Title: ME7 EEPROM Structure, KWP2000 protocol ME7.1.1 C167 vs ST10 Post by: Artemisia on March 26, 2024, 12:18:28 PM I'm sharing some documents that might be useful. It describes the ME7 EEPROM structure, every KWP2000 Bosch services and the differences between C167 and ST10 (like getting the ECU into a 0x85 session)
I know this is old stuff, but I have used it recently to write an OBD2 flasher for ME7.1.1, both C167CS and ST10F275 Writing byte to eeprom page : (https://larochellej.com/sub-eeprom.png) (https://larochellej.com/sub-eeprom-example.png) EEPROM layout document which page can be written : (https://larochellej.com/eeprom-write-allowed.png) Set ST10 in 0x85 : (https://larochellej.com/session-85-st10.png) Programming is done through CAN-bus. Most other services (DDLI for example) are only availaible through K-Line. If you get a 0x90 negative response code, try the service on K-Line instead Title: Re: ME7 EEPROM Structure, KWP2000 protocol ME7.1.1 C167 vs ST10 Post by: R32Dude on March 29, 2024, 02:40:43 AM Very nice, thanks for sharing