
Technical => Flashing and Chipping => Topic started by: hihptsi on December 09, 2010, 04:40:10 PM

Title: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: hihptsi on December 09, 2010, 04:40:10 PM
has anyone experienced problems reading their flash when they had REVO installed?

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: carlossus on December 09, 2010, 05:09:07 PM
It's my understanding that Revo protects it's code by disabling conventional ODB2 serial flash. I assume you mean read over ODB2?

It also alters the EEprom which is a problem if you reflash over the Revo maps.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: hihptsi on December 09, 2010, 06:42:52 PM
i find that to be pretty much bullshit on their part. especially with the trial once it has already expired. Going to make an appointment at renn-art and have the factory map put back on.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: ArgDub on December 10, 2010, 02:30:21 AM
It also alters the EEprom which is a problem if you reflash over the Revo maps.

Sure? that is a despicable business practice

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: hihptsi on December 10, 2010, 02:39:33 AM
according to revo they state in their trial faq that you are able to rewrite the ecu with another file. they also state that reading is disabled to prevent pirating. I have located and posted the factory .bin for the 2003 a4 1.8t 5 speed in the original section. I am going to put my battery on charge and give it a go with the factory bin. ill post back tomorrow on my findings.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: carlossus on December 10, 2010, 05:52:47 AM
I am not sure if/to what extent the EEPROM is changed, I'm having trouble sorting hard data from the general forum noise. It would be wrong for me to claim this stuff as fact when all I have done is research internet info!

I am generally pretty distrustful of obfuscated code running on my ECU.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: hihptsi on December 10, 2010, 04:32:39 PM
it works see my other thread for details

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: carlossus on December 06, 2011, 11:59:33 AM
User 'rayce' has posted some evidence of residual REVO changes remaining after reflashing over OBD.,1242.0/topicseen.html

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: Gonzo on December 07, 2011, 10:33:26 AM
I ran into a Revo tuned car that was "IMMO defeated" by Revo. As soon as I reflashed it, the car would not start. Had to disable the IMMO manually.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: TTQS on December 16, 2011, 12:32:39 PM
I have a Revo Stage 2 and was waiting for Tony to produce a Windows XP version of the Nefmoto flasher to try a read, although I was preparing myself for failure due to the aforementioned issues.

I had a quick look at my ECU and it has not straightforward to remove it for a bench flash because it has a protective cover which requires the retaining bolts to be heated up to remove them. Sadly, that's too much hassle given its location in the plenum with risk of physical damage or electronic corruption to bother just for curiousity's sake.


Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: gremlin on December 16, 2011, 07:43:03 PM
I have a Revo Stage 2 and was waiting for Tony to produce a Windows XP version of the Nefmoto flasher to try a read,

Don't hope...
100% you'll can't read revo tuned ECU using standard R/W routines over OBD.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: Gonzo on December 17, 2011, 11:36:42 AM
I have a Revo Stage 2 and was waiting for Tony to produce a Windows XP version of the Nefmoto flasher to try a read,

Don't hope...
100% you'll can't read revo tuned ECU using standard R/W routines over OBD.
I have done it on the MK4. Not that its useful in any way. Its the same MK4 I mentioned earlier with the IMMO issue.

They have protection on their tunes, and quite frankly, there is not much to get from it anyways.
You can just make a better remap on your own.

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: vwaudiguy on December 17, 2011, 04:21:11 PM
^Gonzo tunez are the only ones worth learning from  ::)

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: Gonzo on December 17, 2011, 04:23:50 PM
^Gonzo tunez are the only ones worth learning from  ::)
No the only true way to learn is to experiment on your own. Trust me.
You want to learn? Head on over here:,1272.0.html

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: vwaudiguy on December 17, 2011, 06:46:58 PM
Oh, I totally agree. I basically just said that because there are a select few on here that always hint how horrible the tunes are from the big names. I wonder how they can be so bad that someone relatively new with limited resources (no dyno, big $$ for r and d) a lot less man-power, is expected to produce better results? I'm sure you have some thanks to offer the big guys to have gotten to the point you're at? I've had more than a few different off the shelf tunes and have generally been pretty happy with them over the last couple of years. If it's so easy why are there not more tuning companies out there? It seems the big companies are making a killing. I tune standalone engine management systems for a living from 4-5 different companies, so I'm well versed in the "art" of tuning. I actually tell people it is more a process than an art  I go through when tuning a car. Finding what each individual engine/setup likes as far as spark/fuel/boost is not a black art. It's trial and error..Less so when you get familiar with specific engines/setups. I'd have standalone on my dd if it weren't for mandatory emissions testing. It seems with motronic, it's 90% figuring out the internal architecture and what means what / what effects what, and 10% actual tuning. Once everything is decrypted then it comes down to tuning. I understand there are multiple ways to come to the same result with ME, but like they say it's not "magical". Would you say your tunes (gonzo) are better than the big names, and why?

Title: Re: Anyone have a hard time reading a flash with Revo installed?
Post by: Gonzo on December 17, 2011, 07:22:24 PM
Tuning IS an art. You can read as many books as you want, but like you said, its trial and error. If you don't fiddle with it you will never learn. It's like reading a book about drag racing. Just reading a book won't get you the skills necessary to get a good launch or time. There is nothing to decrypt. All the info is out there, the rest you can figure it out if you dedicate some time.

I'm not saying anything about big name tunes, except that some are very conservative, and some need some work on some things. There is a few really bad ones, but they are from lesser names and I'm not going there. Just because you have a dyno and a team of 30 'engineers' in the room doesn't mean anything. Its like this in everything. You really have to want it. I do this because I like it, not for the money. The money just sweetens the deal  ;)