
Technical => Communication Protocols => Topic started by: andrew on May 28, 2013, 05:37:11 AM

Title: kw2089 clear dtc parameters
Post by: andrew on May 28, 2013, 05:37:11 AM

I am trying to perform clearing of DTC using my simple kw2000/2089 implementation,
my problem is that almost each Unit needs different syntax of clear DTC command (0x14),
different parameters, e.g.:

ECU needs:     14 ff 00,       first respond is 7f 14 78,      then 54 ff 00
ABS needs:     14 ff 0d,       first respond is 7f 14 78,      then 54 ff 00
AirBag needs: 14 f0 06,      first respond is 7f 14 78,      then 54 ff 00

From what and how choose Clear DTC parameters/syntax ?
(if I send to Unit other syntax it will respond with error..)
