Title: Logging OBD2 data and engine parameters via ES581.3 Post by: jaheem on April 03, 2013, 01:21:45 AM Is there any way through which I can log some parameters of any vehicle by using ES581.3 on the OBD2 port?
Title: Re: Logging OBD2 data and engine parameters via ES581.3 Post by: IamwhoIam on April 03, 2013, 03:26:34 AM There is but definitely not on any vehicle, as you need an A2L file for each vehicle you'll be logging. No A2L file that matches the ECU and file that's in that vehicle, no logging.
Title: Re: Logging OBD2 data and engine parameters via ES581.3 Post by: jaheem on April 16, 2013, 01:22:17 AM ya i know that.. we can log the data through inca if we have the a2l available. if it is not there then what do we do? Is there any way using the OBD communication port? I can see the data on the diagnostic tool screen but how to log that?
Title: Re: Logging OBD2 data and engine parameters via ES581.3 Post by: IamwhoIam on April 18, 2013, 04:41:56 PM No A2L, no data in INCA I'm afraid.