal Control Module error and no spark) . Now I cant get to connect to it with the nefmoto software, and I dont have the tools to acces it through the boot mode. Now when looking in a local junkyard. I found an ECU from a 1.8T AUM or AWM ( I cant remember) . And my question is Can I write my original BAM file in this ecu or I should find the same ECU number. Thank you. Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: fknbrkn on June 06, 2022, 03:01:49 PM You can
With eeprom also Btw check fuses. Its common issue when ftomn sets to zero and ecu fuse blown down Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: RedT on June 06, 2022, 03:48:49 PM You can With eeprom also Btw check fuses. Its common issue when ftomn sets to zero and ecu fuse blown down Thank you for replying, any idea what's the fuse number for the ECU ? Its written in german on the fuse box cover Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: _nameless on June 06, 2022, 10:01:24 PM Hello, so my question is like this. It will but you need to copy over the eeprom too or immo off it and those both require bootmodeI have a TT with 1.8t BAM. My ecu number is 8n0906018cb. And I think I have fried the ecu after I implemented the AL/NLS script (The car cranks but doesnt start, it has the Internal Control Module error and no spark) . Now I cant get to connect to it with the nefmoto software, and I dont have the tools to acces it through the boot mode. Now when looking in a local junkyard. I found an ECU from a 1.8T AUM or AWM ( I cant remember) . And my question is Can I write my original BAM file in this ecu or I should find the same ECU number. Thank you. Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: fknbrkn on June 06, 2022, 10:20:01 PM Thank you for replying, any idea what's the fuse number for the ECU ? Its written in german on the fuse box cover One of those with engine icon in it And the next question will be - how to pull out fuse? Just try to do something by yourself Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: RedT on June 06, 2022, 10:36:57 PM One of those with engine icon in it Where ? In the fuse box diagram there is no such icon. Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: aef on June 06, 2022, 11:49:42 PM What about checksums in your tuned file?
learn how to boot your ecu Title: Re: Can I write my original file in an ECU from a different 1.8T? Post by: prj on June 07, 2022, 06:16:38 AM The year is 2022. People remap ECU's who do not know how to locate a fuse.
FML, it's literally in the owner's manual and on the fusebox. |