
Technical => Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: carlossus on January 26, 2011, 07:22:02 AM

Title: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: carlossus on January 26, 2011, 07:22:02 AM
I'm new to all this, so maybe this can help others like me.

Download the uVision Demo...

Download HxD Hex editor...

Load your ME7 BIN file in HxD then File>Export>32 Bit Intel HEX   (name & save  it appropriately)

Run uVision selecting C167xx as your target device (you can also change this later in Edit>Config)

Start the debugger Debug>Start/Stop Debug session.

In the disassemby window, right click and "Load Hex or Object File".

Browse to and select your Intel hex file and voila.

You can check the instruction set here

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: Tony@NefMoto on January 26, 2011, 07:13:40 PM
If you want to disassemble code, then IDA is the best tool to use.

If you want to simulate the ECU in uVision, then you need to emulate a lot of the external devices like flash, serial eeprom, etc before the simulated ECU will boot happily.

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: automan001 on October 17, 2012, 03:45:08 AM
ADIS16X from the Infineon site is also handy disassembler. It's good for small blocks of code. There is no need in compilers, linkers, etc to create some short function from scratch and add it into bin or to analyze some already integrated patch in big binary. Of course with help of hexeditor (for example Hexplorer). You can copy paste blocks of code bigger bin into smaller bin and then analyse/modify them and paste back.

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: Cloudforce on September 23, 2014, 12:01:59 PM
To get rid off filling out that formular, heres a direct link:

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: Khendal on December 18, 2016, 03:19:15 PM
If you want to disassemble code, then IDA is the best tool to use.

If you want to simulate the ECU in uVision, then you need to emulate a lot of the external devices like flash, serial eeprom, etc before the simulated ECU will boot happily.

Could you help me to disassembly my ecu with IDA? :)

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: dokalanyi on January 18, 2017, 04:46:11 AM
ADIS16X from the Infineon site is also handy disassembler. It's good for small blocks of code. There is no need in compilers, linkers, etc to create some short function from scratch and add it into bin or to analyze some already integrated patch in big binary. Of course with help of hexeditor (for example Hexplorer). You can copy paste blocks of code bigger bin into smaller bin and then analyse/modify them and paste back.

Is there a simple guide to disassemble hexcode using this? Or assemble assembly to hexcode? I've failed to figure it out. Just freezes when I load my bin.

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: dragon187 on August 26, 2017, 11:14:48 AM
Is there a simple guide to disassemble hexcode using this? Or assemble assembly to hexcode? I've failed to figure it out. Just freezes when I load my bin.

Need same to know.
How can I create hex file from code if I write for example in notepad++ ?

Title: Re: Useful way to Disassemble ME7 (C167) BIN files.
Post by: gt-innovation on August 26, 2017, 12:56:57 PM
You don`t need to write in notepad. Use the uvision editor..

Write your code in C then disassemble with ida to see how it works.