Title: 4Z7 907 551 R Need help reading bin Post by: Gus on September 24, 2022, 10:26:04 AM ECM is from a 2004 Audi Allroad 2.7. ME7.1.1
I tried grounding pin 24 for a few seconds while powering up bench cable. Using Argdubs command line tool I get this: C:\me7>me7eeprom --bootmode 95P08 -b 9600 -r -p 3 allroad.bin ME7_EEPROM v1.40 COM: 3, Baud Rate: 9600 Memory type: 95P08, size: 1024 Opening COM3 ... OK Starting Boot_mode ... FAIL ... No ECU response. (error=0x20F07) Closing COM3 I cycle the power to ecm and can connect and check faults. I also get a similar error in --obd mode not grounding pin 24. I have tried all the baudrates listed too. What am I doing wrong? Title: Re: 4Z7 907 551 R Need help reading bin Post by: Geomeo on September 24, 2022, 02:16:22 PM ECM is from a 2004 Audi Allroad 2.7. ME7.1.1 The program doesn't like Windows 11 Not sure about 10 or 7. But XP worked for me. Make sure you're grounding the correct pin and not wiring it just to the track /solder next to it. grounding = 0v on your power supply. I tried grounding pin 24 for a few seconds while powering up bench cable. Using Argdubs command line tool I get this: C:\me7>me7eeprom --bootmode 95P08 -b 9600 -r -p 3 allroad.bin ME7_EEPROM v1.40 COM: 3, Baud Rate: 9600 Memory type: 95P08, size: 1024 Opening COM3 ... OK Starting Boot_mode ... FAIL ... No ECU response. (error=0x20F07) Closing COM3 I cycle the power to ecm and can connect and check faults. I also get a similar error in --obd mode not grounding pin 24. I have tried all the baudrates listed too. What am I doing wrong? Title: Re: 4Z7 907 551 R Need help reading bin Post by: Geomeo on September 24, 2022, 02:20:13 PM Oh also I don't think you need to do boot mode to read either. Only write.
Title: Re: 4Z7 907 551 R Need help reading bin Post by: Gus on September 24, 2022, 02:51:12 PM I figured it out. (...I think, still need to plug it into a car.)
I used "argdub" me7_95040 to read, did not use bootmode to read. Used eepromtool_04 to modify bin Put ecm into bootmode via pin 24 used me7_95040 to write bin created with eepromtool now I can read the flash with nefmoto. |