Title: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: Rick on November 12, 2010, 01:42:32 PM There is a map, KFNWEG, which allows the fuel to cut back in depending on gear, coolant temp, and gear. The gear may be applicable to tiptronic cars only, i'm not sure if the ecu knows current gear with a manual box.
The map is not enabled by default on our cars, to enable you need to set the codeword CWSAWE to 1. I do not have an AFR gauge in my car at the moment, so can't try it - unless i get pops and crackles on overrun - then i'll know! Can somebody try and let me know? I've attached an Mbox XDF with the codeword and map defined. Rick Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: spen on November 15, 2010, 04:18:20 PM ;D Rick, you've invented chav mode....
Oh, and don't do this if you have cats on your car. Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: iznogoud on November 15, 2010, 09:53:41 PM I am not sure, but I think 6sp S4s know what gear they are in by matching RPM readings to vehicle speed and doing a backward calculation. The car knows only whether it is in gear or not by means of a switch.
Here is who I know. When logging with ECUx I pressed the clutch after a FATS run and let the revs drop while I was coasting at high speed with the car still in 3rd gear. When reviewing the logs later, I think, I noticed that the gear data was jumping to a higher gear progressively as the revs dropped. I could be wrong. Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: Tony@NefMoto on November 23, 2010, 05:57:29 PM Manual transmission cars know what gear they are in based on engine speed and vehicle speed.
Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: robin on December 03, 2010, 04:41:18 PM You could simply look at injection time to see if the car is fueling.
I'm going to flash a file tonight and try this. Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: !nfern0 on October 31, 2014, 09:31:47 AM Anyone played around with this?
Does it work? Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: mcgas001 on October 31, 2014, 09:40:07 AM This works very well :D
Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: Lost on October 31, 2014, 11:48:57 AM What is this function good for?
Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: adam- on October 31, 2014, 02:02:08 PM Does anyone know where the codeword "CWSAWE" is in an 032HN file, sw0001?
In 0002 its at 1126B, but cannot tie up with the sw0001. WinOLS doesn't know, and if I keep it in the same place it says the value is 12 (should be 1, 0).. Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: !nfern0 on October 31, 2014, 03:36:07 PM What is this function good for? like spen said: chav mode. :) i hope it's something like mini john cooper works when you go off throttle... don't know the right word... in german it's "Schubblubbern"... Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: fknbrkn on October 31, 2014, 05:45:37 PM Does anyone know where the codeword "CWSAWE" is in an 032HN file, sw0001? In 0002 its at 1126B, but cannot tie up with the sw0001. WinOLS doesn't know, and if I keep it in the same place it says the value is 12 (should be 1, 0).. 1126C Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: BlkSerialKilla on November 02, 2014, 07:20:07 AM would anyone be able to help confirm if I have found CWSAWE in this file? I believe I have it on the right at 1B6D5 but there are minor variations in the quantities surrounding that offset. I am comparing from the known offset in the 1.8t 225 BAM ols.
Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: mushtafa on November 05, 2014, 02:39:19 PM Well, after an hour, I give up lol!
Found the address in WinOls, made the change from 0 to 1 and saved the file. Couldn't find this saved file anywhere. After searching Google, it appears you can't actually use the edited MAPs created with the demo version. :o On to TunerPro, bit harder to find the address, but found it in the end. Made the change, and compared the new saved MAP with the original. Only one difference (the one I made), thought brilliant! Saved the file with a big grin on my face. Checked the new file with me7check, found 5 checksum errors! Does this sound right? Can a very simple edit of a 0 to a 1 make this many errors? Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: funnix on November 05, 2014, 11:44:25 PM Jep,
correct them and try out! Title: Re: Post by: mushtafa on November 07, 2014, 07:01:30 AM Just tried the lastest me7sum, it says it fixed them, just need to test it. :)
Title: Re: Post by: mushtafa on November 08, 2014, 06:12:57 AM Tried this today, doesn't seem to work for me, when looking at injector time, it's still going to 0ms on overrun.
Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: mushtafa on November 08, 2014, 07:45:34 AM I just rechecked the file after checksum correction, can anyone confirm I've done this right?
Address 1126C was 0, changed to 1. Thanks Title: Re: Anti overun fuel cut - try it here Post by: majsterx on October 01, 2015, 05:41:18 AM i have 2.7T with tiptronic so needed check this out.
KFNWEG map looks ok so should be work's CWSAWE switched on. attached location if some one will be looking for it. (Different from others) I put video after test. |