Title: What format might my fuel maps be? Post by: dikidera on April 02, 2023, 07:15:11 AM So it's about the Volvo Denso ECUs specifically they should be the same for HN.2, LE.2, LA.2 and so forth.
As I plan to search for my fuel maps. I wanted to ask what I should look for. From what I read about other ECUs the injection/fuel maps(are they the same thing?) might be in mg/stroke or duration in crank angles(CA) or even duration in milliseconds. What other forms might they be in? Of course if someone knows the specific type this will be most useful to me. My other question is how these fuel maps differ from the AFR/Lambda maps e.g 14.7 are they also the same thing as the above fuel maps or not quite? Title: Re: What format might my fuel maps be? Post by: _nameless on April 02, 2023, 07:44:32 AM :)I misread the topic. Noting to add