
Technical => Cluster and Immobilizer => Topic started by: roadrunner4 on February 01, 2013, 06:29:17 PM

Title: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: roadrunner4 on February 01, 2013, 06:29:17 PM

I need to extract the PIN from instrument cluster of a used audi A8 1999 facelift car which has IMMO 3.  I can see from the site how to read the data to extract the PIN from the EPROM file taken from the ECU, but where do you read that data from the instrument cluster generated EPROM file and how do manipu :)late it to work out the PIN.

Great site by the way.


Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: ddillenger on February 01, 2013, 06:32:22 PM
Immo2 or immo3? I know you said 3, but AFAIK 99 should be immo2. Do you have the cluster dump?

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: roadrunner4 on February 01, 2013, 06:50:09 PM
The IMMO is in the cluster.  I understand that VCDS would give a different read out on the unit recognition lines once logged onto the immobiliser if it is IMMO 2 rather than IMMO 3.  I will try to log onto the undamaged replacement unit and look at the data under VCDS and repost the information as to IMMO 2 or IMMO 3.

I haven't pulled any data from either of the units yet.

I have downloaded your NefMoto software and have a dumb cable that I used to run VCDS lite on.  (I now have the Hex USB Can VCDS which will run adaptation once I have the PIN data)

It would certainly be easier if it is IMMO 2 rather than 3.

I would still be interested to learn how to read the cluster PIN from the EPROM download.

Thanks again


Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: keithwbloom on February 11, 2013, 06:08:38 PM
ECU guys and IMMO cluster guys need to have a summit. Cluster guys know where the IMMO data is kept, but according to Bentley service manual, the MY1999 A8 did not have IMMO. The MY2000 did, so it is possible yours came equipped because of rolling change on the production line. If it did, it will be an IMMO-3.

I believe the 5 digit pin is accessible from any IMMO equipped cluster using VAG Tacho. The 14-digit IMMO identification number is easily lifted from a bin dump of the cluster's EEPROM. What is missing that makes the whole ensemble work together when new parts are introduced is the SKC, a 7-digit, valid for one-day only number that will allow a tech to adapt a new or replacement ECU to an existing IMMO equipped cluster while retaining all of the IMMO protections.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: nyet on February 11, 2013, 06:10:45 PM
ECU guys and IMMO cluster guys need to have a summit

Hell yes. I have yet to find a version of vag-tacho that will find the PIN on my b5s4.... thankfully i don't have to worry about immo, but like i said, i am incompetent at even the basics.

Please help :)

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: ddillenger on February 11, 2013, 06:17:05 PM


Vag K+can is where it's at, and I've posted the NEWEST version that works without a proprietary interface. I can post it again if you like?

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: nyet on February 11, 2013, 06:20:28 PM
dd: thanks, i must have missed it... link me?

HRM. do we need an IMMO/Cluster area on this site?

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: ddillenger on February 11, 2013, 06:43:30 PM
Here you are. The last version of vag k+commander confirmed working with non-bundled cables. You don't have to do anything to the cable to make it work. No special drivers, no serial number changes, NOTHING. Just make sure when you connect to select K-line protocol, rather than CAN.

You will have to edit the tester.ini file with your cables VCP settings. I know you guys reading this now don't need an explanation, but for future readers, just right click on the TESTER.INI, and open it with NOTEPAD. Under the COM section, change KWP=to your cable's port number. Then run the program. Easy as pie.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: keithwbloom on February 11, 2013, 06:47:23 PM
dd: thanks, i must have missed it... link me?

HRM. do we need an IMMO/Cluster area on this site?

I know a few Brits who would love to dive into sharing knowledge on this. They know their cluster mods very well from adapting petrol clusters to their TDIs and moving all manner of adaptation around the MkIV clusters from VDO.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: gigabyte on February 14, 2013, 06:49:00 PM
Just wanted to say massive thanks to ddillenger I been trying to find a version to work with a dumb cable and this was perfect.
Managed to do MTE and illuminated dials on my cluster so thanks again

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: f1torrents on February 17, 2013, 03:10:54 PM
Im sure vag k commander is good. I havent tried it.
But I can say I love my VagTacho.

If I would only keep one cable it would be a tough call between my (REAL)VCDS and (REAL)VAGTACHO 5.0.
Id easily give up my (Clone)Galletto, (REAL)VAGDASHCAN

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: roadrunner4 on February 19, 2013, 02:01:46 PM

I am based in the UK and the audi A8 (facelift) from 1999 to 2001 appears to use immo 3.  On VCDS the engine and immobiliser controllers show two numbers, the VIN registration and the immobiliser number.

I still haven't been able to extract the PIN from the malfuctioning cluster.  The new cluster is recognised as a KOMBI INSTRUMENT VD0 D23 by VCDS but the old unit controller can't be opened by VCDS(its appears to have been damaged by a voltage spike).

I have considered using various software packages to look for the PIN or download the faulty cluster's EEPROM, but I am concerned about blocking the EEPROM and then be left with only the engine management unit to interrogate.  I  dont want to risk blocking the ECU EEPROM by looking for the PIN there.  The engine mangement is a Bosch Motronic 7.1.

As I can't find the information how to use the cluster dump to calculate the PIN I am going to go for a read of the old cluster EEPROM and rewrite this to the new cluster.

The car should then start without any need for key matching.  The other alternative is to desolder the EEPROM and refit it to the replacement cluster.  If the soldering isn't perfect this will probably lead to problems.  Not sure I should learn surface mounted component soldering on this project. 

I am going to use an auto locksmith with professional equipment to do a read and rewrite the EEPROM to the replacement cluster.  I will of course keep the bin file and see if the pin can be found, using VCDS to attempt log-ins of the calculated PIN.

Let you know how it goes

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: ddillenger on February 19, 2013, 03:39:20 PM
You can also desolder the small soic8 chip on the cluster and transplant it to the new one.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: cyril279 on February 21, 2013, 07:10:36 AM

I am based in the UK and the audi A8 (facelift) from 1999 to 2001 appears to use immo 3.  ...  As I can't find the information how to use the cluster dump to calculate the PIN I am going to go for a read of the old cluster EEPROM and rewrite this to the new cluster.

From the few immo III cluster dumps that I've seen (and been able to compare to matching 95040.bin),  I have noticed that the skc is paired three times consecutively, and this only seems to happen in one place in the file, somewhere near the vin/immo ID portion, but the actual hex-address, and even the information immediately around the data varies. But again, I only have two immo III cluster dumps to look at. I hope this helps.

there are other places where pairs repeat, but those either repeated more than three times, or less.

( (

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: roadrunner4 on February 26, 2013, 04:31:33 PM
Thanks for the info about the PIN position in the cluster code. May try and pull the new (used replacement item ) cluster pin from the cluster by downloading the EEPROM code now I know where to look.  I understand the bytes are reversed to calculate the PIN.   If the software I have (VAG can commander) won't read the pin directly, and then take the PIN from the engine ECU either by direct PIN read on VAG can commander or by calculation from the ECU EEPROM dump code as outlined elsewhere on the site.  (Couldn't connect to the old cluster by Vag can commander-K line- to obtain old pin from this - it appears to be that damaged).

Should then have enough information to match using VCDS.  If it doesn't work will resort back to the plan to use professional software and a well charged battery to reprogram the replacement cluster EEPROM.

Thanks again :)

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: roadrunner4 on March 03, 2013, 03:05:13 PM
Sent a wake-up (ie 'connect to instruments via K line' instruction') to the malfunctioning VDO cluster as a prequel to reading the EEPROM using VAG +K Commander and it did just that.  The cluster came back on line with the dials and driver information modules, along with time and mileage LCDs now becoming live.   The immobiliser light came on and went out as it should and the engine fired.  The vehicle had been off the road for months with the cluster always dead on reconnection and retrial on the car on several occassions, with the new potential replacement cluster coming 'live' ie all clocks and driver information lighting up if attached in the same way, but flashing a continuous 'immobiliser on' signal.

Thanks for all the advice.  If a VDO cluster appears knocked out by a voltage surge, leave it off the vehicle, take the battery off the car and fully charge it ( I in fact replaced the battery as it was not charging properly) and a week later (in my case several weeks) try then reattaching the cluster, make sure the battery is fully charged,  and send the 'wake up' signal (ie connect to instruments) by VAG +K Commander.  It may start working.


Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: alex71 on December 20, 2013, 07:07:18 AM
I have just joined your very good site.
I am a vehicle diagnostics and vw service specialist in west sussex uk (just dont get asked to do keys very often), i have gen vcds and a snapon verdict scanner which i have got the vcds installed on to save using another laptop. ive also just put vagcommander on my scanner and set the com ports etc without issue to either vcds cable's or the snapon scanners wireless obd connection.

I have just downloaded your very kindly posted link to vagcommander 2.5 and it works a treat with an old kkl blue lead i bought several years back. i have just coded some keys to a 53plate 9n polo.

Just wanted to say thank you and leave a note to say it works very well.

think i shall be reading this site later on today to se what other jems of info you guys have.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: digitalhippie on July 29, 2014, 08:50:26 PM
You can also desolder the small soic8 chip on the cluster and transplant it to the new one.

About to do a cluster swap and don't have the pin on the used cluster.  Very competent with soldering iron, and swapping chips sounds like an easier solution... do you have a picture of which chip you're talking about?

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: Deko on June 19, 2015, 01:55:42 PM
About to do a cluster swap and don't have the pin on the used cluster.  Very competent with soldering iron, and swapping chips sounds like an easier solution... do you have a picture of which chip you're talking about?

Bump, same here, am facing ICluster swap and am open to same suggestion... switching chip.
Have RS4 (b7) cluster that id want to put in A4 (b7)

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: aef on December 15, 2015, 12:17:38 PM
Does someone know if the Vag k+ can 2.5 is working with rs4 b5 ?

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: garciaona on April 22, 2016, 01:48:55 PM
Good post cyril279. I had a similar project and it work for me. I was able to finally find the location of the SKC on the clusters EEPROM. Thank I really appreciate it.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: mdewii23 on September 07, 2016, 10:51:18 AM
If I do a cluster dump and post it here can someone decode the pin? I'm just to handy with HEX.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: aef on September 07, 2016, 12:17:23 PM
sure, lets try

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: TAZ on October 04, 2016, 09:34:57 AM
Here you are. The last version of vag k+commander confirmed working with non-bundled cables. You don't have to do anything to the cable to make it work. No special drivers, no serial number changes, NOTHING. Just make sure when you connect to select K-line protocol, rather than CAN.

You will have to edit the tester.ini file with your cables VCP settings. I know you guys reading this now don't need an explanation, but for future readers, just right click on the TESTER.INI, and open it with NOTEPAD. Under the COM section, change KWP=to your cable's port number. Then run the program. Easy as pie.

Tried to download the attached software and get a warning that it contains a virus.  Is this really the case?  Seems to me that one of the 642 other people that have downloaded it would have made a bit of noise if it truly did.

Title: Re: Reading PIN from used instrument cluster EPROM data
Post by: kajfasz21 on June 13, 2024, 09:56:01 PM
sure, lets try
Can anyone try to get a pin from my file, please?