Title: 24C02 immo off dump programming problem Post by: Andre20VT on August 01, 2023, 03:25:46 PM Hi,
After being a long time ago being active on the forum i am running ino a problem with writing back the readed image back on the 24C02 immo chip and hopefully there is someone willing to help me because i lost it ??? I am using a EZP2023 usb programmer and made i successful readout from my de soldered immo chip from my 06A906018R ecu. Checked the readed file and made the immo off version of it, checked the ori dump and immo off version with the m3.8 immo tool and both files checked ok for immo status and checksum but the problem i have is that when i write the ori dump or immo off dump to the eeprom it looks like it only writes the half of the eeprom. I also tried different manufacturers and eeprom settings but on Atmel i only got the best results when i want to erase the chip it also erase the complete eeprom instead of not fully erasing with other manufacturers. You can see on the pictures what i mean with programming half the chip. Cheers |