Title: Please help me get ECUx to work... Post by: ilyafil on February 18, 2013, 02:17:52 PM OK, I got the bootleg copy from socals4 website. I got it to work on my desktop by following the read me. But on the laptop, when I try to open the registration file I get an error. I followed directions to the T several times. Any help will be appreciated.
(http://i515.photobucket.com/albums/t356/mr_djsonic/Capture1-1.jpg) (http://i515.photobucket.com/albums/t356/mr_djsonic/Capture-2.jpg) P.S. I know you want to tell me to use the ME7 Logger, I have it and it works. I just want to get the ECUx to work. To me it's a bit more user friendly. TIA! :) Title: Re: Please help me get ECUx to work... Post by: ddillenger on February 18, 2013, 02:24:10 PM Sorry Fil, noones going to give you the answers you want. EcuX is just terrible. Have you tried the GUI for ME7L?
Title: Re: Please help me get ECUx to work... Post by: ilyafil on February 18, 2013, 02:57:33 PM Yeah, I have the setsi's (spelling?) logger and it works. I know everyone on here uses the GUI or Nefmoto. Just wanted to figure this out, because I did get it to work on the desktop. And I like the point and click ease of use.