Title: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: RedT on June 06, 2022, 04:49:11 PM Hello, I have an Audi TT 2003 225 BAM
In the fuse diagram there is many fuses named engine management, I've checked them but they seemed fine. My car doesnt start and I have been told that the ecu fuse was blown because of the FTOMIN set to 0 after a I installed LC. But I dont know what fuse exactly If someone can tell me fuse number it will be much appreciated. Thanks. Title: Re: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: RedT on June 06, 2022, 11:01:15 PM Anyone ?
Title: Re: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: aef on June 06, 2022, 11:19:46 PM Just check them one after another. Probably No. 37
Title: Re: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: BlackT on June 06, 2022, 11:50:12 PM Your car does not start beacuse LC has fuck up CS
Title: Re: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: RedT on June 06, 2022, 11:55:50 PM So I need another ECU ?
Title: Re: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: BlackT on June 06, 2022, 11:57:38 PM No you yust need to read more
Title: Re: Where can I find the ECU fuse ? Post by: _nameless on June 07, 2022, 07:43:32 AM Hello, Im really confused about the ecu fuse location. May want to make friends who know more about cars then you if you can't find a fuse for the ecu, or take a voltmeter to check for power at the ecu plugs without asking the internet... Well then, you may want to reread my first sentence. I checked many fuses in the fuse box that says engine lanagement and they are looking ok I really want to be sure before I buy another ECU. Please reply thank you |