
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: JeanAwt on January 26, 2023, 05:02:22 AM

Title: axis identification me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 26, 2023, 05:02:22 AM
hi i need help to find the LAMFA axles.
I have 1CED9 factor 0.007813
x axis 1CECD 00.3252
y axis 1CEBE 40.000000

but something is wrong i have values ​​0 1....
or is the address wrong?

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: terminator on January 26, 2023, 05:19:30 AM
Because the factor is wrong. Should be 0.003052

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 26, 2023, 10:55:29 AM
sorry typing error I have 0.003052. I need to learn how to take a screenshot. I start from a stock file. my X axis I have 16 bit (LoHi) decimal (base 10 system)? something is wrong i have 160 /0.3/40/80/120 .rpm ok from 1000 to 7000

I saw well on the community project LAMFA_COLAXIS defined in 50/60/70/80/90/97.5. I would obviously like the same thing and winols I'm a beginner

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 29, 2023, 05:28:24 AM
no answers, I guess I asked a stupid question again....

can someone help me to tell me how to locate the axes? I can clearly see in 2d the rpm and load part. but to define the beginning and the end...
thank you

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: Leonhard on January 29, 2023, 10:30:29 AM
yes, it has been worked on....quite often

LAMFA            1CEDA (8bit)
drivers wish    1CECE (16bit LoHi)
nMot              1CEBE (8bit)

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 29, 2023, 11:34:48 AM
yes, it has been worked on....quite often

LAMFA            1CEDA (8bit)
drivers wish    1CECE (16bit LoHi)
nMot              1CEBE (8bit)

thank you, I was almost there I had seen that 1CEDA was better
but in X I hesitated.
it's clearer now I have % 85/87/90/92/95/97.5

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 29, 2023, 11:39:14 AM
I read somewhere that there is often a difference of 1 byte from another definition on 8-bit maps. it's true? (I had 1CED9>1CEDA)

same KFZW I have 12390 me I see it at 12391

the offset is only at the beginning of the map?

do I have to take back all my 8 bit cards?
at the same time like this I will learn...

Title: Re: LAMFA research me7.5
Post by: nyet on January 29, 2023, 11:51:59 AM
I read somewhere that there is often a difference of 1 byte from another definition on 8-bit maps. it's true? (I had 1CED9>1CEDA)

"difference" is the wrong word. Think "alignment"

16 byte maps are commonly not aligned right; they should all start on even numbers, since 16 bit data should always be word (16 bit) aligned.

They're often wrong because of some auto translation/conversion from other map pack formats.

I suspect it is because of the id byte, but i could be wrong.

Title: Re: LAMFA and axis identification me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 29, 2023, 12:53:44 PM
Thanks, so I'll have some work to do. do you use 2d or 3d more for tracking?

Title: Re: LAMFA and axis identification me7.5
Post by: Leonhard on January 30, 2023, 05:00:36 AM
I read somewhere that there is often a difference of 1 byte from another definition on 8-bit maps. it's true? (I had 1CED9>1CEDA)
same KFZW I have 12390 me I see it at 12391
the offset is only at the beginning of the map?
do I have to take back all my 8 bit cards?
at the same time like this I will learn...
I read somewhere that there is often a difference of 1 byte from another definition on 8-bit maps. it's true? (I had 1CED9>1CEDA)
same KFZW I have 12390 me I see it at 12391
the offset is only at the beginning of the map?
do I have to take back all my 8 bit cards?
at the same time like this I will learn...
Thanks, so I'll have some work to do. do you use 2d or 3d more for tracking?
where to start learning depends on your technical background,
just finding maps, you should have a very similar flash+damos(a2l) file as a project.
thereby you create your own project finding the proper "offsets"
not every map has its axis nearby, many axis are collected in groups "far away"
and to find out and learn you simply need this similar damos.
I would recommend the "2D" mode for searching maps and "Text" mode for single values.
To verify a certain map you need to get the meaning/function of it, than you'll get a feeling for proper (axis) values.
LAMFA map for example always starts with lambda = 1, so first value is 80 (128) at 1CEDA and 1CED9 with 7C (124) is most unlikely.
Same with KFZW, it starts with 12390, forget about any startbit, there is no such thing, think what a KFZW should look like, compare with others!
Translate, read, understand the FR docu and keep on searching NefMoto.
The more you describe your project and the progress you make, the more people around here are willing to help.

Title: Re: LAMFA and axis identification me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on January 30, 2023, 02:25:50 PM
thank you, make it a hobby that has become a drug I want to learn and understand me7.5 just because I love my b5 1.8t. yes all this just to understand and adjust a small stage 1, tinkered with some options example I removed the gas cut during braking (left foot braking wiki) it amuses me to optimize with a small budget. .yes i have some xdf,kp definitions close to my ecu . I started on tunerpro but I prefer winols more complicated yes but more intuitive. I started 5 months ago. read/write modification immo, meter, eskonf... tools me7.5 from the forum ok. learning the name of the maps and their use I learn continuously a little every day at the same time I have a definition of a hundred maps to translate this (help). technical training ?? I know the basis of the operation of the various sensors, the basis of the operation of an engine. to correctly align my 8-bit maps can I do it directly on the hexdump? yes I saw that on some maps the axes are just above. I think I need to practice. from a stock file a definition but without address or axes just the name and shape of the map. and keep looking...

Title: Re: axis identification me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on February 05, 2023, 08:45:20 AM
other map FKSTT_0_A

start address 156A7

offset 0.000977

axis 1569B 8bits
offset 0.750000

I have a doubt the more we increase the value the more we enrich? why at 0° I have 60 and -20° 0.11? Shouldn't it increase if the temperature drops? or something is wrong with my address?

Title: Re: axis identification me7.5
Post by: Leonhard on February 05, 2023, 10:04:43 AM
it starts at 156A8 (16bit LoHi) with factor 39.5 at -30°C and lowers down to factor 1.5 at 90°C
axis offset 0.75 and (-48)

Title: Re: axis identification me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on February 05, 2023, 11:14:16 AM
it starts at 156A8 (16bit LoHi) with factor 39.5 at -30°C and lowers down to factor 1.5 at 90°C
axis offset 0.75 and (-48)

thank you i will try with that

Title: Re: axis identification me7.5
Post by: JeanAwt on February 05, 2023, 02:48:58 PM
it looks like my whole mappack is not aligned. is it possible to line everything up at once? or do I have a hundred maps to redo?

or the only solution is to compare and align each map manually?

Title: Re: axis identification me7.5
Post by: Leonhard on February 06, 2023, 12:02:38 AM
Yes, even if you have similar working mappack to compare,
the differences will not be linear all over the data-area