
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: professor on August 22, 2012, 04:58:25 PM

Title: Part throttle jerking
Post by: professor on August 22, 2012, 04:58:25 PM
Hello guys.

My head is ready to blow now so please need your help.
Friend's car, remapped, on part throttle (p.e. 30%  wped_w) throttle angle is wide open ( wdkba = 100).
On wot as expected everything works as requested.

Dont wanna disable torque monitoring just a reminding what i forget to fix this.

KFMIOP -> higher on high loads
KFMI_UM -> Stock, i thing here is the issue.

Going for sleep, hope to see the solution on my dreams or on this dream forum.



Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 22, 2012, 05:06:24 PM
You want to REDUCE IOP, not increase it.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 22, 2012, 07:52:17 PM
^^ that makes no sense, my tunes have always been stronger when increasing IOP when you want more TQ especially in the higher end of the load scale.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 22, 2012, 09:33:11 PM
If you increase IOP, you will more likely have torque intervention if you also increased IRL

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: professor on August 23, 2012, 02:01:26 AM
No reducing IOP will lower the torque on high rpms.

Also is adjusted only on high loads which don't interfere with partial throttle.

I ll look at this right now.
Any more thoughts welcome  :)

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: masterj on August 23, 2012, 06:04:28 AM
KFMI_UM has to be updated. I know this because without changing KFMI_UM I got a lot of jerkiness and also torque monitor 2 intervention.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 23, 2012, 06:12:33 AM
KFMI_UM has to be updated. I know this because without changing KFMI_UM I got a lot of jerkiness and also torque monitor 2 intervention.

He would have a code if he was experiencing level 2 intervention. IMO the *_UM tables never need to be touched. They only intervene when there are problems in the tuning.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 23, 2012, 06:40:20 AM
If you increase IOP, you will more likely have torque intervention if you also increased IRL

I've never seen this to be true if you do it right.  I almost always have the last column of IOP @ 99.99

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 23, 2012, 08:28:28 AM
Then you are misinterpreting how torque monitoring works :)

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 23, 2012, 08:31:10 AM
Or the easy way: just shift the axis values for IOP:

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 23, 2012, 12:59:18 PM
Explain to me then why cars that approach more the higher load values on the axis have higher TQ values? like in the RS4?

I'm sorry but if the last load # in IOP is @ or below your max load you want to have you want to make sure you're upping the values in IOP.   It's always worked well for me and the engine most definitely develops more TQ.  If course IOP changes means other things have to be changed to jive in the ECU.  But lowering IOP in almost all cases neuters the car from what I've found.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 23, 2012, 01:05:58 PM
Explain to me then why cars that approach more the higher load values on the axis have higher TQ values? like in the RS4?

I'm sorry but if the last load # in IOP is @ or below your max load you want to have you want to make sure you're upping the values in IOP.   It's always worked well for me and the engine most definitely develops more TQ.  If course IOP changes means other things have to be changed to jive in the ECU.  But lowering IOP in almost all cases neuters the car from what I've found.

I don't know what you mean by "develops more TQ"

Do you mean torque intervention via timing retard is WORSE with lower IOP?

IMO, that simply isn't possible.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Gonzo on August 23, 2012, 01:10:32 PM
Or the easy way: just shift the axis values for IOP:

Re-scale axis. Problem solved.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 23, 2012, 01:11:39 PM
develops more TQ = the car feels much stronger.

Either way, there is a place for higher numbers in IOP as I've seen it in more then one factory tuned ECU before.  Of course there are things to consider and like I said, everything must jive.

That said scaling up IOP towards the end shouldn't cause any part-throttle issues.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 23, 2012, 01:13:43 PM
develops more TQ = the car feels much stronger.

That isn't anything even remotely resembling objective evidence :P

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 23, 2012, 01:14:57 PM
That said scaling up IOP towards the end shouldn't cause any part-throttle issues.

That conflicts with my understanding of torque monitoring, as well as logs of torque intervention.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 23, 2012, 01:15:48 PM
you're right about that :)

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: professor on August 24, 2012, 01:57:07 PM
Problem solved after lot of reading in this dream forum and corrections on KFMILR mostly.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 24, 2012, 07:47:48 PM
You want to REDUCE IOP, not increase it.

^^ that makes no sense, my tunes have always been stronger when increasing IOP when you want more TQ especially in the higher end of the load scale.

KFMIOP is almost stictly used in various forms of intervention and torque reserve.

The only positive effect it has is via mimax -> mifa -> milsol.

From what I can tell, KFMIRL has no effect on KFMIOP and IOP's only effect on IRL is indirectly as an input via milsol.

I am starting to think we would be better off not even touching IOP.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 24, 2012, 07:50:05 PM
I am starting to think we would be better off not even touching IOP.

And you'd get torque intervention if you bumped too much of IRL.

The effect is well documented.

The only real solution is to leave most of IRL alone, except for the top lines, and shift the axis of IOP around accordingly.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 24, 2012, 09:14:34 PM
And you'd get torque intervention if you bumped too much of IRL.

The effect is well documented.

The only real solution is to leave most of IRL alone, except for the top lines, and shift the axis of IOP around accordingly.

How?? Where??

People say that but I have never seen it substantiated.

The only way IRL can affect torque intervention is if rlsol = rlmin.

That's it.

The only relationship I can find between IRL and IOP is milsol.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 25, 2012, 08:45:43 AM
I stumbled upon this a few nights ago... very interesting read FWIW:

Purpose of the Optimal Torque Map

What it does, how it does it, why it does it, and how to make it work for you!

Purpose: Take the calculated torque value at a given RPM & load, then compare it to the value that is present on the map. The ECU then corrects for the difference by adjusting the 02 correction value, the requested boost value, and the timing value.

02 correction value: This value is the change in lambda that the ECU requires to reach it's current TARGET lambda, If an 02 correction value of 0 is recorded that means 1 of 2 things has occurred.

1. Your datalogging and reading values from the engine just turning on, the engine requires some time to begin correcting through the 02 correction value, lambda sensors must heat up etc,etc.

2. The correction the ECU needs is SO great it has gone off the 25% range the 02 correction has to offer. A significant change in the value in this area is going to be required.
This map is in place to check the MAF sensor's readings to the ECU. The Mutiplitive and Additive fuel trims are derived from the 02 correction values, The ECU then uses these fuel trims, along with timng and requested boost to effect the Actual Torque of the car so that the driver does not feel the effects of air tempurature, increased load driving(going up hill) and such on the power production of the engine.

You have to understand, bosch doesn't trust the millions of people who bought cars with their ME7 ecu system in it to understand the adverse effects real life variables have on the torque production of a turbocharged engine. What they DO understand is that if the average person presses the pedal down 50% of the way, they want the car to "FEEL" like it is producing 50% of it's power wether your driving up to the mountians or passing some one on the freeway in florida.

*in the average drivers mind 50% pedal means 50% power*

Most of this simulation is processed and converted by the ECU on the Acceleration pedal map and the target filling map.

In order for the ECU to know whether or not the it needs to make the engine produce more or less torque in order to comply with drivers demand of current Load(value measured by MAF or calculated if running mafless), it needs a value to check against. This is the value you are adjusting on the optimal torque map.

Now since the optimal torque map effects many variables off a single value, it is safe to assume that you can adjust for 02 correction and know that the effect of requested boost and timing from the optimal torque map will also be in line and if you have problems in these areas after getting fueling set you need to begin to adjust other maps to affect those values.

Types of Fuel Trims and how they work

The ECU has 2 Fuel Trims: Additive and Multiplicative both are applied globally to the fueling but they differ in HOW they are applied

Additive: A static value applied to the trim UNAFFECTED by changes in load.

Multiplicative: A value applied to the trim that is AFFECTED by changes in load.

The additive trim is used to make corrects that are happening at the same rate irregardless of load or at lower load levels like idle and cruising

the Multiplicative trim is used to make corrections that happen at an increasing rate as load is increased and in the higher load ranges.

What all this means is that when your tuning your 02 correction values you want them to be ether ALL positive or ALL negative.

If your 02 values swing between +/- your optimal torque maps need some work.

THe Ecu can only make a trim if a problem is reoccuring.

If your 02 correction value at the same load at
2000rpm is -5
2500rpm 3
3000rpm -4
3500rpm 2

while is might not seem to bad in reality this is not only improperly tuned, your actually causing the ECU to fight against your tune when it creates it's fuel trims!

This is what the ecu is thinking

2000rpm take away fuel
**** 2500 quick add fuel
wtf 3000rpm take away fuel
seriously... 3500 add fuel

this type of adjustment does not fall in line with the 2 available adjustments the ecu can make with the fuel trims.

Obviously we want to get our fuel trims as close to 0 as possible. But it must be done in the correct way or else your going to assume your tune is spot on when in reality it's just that the ecu can't make an adjustment because your optimal torque map is so off!

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on August 25, 2012, 08:45:51 AM
How to make this all work for your Tune
Adjusting the Optimal Torque map using 02 corrections as a guide

You MUST deactivate any corrections on your main fuel correction map, this is the pre correction map for the lambda targeting fuel algorithm and will skew results if any value but 1.0001 is present in the cell.

*Note* the values of this table compare to ACTUAL torque seen by the torque model, NOT the REQUESTED torque derived by the acceleration pedal map, I will explain the different in a different post.

*NOTE for setting up Y axis, The final column value should be the LOAD value where you car produces Maximum torque, this just happen to be the max load that my car reached... with my turbo (ported ko3s) this over shot my target filling value by 5% so while the highest value I request for load is only 200% my Y axis, last column on optimal torque is 205.5 since that is the max load my car will reach that I have seen, if it is completely unrestricted by the max VE table. This number has risen as my tune can getting more spot on, I can only assume this means I am producing more power, butt dyno agrees heavily

Do NOT fall into the trap off thinking you much adjust lower range values if you change the value of higher columns, you shouldn't have to unless you are raising the last column because of a pure 0 reading when approaching max torque, a very rare instance indeed, other wise you should not need to adjust values in lower load area's as produced torque should be the same at other load levels.

First you want to make sure there are NO recorded 0's in your datalog in the area we are going to be adjusting.

Any 0's must first be dealt with or your gonna be chasing your tail, A pure 0 is an indication of the adjustment running out of range... A BIG change will be required to bring this load and rpm point into line so that we may begin fine tuning. Use common sense with these adjustments, if your adjusting 151% load out of a max defined 200% and your opt torque value is 30%... you probably need to raise not lower to get it back scale.

*note values of 0.23 etc are perfect and infact mean your basically spot on at that point*

*NOTE* Other maps affect fuel trims so make sure you account for acceleration fueling map and it's effect on the fuel trim during sudden throttle requests. It is better to only tune portions of the opt torque map in which a steady load over a good portion of the rpm range is logged.

Now once you have no pure zero's the next step is to make sure your 02 corrections are either ALL positive or ALL negative. I shoot for negative because I rather be richer and have the ecu remove a small amount of fuel then rely on the ecu to add fuel, that's just me how I feel safer, also that's how I know I'm not "missing" out on power so to speak.

a Datalog that shows you have all the 02 correction values either positive or negative you have a choice:

Be done!, yup you could fine right here, if your getting recorded values of all negative or positive numbers your in line "enough" that the ecu can take care of the rest and you'll have a pretty decent tune.

Not be a slacker and really dial that **** in!

Okay I made a post about interpolation of points between mapped points and how the ecu comes up with these. An understand of this concept will greatly reduce your dial in time if you don't have access to an interia dyno where you can run the car at a set load through an rpm range constantly.

What your going to do is look at RPM points in the data log that you have defined on your X axis. Then check the calculated load at that point.

For MAFLESS people: *NOTE* I have not even turned the key on a mafless car let alone start to tune one this is a guess BUT I'm thinking this check would be how you would dial in your TB tables and such... You would want to make sure the calculated load matched what your spec load would be that way you know you are on the right spot on the optimal torque table. But that's tuning theory and I can't get into that atm(no time and outside of the scope of this already long and probably confusing post)

then you check the 02 correction, if it's negative your gonna to decrease the value of your optimal torque table in that cell.

Now the reason you are looking for defined RPM area's is because if you have all those in line the values in between those areas will fall in line too.

I gotta end the post here and get to class, but that's really all the basics, if you understand interpolation you can use the changing of 02 correction values to estimate what changes need to be done to cells of the map you might not have logged,

if you don't just stick to the defined values and only adjust based on calculated load, if calculated load falls between 2 defined values, average the defined values, if the calculated value is higher then average adjust the higher defined load cell, or vise versa.

Remember small adjustments are best, even with recorded zero's I would only make 5% adjustments at most

One last thing if you have Positive numbers where you have it marked as 100% opt torque(last column is the only place this is gonna happen) you need to RAISE the Y axis value of the last column! The car is telling you if produced max torque at a higher load level then the defined axis you either

need to bring the axis up and readjust the other values in the column accordingly, (you want to tune for more power)

just allow for the ecu to make that correction in that case (a positive value less then 2 in this case is probably just from the car not completely cooling down between runs and heat effecting power output)

Limit the max VE to avoid hitting that load level again ( you want to limit power produce or boost for reliability reasons etc.

damn that's longer then I expected, I'll check it over for spelling and clarity after I get back from class, post any areas of concern or questions I can help with and I will try and add the info in

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 25, 2012, 09:10:04 AM
Interesting. I didn't think ME7 made fueling decisions based on target torque.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 25, 2012, 10:06:29 AM
Interesting. I didn't think ME7 made fueling decisions based on target torque.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

If any details were included it would be much easier to try to figure what the author is talking about.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 25, 2012, 01:28:15 PM
Does anyone have anything factual to add here?

I have done hours of variable tracking and see nothing to substantiate the claims above.

- IRL/IOP relationship : milsol_w only

- IRL torque intervention : rlsol_w = rlmin_w only

- gains from IOP : milsol_w only

- IOP influence on fuel trims : none

No ME7 mysticism, detailed facts only.


Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Gonzo on August 25, 2012, 02:15:29 PM
I've never seen any changes on fueling based on torque request/monitoring on ME7.5...

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 25, 2012, 05:53:35 PM
- IRL/IOP relationship : milsol_w only

- IRL torque intervention : rlsol_w = rlmin_w only

Given the IOP/IRL torque intervention thread, what causes torque intervention (other than ARMD)?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 25, 2012, 06:50:38 PM
Given the IOP/IRL torque intervention thread, what causes torque intervention (other than ARMD)?


Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 26, 2012, 11:16:29 AM
Yes, understood, but under what conditions, specifically. Are you saying the information in the IOP thread is wrong? And the logs are wrong?

Do you have any logs showing torque intervention and a clear explanation about what conditions lead to it?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 27, 2012, 09:06:50 AM
Yes, understood, but under what conditions, specifically. Are you saying the information in the IOP thread is wrong? And the logs are wrong?

Do you have any logs showing torque intervention and a clear explanation about what conditions lead to it?

Yes, IMO that thread is wrong. There is no specific details in there really.

What logs?

What are you considering "actual torque" and "requested torque"?

I'm going to keep digging, but if anyone can provide specifics (variables) on what was concluded in that thread then I can confirm or refute.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 27, 2012, 09:15:22 AM
miist, misol, mifa

where zwsol < zwbas

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 27, 2012, 09:29:15 AM
Unfortunately, I was only facing ARMD problems, not IOP problems, but look at the timing spikes at 3500 and 4000.. you can see the solid line is capped compared to the dotted lines.

the difference is, the solid line is 99% iop, the dotted line is iop with shifted axis.


Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on August 27, 2012, 09:41:02 AM
Where does IRL come into play though?

miist goes to CAN only.

misol and mifa are definite contributors and IOP influenced.

I'm not necessarily trying to prove anything one way or the other, but I would like to clearly define how it occurs so that we can properly tune and not just find something that works.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on August 27, 2012, 09:51:53 AM
Where does IRL come into play though?

miist goes to CAN only.

misol and mifa are definite contributors and IOP influenced.

I'm not necessarily trying to prove anything one way or the other, but I would like to clearly define how it occurs so that we can properly tune and not just find something that works.

I agree. Unfortunately, I did not log torque intervention after I fixed my ARMD problem, so I don't know the source of the other intervention I was seeing (i was seeing ARMD and IOP related intervention).

It seemed to be IRL (torque request) vs miist related.

Also, when i was experiencing both problems, I did not have all the related variable locations, so  they are missing in those logs.


Another one, showing timingangle<zwsol when etazws>misol

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 04, 2012, 08:46:29 PM
I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

If any details were included it would be much easier to try to figure what the author is talking about.

I'm not sure where your getting your information but the optimal torque map in maestro (not sure what editor you are using but the abbreviation is KFMIOP) that has a direct impact on fueling, timing advance, and boost. Ignore the title of the map... Its a Volumetric Efficency table. How anyone can say that map has no effect on fueling blows my mind because it is a vital part of ME7 or any tune in general. Seeing as though that is the way bosch set it up. A method of tuning that GM has adopted for its newer models (I spoke with one of the tuners who had worked for GM). WHy? because to the driver/owner/purchaser they would prefer a smooth power delievery based on driver requested torque. I don't have all the time in the world to get into that though.

I cannot say that I've used this method on mafless files yet but I have used it on a stage 2 AWP gli and the results couldn't have been better. Timing pull was down to a minimum and we had jumped from a peak maf reading of 178g/s to 210g/s which is a huge improvement. There wasn't a dyno but you can tell from the seat the car pulled alot more. I still had room to adjust fuel but never got a chance to finish after the owner moved away. Either way there are many maestro users using the VE table to dial in their fuel without touching the main fuel correction map and have gotten a correction withing around -1% all the way through the power band which is solid. Just to give you a quick heads up when you dial this in based on O2 correction you want to edit by 1 percent increments until you get a feel for it. Also you need to get Correction on one side of the board.... Most prefer to be a bit more rich instead of lean so shoot for getting o2 correction to be in the negatives all the way through the power band. AGAIN why? because you need to make it easier on the ecu to control fuel at WOT (imagine the ecu attempting to go from lean to rich to lean to rich +/- 5% all the way through to redline) its confusing to the ecu and by the time its corrected you are too rich. So get everything a tad rich and you'll actually see the ecu working with you instead of against you. ALSO monitor your actual torque doesn't overshoot your requested torque during your logs (which can be fixed in your target filling (should overshoot actual by 5%) and maximum VE maps).

This method has worked for me, I've read countless books on advanced EFI tuning for NA, boosted applications, as well as taken classes, and many discussions on the matter with professional tuners that have been in the game for years. I've also noticed alot of base files calibrated by not only chris tapp but arnold from pagparts (Big Turbo or Stock files) the main fuel correction map is barely touched but there are mild changes for final tweaking.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 04, 2012, 09:28:20 PM
Ahh...the author.

I'm looking at the disassembled code. The only effect that I can see it having on fuel is indirectly through target load.

Do you have any tangible information that you could provide?

If what you say is somehow true, it is an extremely indirect influence. Aside from use in interventions, KFMIOP's main influence is as mimax_w in MDFAW.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 04, 2012, 10:50:07 PM
I don't see anywhere where IOP has any direct effect on requested AFR in ME7.

Unless you are talking about feedforward (either getting open loop actual AFR to match req, or as a starting point for wideband closed loop). Certainly this is what the fueling correction map is used for, NOT requested AFR)

The rest of your argument is argument by authority, which can be safely ignored.

Please point out where in the FR it says IOP changes requested AFR.

Finally, I see no reason to trust Maestro users, as they have absolutely no idea how motronic works.

If they did, they wouldn't use Maestro.

Sorry, your entire post smells like "pro tuner" voodoo hearsay.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 04, 2012, 10:54:44 PM
because you need to make it easier on the ecu to control fuel at WOT (imagine the ecu attempting to go from lean to rich to lean to rich +/- 5% all the way through to redline

Bull. There are no short term trims when in openloop, by definition.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: matchew on September 05, 2012, 12:14:15 AM

I've never read so much crap!

How does a binary computer become confused? Please do me a favour......

Bull. There are no short term trims when in openloop, by definition.

He is likely talking about wideband ECU's

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 05, 2012, 06:37:54 AM
Clearly the ecu doesn't literally get confused.... When your o2 corrections are constantly going from +/-5% it is much harder to keep Target a/f considering your at wot for a split second. Not only that but me7's torque model influence or as you put it torque intervention will fight you by pulling timing if the VE table isn't calibrated. When this happens you will usually see actual load over shoot spec load. I don't understand how you can say a VE table has no influence on fueling. Something like that should be common knowledge. I'll have to go back myself and read a bit more on it in the translation of the Bosch document. In the mean time I suggest clearing your main fuel correction map to 1.0001 and experimenting with that map yourselves. I am not saying your wrong in your method of tuning because that's what I started out with and I myself didn't have success, getting random timing pull part throttle cruise or Wot . It was like I was taking one step forward and three steps back.

I'll read into it and give you a sound explanation when I have the time. Also for the record I am not the author.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 05, 2012, 06:56:55 AM
Please do.

It seems that you are operating on a theory based on vague assumptions.

BTW...the torque model doesn't pull timing, it just calculates it differently.

Not that I think it fundamentally makes a difference here, but what platform/ECU are you working with?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 05, 2012, 07:37:11 AM
Working with a pl ecu on a 20th GTI and GLI 1.8t. I am not one to post based on hear-say like many maestro owners but I post based on my personal experiments and findings while tuning via maestro editor. I do it to gain knowledge and a better understanding of me7. It's discussions like this that help progression in communities such as this. Which is why I welcome constructive criticism backed up with factual data/information.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: matchew on September 05, 2012, 08:15:38 AM
Which is why I welcome constructive criticism backed up with factual data/information.

What is the ID of the VE table you so dearly love?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 05, 2012, 09:25:52 AM
I don't understand how you can say a VE table has no influence on fueling.

Be specific. Does it influence req AFR or not?

If not, how does it affect open loop fueling (in ME7.1)?

Or are you talking about wideband ME7.1.1?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 05, 2012, 09:55:00 AM
KFMIRL - target filling map which is the driver requested torque based off of throttle input and requested kpa map value.
and  KFMIOP - Titled in maestro editor as the optimal engine torque map. Which is the main Volumetric Efficiency map. RPM vrs. cylinder filling that is a function of engine load. For those that don't know VE is an indicator of how much pumping is being done by the engine at any point since the engine cannot always fill cylinders completely. Any modification to the intake design, intake/exhaust temps, exhaust, charge piping, or cams that would change air density, velosity or flow this map will be out of calibration(how much will depend on application). Which is all common knowledge in EFI tuning. Airmass is a function of engine volume, number of cylinders, map value in KPA, and intake air temp. Total airmass and required fuel should be derived from that calculation.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 05, 2012, 10:05:24 AM
Total airmass ingested is *completely* described by MAF readings.

VE for fueling is only relevant when using speed density.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: matchew on September 05, 2012, 10:14:16 AM
KFMIOP - Titled in maestro editor as the optimal engine torque map. Which is the main Volumetric Efficiency map.

Dogsh1t. So take typical a TFSI KFMIOP. 100% filling at 5000rpm = 65% VE? LOL

You are confused, and the bullshit editor you use has only multiplied your confusion.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 05, 2012, 10:23:53 AM
KFMIRL - target filling map which is the driver requested torque based off of throttle input and requested kpa map value.
and  KFMIOP - Titled in maestro editor as the optimal engine torque map. Which is the main Volumetric Efficiency map. RPM vrs. cylinder filling that is a function of engine load. For those that don't know VE is an indicator of how much pumping is being done by the engine at any point since the engine cannot always fill cylinders completely. Any modification to the intake design, intake/exhaust temps, exhaust, charge piping, or cams that would change air density, velosity or flow this map will be out of calibration(how much will depend on application). Which is all common knowledge in EFI tuning. Airmass is a function of engine volume, number of cylinders, map value in KPA, and intake air temp. Total airmass and required fuel should be derived from that calculation.

KFMIRL - target load from torque/rpm. The torque input is far from driver's request.

KFMIOP - optimal torque from load/rpm. Not sure who made up the whole VE angle of this map, but Tapp didn't make up the title, Bosch did. The output is torque and just like optimal ignition angle it is almost exclusively used in intervention.

I do like your positive attitude, but you keep writing the same story without relating anything specific to this map.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 05, 2012, 10:34:33 AM

"pro" tuner secret society mumbojumbo vs many-eyes approach

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 05, 2012, 12:58:11 PM
I appreciate you guys for being open minded and not turning this into a pissing match. Here is the general idea. I don't believe that MAF reading is the only Airmass input until the MAF is unplugged. I believe the optimal torque map is put in place to check MAF readings and compare them. Based on fuel trims derived from 02 correction, timing, and boost to effect the Actual torque produced by the car without the driver feeling the ill effects of air density, driving load and intake temps on power output.

You, the driver, press the accelerator pedal in accordance to your wish.

This variable will be known as Pedal % and it is the X axis of the Accelerator pedal map.

Pedal % is then matched up with RPM on the Accelerator pedal map

the value in this cell becomes the variable Driver's wish

Driver's wish is then exported to the Y axis of the Target filling map

Driver's wish is then matched up again with RPM on the Target filling map

the value in this cell is the "raw target load" (which I think is in relation to the kpa translation from MAP voltage) we will call it Raw load

*Raw load is a value we do NOT see, it is NOT engine spec load (that is merely the value you can set for the max VE on the boost tables and is there to limit overboost situations) *

Actual Load is measured by the MAF, or calculated by ecu in the case of MAFless or malfunctioning MAF and exported to the Y axis of Optimal torque map

Actual Load is then matched up with RPM on the Optimal torque map

This variable is Optimal torque

Optimal torque should, if the mixture is at 14.7 or 1 lambda, match up correctly with the percentage of torque that is required to keep the car moving in accordance with the target filling map. Once we can see the actual torque put out by the engine in the data this will be easier to see. if it doesn't the car will begin to make fuel and timing changes to try and get that in line.

so as you can see if you change the target filling maps you can get the new optimal torque values by doing some math on the values of the target filling table.

After going through all this I am really beginning to see how tuning a MAFless car would be MUCH easier following Maestro 7 style of tuning with the full load lambda map etc, as oppose to my file using solely the power enrichment.

This theory also explains why when people unplug a bad MAF the car runs a lot better when the car is on a stock tune. Unplugging the MAF triggers the alpha-N tables and airflow over tb, etc etc.

Since these tables are pretty well dialed in from the factory for the factory tune they are much better values to use then a low reading MAF, so the car runs better because torque control isn't limiting power because it's seeing low MAF readings meaning Driver's wish and Optimal Torque aren't matching up

In order for the ECU to know whether or not the it needs to make the engine produce more or less torque in order to comply with drivers demand of current Load(value measured by MAF or calculated if running mafless), it needs a value to check against. This is the value you are adjusting on the optimal torque map.

Now since the optimal torque map effects many variables off a single value, it is safe to assume that you can adjust for 02 correction and know that the effect of requested boost and timing from the optimal torque map will also be in line and if you have problems in these areas after getting fueling set you need to begin to adjust other maps to affect those values.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 05, 2012, 01:21:27 PM
KFMIRL - target load from torque/rpm. The torque input is far from driver's request.

KFMIOP - The output is torque and just like optimal ignition angle it is almost exclusively used in intervention.


Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 05, 2012, 01:37:45 PM
Once we can see the actual torque put out by the engine in the data this will be easier to see. if it doesn't the car will begin to make fuel and timing changes to try and get that in line

I don't think the ECU makes fueling changes to bring output torque in line. Why should it, when it can use throttle plate, requested boost, or timing, to do that?

Again, are you saying IOP

1) alters requested AFR
2) can help bring actual closer in line with requested during open loop
3) is used as a feed-forward component in closed loop

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 11, 2012, 11:03:20 AM
Its been a year since I've gone through this site and I'm overwhelmed with the contributions many have made to this forum. Notorious VR, nyet, tony(of course), phila_dot I've been following your posts in the last couple days trying to grasp a better understanding of how you interpret those maps. I'm starting to agree with your ideas behind torque monitoring it has a direct effect on fueling, timing and boost under certain conditions such as when actual exceeds spec load. So I could be wrong on the optimal torque map being a VE table, but I'm not 100% convinced yet.

Although I'm not sure I agree with the maf being the only input into airmass calculation(all the time). My theory: Bosch uses both speed-density and MAF readings to achive requested AFR's dependant on the situation where they are most useful (cruise,WOT and part throttle). I'm still looking into this, but it is not uncommon in todays production GM software. I know most tuners dealing with a insufficient maf are using speed density to compensate under situations where maf readings are exceeded or maxed out(of course this isn't the most optimal way dependant on weather/elevation changes the driver deals with).

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: matchew on September 11, 2012, 11:42:42 AM
I'm not sure I agree with the maf being the only input into airmass calculation(all the time). My theory: Bosch uses both speed-density and MAF readings to achive requested AFR's dependant on the situation where they are most useful (cruise,WOT and part throttle).

Your wrong. The MAF reading is used all the time (that it is plugged in and passes diagnosis). When the MAF fails diagnosis or is unplugged then load is calculated from TPS. the ECU NEVER switch's  between the two when the MAF is plausible.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 11, 2012, 09:33:01 PM
I'm starting to agree with your ideas behind torque monitoring it has a direct effect on fueling, timing and boost under certain conditions such as when actual exceeds spec load.

I hate the terminology here sometimes. Specified load is ...what?? My usage...

Specified load :         rlmx_w
Specified Corrected : rlmax_w
Desired                  : rlsol_w

Specified load, rlmx_w, get used soled in the calculation of specified corrected load, rlmax_w. Never referenced against actual load rl_w or any derivative.

I'll cover desired load, rlsol_w next.

In MDKOG rlsol_w = rlmin_w triggers B_zwnget. This should not be an issue.

In FUEREG, drlfue = rlsol_w  - rlmin_w for FUEDK.

mlsol_w for purge control and msdnkoos_w for throttle angle are calculated in FUEDK from drlfue_w.

rlsol_w is used to calculate rlshk for NWS in FE and can also be used in NWS depending on codeword settings.

In LDRPID, the percentage of rlsol_w to rlmax_w is calculated and if greater than 97.65, B_ldvl (full load) is set and can trigger an additive to ldimx.

Finally, in LDTVMA, rlsol_w - rl_w can be used in the calculation of ldtvm as a backup to normal boost control.

Now for rlmax_w.

rlmax_w is only used to limit rlsol_w and to calculate mimax_w from KFMIOP in MDMAX. mimax_w is a huge part of the torque model, mainly in MDFAW.

As you can see, there is no mystery intervention caused by actual load exceeding specified. The only time any calculated load is even compared to actual load is for calculating WGDC under certain error conditions.

I have analyzed and logged most of the torque model and it seems most interventions come from the CAN variables being less than mifa_w. Basically, the goal in MDKOG is to get mifa_w to the end. I'm going to shift my focus to MDFAW.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 12, 2012, 09:01:02 AM
I have analyzed and logged most of the torque model and it seems most interventions come from the CAN variables being less than mifa_w. Basically, the goal in MDKOG is to get mifa_w to the end. I'm going to shift my focus to MDFAW.

Thank you for the time and effort spent in this.

In reviewing my logs, the torque intervention events (that aren't ARM) seem to co-incide with mifi or mimax being too high in MDKOG, which, as you said, are unrelated to load being too high.

When load (or MAF) is too high, I get fueling problems, not timing intervention.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 12, 2012, 10:32:53 AM
Interesting... Yes I'm sorry I should start adopting the correct abbreviations into my responses to steer away from confusion. I'll work on that, considering that I've only used maestro working with me7. So let me ask you this... What are you looking to accomplish? Are you simply looking for the source of torque intervention? From my understanding as long as your KFMIOP is properly calibrated as well as the inverse KFMIRL you shouldn't see any torque intervention via fuel, timing or throttle.

Chris Tapps definition-
Optimum engine torque lookup table. Table values are theoreticaly ideal engine torque with optimum spark and Lambda = 1. Axis are cylinder filling in % and RPM
The ecu is constantly calculating an internal torque value, on a scale of  0 to 100%
This torque value is then corrected for actual lambda (vs. 14.7:1), actual timing (vs. Optimal timing, and this is often a theoretical value that cannot be achieved due to the knock limit)
This internally calculated torque value is then compared to the value from the optimum torque table, and the ecu may then take steps to alter engine torque if the values do not match.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 12, 2012, 11:18:21 AM
The ecu is constantly calculating an internal torque value, on a scale of  0 to 100%
This torque value is then corrected for actual lambda (vs. 14.7:1), actual timing (vs. Optimal timing, and this is often a theoretical value that cannot be achieved due to the knock limit)

This calculation uses the *optimum torque* table as a starting point.

This internally calculated torque value is then compared to the value from the optimum torque table, and the ecu may then take steps to alter engine torque if the values do not match.

IMO it is compared to misol, which *isn't* from the optimum torque table. Again, i think the "actual" torque is calculated using the IOP as a starting point.

I could be wrong on this, it is from memory and I dont have the FR handy to check.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 11:20:28 AM
Interesting... Yes I'm sorry I should start adopting the correct abbreviations into my responses to steer away from confusion. I'll work on that, considering that I've only used maestro working with me7. So let me ask you this... What are you looking to accomplish? Are you simply looking for the source of torque intervention? From my understanding as long as your KFMIOP is properly calibrated as well as the inverse KFMIRL you shouldn't see any torque intervention via fuel, timing or throttle.

A complete understanding of the torque model. No more "it is my understanding" statements, witchcraft theories, assumptions, or being stuck on one line of text in the FR. I want factual, substantiated information.

You say properly calibrated KFMIOP, how does one properly calibrate this map (kinda rhetorical, we already heard that fairy tale)? Why is that the proper method?

Does any part of the torque model need to be calibrated? Why? What is gained from adjusting KFMIOP? Higher torque input to KFMIRL? Why not just make up for it in KFMIRL?

Why does KFMIRL have to be the inverse? It doesn't it is just logical. KFMIOP is load to torque and KFMIRL is torque to load.  mimax from KFMIOP can basically be the input to KFMIRL (mimax --> mivbeb --> mifa --> mifafu --> milsolv --> milsol).

No more myths. Just facts.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 12, 2012, 11:25:03 AM
Why does KFMIRL have to be the inverse? It doesn't it is just logical. KFMIOP is load to torque and KFMIRL is torque to load.

If KFMIOP is NOT adjusted to be the proper inverse of KFMIRL (btw stock isn't entirely the perfect inverse), is undesired/unexpected torque intervention the result?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 11:41:06 AM
If KFMIOP is NOT adjusted to be the proper inverse of KFMIRL (btw stock isn't entirely the perfect inverse), is undesired/unexpected torque intervention the result?

I can't find anywhere that this occurs. KFMIOP is part of the input to KFMIRL and that is it.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 12:05:51 PM
This calculation uses the *optimum torque* table as a starting point.

IMO it is compared to misol, which *isn't* from the optimum torque table. Again, i think the "actual" torque is calculated using the IOP as a starting point.

I could be wrong on this, it is from memory and I dont have the FR handy to check.

Sounds like he's talking about mibas.

What is actual torque? Everything is calculated.

misol != mifa means that mifa got adjusted on it's path through MDKOG or mifa > miszul (max permissable torque from MDZUL). This can trigger ignition angle intervention.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 12, 2012, 12:17:44 PM
From memory, by "actual" i mean "mifa/miist"

I thought mimax and mifa/miist are used in places other than IRL.

What is the point to converting "actual" (mifa/miist) load to torque (through IOP) then back to "req" load (misol) again (through IRL)?

What side effects occur if IOP is not the inverse to IRL?

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: nyet on September 12, 2012, 12:19:06 PM
misol != mifa means that mifa got adjusted on it's path through MDKOG or mifa > miszul (max permissable torque from MDZUL). This can trigger ignition angle intervention.

I though that if IOP isn't calibrated right, misol < mifa, which leads to torque intervention.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 12, 2012, 12:35:25 PM
A complete understanding of the torque model. No more "it is my understanding" statements, witchcraft theories, assumptions, or being stuck on one line of text in the FR. I want factual, substantiated information.

You say properly calibrated KFMIOP, how does one properly calibrate this map (kinda rhetorical, we already heard that fairy tale)? Why is that the proper method?

Does any part of the torque model need to be calibrated? Why? What is gained from adjusting KFMIOP? Higher torque input to KFMIRL? Why not just make up for it in KFMIRL?

Why does KFMIRL have to be the inverse? It doesn't it is just logical. KFMIOP is load to torque and KFMIRL is torque to load.  mimax from KFMIOP can basically be the input to KFMIRL (mimax --> mivbeb --> mifa --> mifafu --> milsolv --> milsol).

No more myths. Just facts.

I wasn't attacking or attempting to insult you... I was asking you if adjusting KFMIOP can solve the issue with torque intervention why go any further? What is gained from KFMIOP is smooth/refined power delivery. Higher input to KFMIRL will result in more requested torque rlsol_w. You can change KFMIRL independantly from KFMIOP (I have done it with ill effects, havn't changed the axis though) but they do appear to be setup inverse to one another. I wasn't saying they MUST be inverse.

Now you ask me how to calibrate KFMIOP the proper way... I have no idea what would be considered the proper way to bosch's standards but I'm on my way to finding out what works. The author of the quoted method of tuning this map which was posted decided to use o2correction as a guide for the calibration. As you trace through the map you make small adjustments + or - 1%. This user was able to take o2 correction values to +/- 1-2% MAF included. I have used it before on a stock turbo mk4 with promising results. As I learn more I am not sure about going off of o2 correction but more off of actual calculated torque.

I am still not attempting to insult just here to learn and possibly contribute. I'm working on getting my motor together to do further testing so that I can provide the data to back myself up.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 12:45:06 PM
From memory, by "actual" i mean "mifa/miist"

I consider mifa to be desired, from driver's wish in MDFAW. miist is labeled actual but calculated from miopt in MDIST and output directly to CAN.

I thought mimax and mifa/miist are used in places other than IRL.

mimax and mifa are almost solely used in MDFAW, MDKOG, and MDKOL for milsol (IRL) and ignition angle intervention.

What is the point to converting "actual" (mifa/miist) load to torque (through IOP) then back to "req" load (misol) again (through IRL)?

mimax from IOP is max torque requested and is calculated using rlmax_w (max load --> max torque). This caps driver's wish mrfa_w in MDFAW.

What side effects occur if IOP is not the inverse to IRL?


Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 12:55:35 PM

I wasn't attacking or attempting to insult you... I was asking you if adjusting KFMIOP can solve the issue with torque intervention why go any further? What is gained from KFMIOP is smooth/refined power delivery. Higher input to KFMIRL will result in more requested torque rlsol_w. You can change KFMIRL independantly from KFMIOP (I have done it with ill effects, havn't changed the axis though) but they do appear to be setup inverse to one another. I wasn't saying they MUST be inverse.

No offense taken, and none intended.

Torque intervention is solved with IOP? How? Why?

Smooth refined power delivery comes from adjusting IOP? How? Why?

Ill effects from adjusting IRL independently from IOP? How? Why?

Everything I have seen from logging and variable tracking contradicts almost everything you wrote. From what I've seen you are more likely to cause torque intervention by tampering with IOP.

Are you using ME7L yet?

I posted a definition file containing ARMD, MDKOG, and MDZW. I plan to have the entire torque model eventually, but it is very time consuming. The best way to get answers to all these questions is by logging.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 12, 2012, 07:08:58 PM

Are you using ME7L yet?

Not just yet but I am currently in the process although everyone in gods creation around western NY is APR tuned which makes reading the ECU file a problem. Have any pointers to get around this? I know I have to have a backup file incase the "progamming not finished" error pops up(does this only happen when trying to flash or reading as well?) or shall I just take the chance at reading the ECU and if the problem occurs go from there.

I now understand the questions that you are asking and I'll have to take some more time to read through the bosch document so that we can start speaking the same language here. Also get my car back on the road or grab a friends so I can start digging a little deeper and back my claims up with logged info. I appreciate you guys being patient with me.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 08:42:22 PM
I though that if IOP isn't calibrated right, misol < mifa, which leads to torque intervention.

Didn't see this one earlier...

misol < mifa is a sign that torque intervention has occured. mifa is desired torque at the beginning of MDKOG and misol is the result at the end after all the other torque requests have had the chance to adjust desired torque. If the end result is less than the original request then torque intervention is present and ignition angle intervention will be triggered.

All the other torque requests will be 99.99 unless they are requesting intervention, so mifa will make it to the end and if mifa < miszul then misol = mifa and there will be no intervention.

Obviously I'm summarizing and generalizing, but that is a good overview of what I've seen.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 12, 2012, 08:44:55 PM
Not just yet but I am currently in the process although everyone in gods creation around western NY is APR tuned which makes reading the ECU file a problem. Have any pointers to get around this? I know I have to have a backup file incase the "progamming not finished" error pops up(does this only happen when trying to flash or reading as well?) or shall I just take the chance at reading the ECU and if the problem occurs go from there.

I now understand the questions that you are asking and I'll have to take some more time to read through the bosch document so that we can start speaking the same language here. Also get my car back on the road or grab a friends so I can start digging a little deeper and back my claims up with logged info. I appreciate you guys being patient with me.

What ECU?

If your original file is not already available on this site, there is a section for requests that does get good results.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: em.Euro.R18 on September 12, 2012, 08:52:02 PM
What ECU?

If your original file is not already available on this site, there is a section for requests that does get good results.

its a 06A906032NK 1.8t R4/5vt I'll post in that section.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Bische on September 13, 2012, 11:00:10 AM
Didn't see this one earlier...

misol < mifa is a sign that torque intervention has occured. mifa is desired torque at the beginning of MDKOG and misol is the result at the end after all the other torque requests have had the chance to adjust desired torque. If the end result is less than the original request then torque intervention is present and ignition angle intervention will be triggered.

All the other torque requests will be 99.99 unless they are requesting intervention, so mifa will make it to the end and if mifa < miszul then misol = mifa and there will be no intervention.

Obviously I'm summarizing and generalizing, but that is a good overview of what I've seen.

Thanks for the summary, the torque model is pretty intensive to go through. I have done a few fast skims through a couple of sections and was until now plotting mifa_w and mifab_w(didnt have mimax_w in my logger definition), and was aiming for mifab_w = mifa_w.

EDIT: I have made 2 files now with changes to KFMIOP to see how/if it affects my mixture control.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 13, 2012, 12:27:05 PM
Thanks for the summary, the torque model is pretty intensive to go through. I have done a few fast skims through a couple of sections and was until now plotting mifa_w and mifab_w(didnt have mimax_w in my logger definition), and was aiming for mifab_w = mifa_w.

EDIT: I have made 2 files now with changes to KFMIOP to see how/if it affects my mixture control.

midab_w == mifa_w only shows that mifa_w <= mimax_w. Which should typically be the case. Unless maybe one of the sub-fuctions in MDFAW is actually raising desired torque after  the min(mivbeg_w, mimax_w).

However, mifab_w > misolv_w is also compared and enables some intervention conditions that I can't remember off the top of my head.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Bische on September 13, 2012, 07:19:19 PM
midab_w == mifa_w only shows that mifa_w <= mimax_w. Which should typically be the case. Unless maybe one of the sub-fuctions in MDFAW is actually raising desired torque after  the min(mivbeg_w, mimax_w).

However, mifab_w > misolv_w is also compared and enables some intervention conditions that I can't remember off the top of my head.

Yes, thats how I figured also.

Here is a plot with mifa_w, mifab_w and misol_w:

misol_w = mifa_w even though mifa_w is ~1.5% over mimax_w, I have to go over the functions more but this leaves me to believe there is some tolerance before intervention is induced.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 13, 2012, 07:53:55 PM
Yes, thats how I figured also.

Here is a plot with mifa_w, mifab_w and misol_w:

misol_w = mifa_w even though mifa_w is ~1.5% over mimax_w, I have to go over the functions more but this leaves me to believe there is some tolerance before intervention is induced.

Just double checked. mifab_w > misolv_w sets B_mdein for use in LLRBB (idle speed control). Not very interesting.

That mifa_w is > mimax_w is interesting though. Gotta dig deeper into MDFAW now.

mimax_w is mainly used in formulating mifa_w.

mifab_w is then min(mifa_w, mimax_w).

In MDBGRG, max(mimax_w, mifafu_w) is the factor for frtmki giving mitmbgr_w. After a min function with about 5 other variables, mibgrl_w is output to MDKOL to potentially limit milsol_w.

It also goes to CAN.

No interventions are directly caused by mimax_w.

Edit: At least not post MDFAW.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Rick on September 14, 2012, 03:44:16 AM
I'm sure you haven't forgotten, but in all this discussion you should distinguish between Level 1 and Level 2 :)


Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Bische on September 14, 2012, 05:37:03 AM
I'm sure you haven't forgotten, but in all this discussion you should distinguish between Level 1 and Level 2 :)


I dont believe I experience either level1 or 2, since my zwout = zwgru:

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 14, 2012, 06:16:28 AM
I'm sure you haven't forgotten, but in all this discussion you should distinguish between Level 1 and Level 2 :)


I am focusing on Level 1 intervention.

I believe Level 2 intervention is only active if misolv_w or mizsolv_w > miszul_w.

I haven't gotten to deep into the monitoring functions yet, but it seems like they shouldn't be a problem unless you screw something up.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Rick on September 14, 2012, 07:31:05 AM
Or have no way of removing a limit in Level 1  :)

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: phila_dot on September 14, 2012, 07:52:27 AM
Or have no way of removing a limit in Level 1  :)

Are you talking about MDZUL?

According to the text (which typically doesn't mean what one would think), the monitoring limits mirror the regular application limits, so raising the limit in the MDZUL tables would have to be reflected in the UM tables. I haven't seen any indication that any of the limits need/should be raised though.

I prefer not to arbitrarily raise limits when a better result can be had from proper tuning while preserving safegaurds. Don't get me wrong, I tune for max power, but not without a complete understanding of possible repercussions.

I may not have fully understood your statement.

Title: Re: Part throttle jerking
Post by: Rick on September 14, 2012, 01:06:05 PM

referring to inputs from CAN that you have little control of, e.g. transmission protection. 
